Alternatively, if you want to get a teacher, check that there is one available and nearby. Older adults actually benefit from taking on more hobbies and extracurriculars to keep the brain active and stimulated, so picking up a new instrument is a perfect way to do just that. Our Mission It’s difficult to sound bad playing the harmonica because anything you play will be in key. Ok, so the harmonica is a pretty unique instrument. Inexpensive to buy and super fun to play, the ukulele is one of the easiest instruments to learn. The Easiest Instruments for Adults 1. The internet, and the fact most of us carry around smart devices, means that it is simple to learn in a way that suits you. Though a lot of people dream of playing, there are so many hurdles to overcome. Well, there are so many different ways to approach learning an instrument. This doesn’t tend to be a problem with uke, so if you have sensitive fingers then you might opt for this small, but effective instrument. If you’ve memorised where all of the numbers and letters are o… There are four main types of learning style. Playing harmonica might be ideal for you! I am over 50 and am constantly learning new instruments. You might be a visual learner, or you might learn more by doing. This guide can help you to establish which type of learner you are, and you can make a plan for the best instrument to learn at 50, and how you are going to approach it. A classical instrument – the piano, although it may seem difficult, can actually be an easy instrument to learn on when starting out. It’s really up to you. Exercising the brain by playing an instrument can help your memory. What are the specific instruments that can be best for people who are 50? But either instrument allows you to express yourself in beats, learning timing and rhythm. It’s a great choice for anyone who loves folk, blues or country music. The tabs can feel like an alien language, and getting your fingers used to moving around the fretboard can be a big challenge. You can be loud, relieve stress, and really just let loose and have some fun banging away. Like the piano, the guitar is a widely used and known instrument for beginners, even though chord progressions on this are more difficult to get the hang of. Courses, YouTube videos and books. Some songs sound amazing on uke, but some others might sound a little uninspiring. Most people can actually pick up chords from the uke in as little as a few weeks, so it also proves to be an instrument you can learn quickly, and possibly advance to another instrument from. Since it is very popular, there will be a lot of competition out there if you do decide to continue professionally. The nylon strings are easy on your hands, and while some instruments that have steel strings such as the guitar will give you calluses and can cause a fair amount of pain while your hands and fingers adjust. Contact In this guide, we’ve explored many of the best instrument options for learning at 50 years old, plus, the benefits of learning an instrument once you reach a later stage in your life. For a start, there are so many songs that you can learn on the piano. If you opt for an instrument like the hurdy-gurdy, you’re going to have a tough time learning for all sorts of reasons! So, which instruments should you consider learning, and what are some of the considerations behind the learning process? Want to learn the instrument you’ve always adored? Other than piano, the guitar is probably the most popular instrument out there, but is it the best instrument to learn at 50? You might not want to get lessons in person, so this means you can learn with online lessons. This is fine for a lot of instruments, and our piano lessons online are even designed to give you an interactive learning experience, but for more specialist instruments this is simply not an option. Affiliate Program If you’ve always wanted to play the violin or the drums, it might be a little more tricky to get to grips with the basics. We run down some of the options for 50-year-olds to consider. Though not as easy as the others here listed, there are simple ways you can learn. But don't let this fact dishearten you. In addition to the specific advantages of music therapy , here are 10 reasons why children benefit from learning to play an instrument.