Data mining isn’t defined by the tool you use. The use of data mining, especially data about people, has serious ethical implications. As hackers grow more sophisticated and breaches are now commonplace, eliminating any risks around handling personal data also helps a company’s ability to secure its data and fend off cyberattacks. Web mining refers to the whole of data mining and related techniques that are used to automatically discover and extract information from web documents and services. Discuss ethical issues associated with business data mining activities. Ethics are good for the soul. Companies collect and store a wealth of information about customers in their databases. While software tools can help with formal issues, ethics in data mining requires a more human touch. Just about everyone leaves a big enough data footprint worth mining. The main ethical issue in data mining is one of informed consent. The practice raises ethical issues for organizations that mine the data and privacy concerns for consumers. Credit and debit card transactions, ATM visits, Web site browsing and purchases -- even mobile phone use -- all generate data downloaded for analysis and customer profiling. 1.6 Data Mining and Ethics. Companies face an ethical dilemma when even deciding if the company should make a person aware his/her information is being stored for future data mining. More than ever, knowingly or unknowingly, consumers disseminate personal data in daily activities. Law enforcement is already using social media to watch, assess and sometimes arrest citizens. ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO DATA COLLECTION AND STORAGE (STUDY OBJECTIVE 11) There are many ethical issues related to the collection, storage, and protection of data in databases. In this section, the business perspective of ethical data mining will be discussed. Specifically, the social ethical, and legal implications of DM are examined through recent case law, current public opinion, and small industry-specific examples. This post dives into the ethical issues in eCommerce that you should be thinking about. The vast quantities of data available to companies provide the opportunity to develop new strategies and target their messages, products, and services. It is not comprehensive, instead, it emphasises ethical issues that are most germane to data curation and data sharing. This is a business investigation of Tesco by looking at ethical and also legal problems. Previously, issues from the customer perspective were discussed. These codes discuss many issues that potentially might arise in your research, as well as other issues associated with professional practice (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1997). Ethical Concerns of Data Mining. Police departments need a better, more ethical way of mining social media. Business managers are missing the real issue: the people who collect, store, manage and process our data are not being held to any ethical standards. “Given that this is a new, somewhat unchartered area, there is still a lot of leeway companies have in the methods they use — and perhaps lines they cross — when gathering data.” Provide an example of a company that faced negative consequences as a result of ethical issues resulting from the data mining strategies they employed. Business Ethics and Big Data, a new briefing from the Institute of Business Ethics, urges companies to articulate their own approach, maintaining a consistent alignment between values and behaviour. Describe legal issues associated with business data mining activities, including specific laws governing data mining practices. When used in a business contextand applied to some type of personal data, it helps companies to build detailed customer profiles, and gain marketing intelli-gence. Provide an example of a company that faced negative consequences as a result of ethical issues resulting from the data mining strategies it employed. 6. for others researchers to access this data Codes of Ethical Conduct/Practice _____ There are various ethical codes of conduct that regulate researchers’ behavior. (B) A thorough description of the data mining technology that is being used or will be used, including the basis for determining whether a particular pattern or anomaly is indicative of terrorist or criminal activity. data sharing: Ethical issues This a brief introduction to ethical issues arising in social research with big data. 6. Mining Social Media Data for Policing, the Ethical Way. On the Ethical and Legal Implications of Data Mining Kirsten Wahlstrom1, John F. Roddick2, ... An examination of the associated ethical issues is thus increasingly appropriate, if not overdue. Web mining does, however, pose a threat to some important ethical values like privacy and individuality. PRIVACY ETHICS AND DATA MINING Absolute pricvacy is not possible to achieve in the information age.Because, individuls disseminate data in their common daily activities such as web browsing , e-commerce and e-government dealings, e-mail and mobile phone communications , credit card and ATM transactions etc. Ethics made easy - comprehensive, simple to use, transparent and reliable ethical rankings.