Much has been written recently about the amount of time young people are spending in front of small screens. I’m passionate about helping all teachers reach every student so I write a lot about teaching, staying motivated, and how to connect with other teachers. Take back learning. Co-founder of #whatisschool, #asiaED edchats and #pubPD. Is it possible for kids to limit their social media time and spend it building face-to-face relationships? Let’s examine not how much time kids spend at school but how we use the time we have. A cartoon I love has a […] So the question is, does this positively or negatively impact student learning and how long should K-12 students be spending at school? However, educational researcher Harris Cooper asserts that each child should spend 10 to 20 minutes every night on homework in the first grade. 1  What the figure does not include is transportation time as well as before or after school activities. In China, students start school at the age of 6 and spend up to 9 hours a day in school plus after-school activities and tutoring. How much time should a student spend at school? Is it possible to limit the pressure put on kids to get too far into their college education while in high school? Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic. I started this blog in 2005 to learn how to blog and then teach my students how to blog too. However, if we’re not engaging their minds in learning while at school, I argue that school is less about schooling and now just a place where kids go to hang out. The most healthy solutions for learning are often in the middle ground where the wise minds meet and help achieve the balance and purpose this generation so desperately needs. I follow the Blogger's Code of Ethics and disclose all material relationships according to FCC guidelines. We’re also struggling with a generation so driven to grow up young that they’re missing on childhood and being denied the time to be childish sometimes. A cartoon I love has a […] Hi, my name is Vicki Davis, full-time teacher and IT Director at a small school in Albany, Georgia. Children often attend after-school tutoring which can go through until midnight in some cases. Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. How Much Time Are Kids Actually Spending on Homework? That means that if a student is in grade 1, they should spend 10 minutes on homework every night. There are the driven, hyper-focused students often with driven, hyper-focused parents who effectively never leave school. Many of the kids cannot put their phones down. Children require time with parents, pets, and play. Best teacher blog winner * Mom * Speaker * author * HOST 10-Minute Teacher Show * @Mashable Top Teacher on Twitter * top #edtech Twitterer. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It takes just moments for a child to lose connection with their face to face environment and escape into the cyber-addiction of their choice. Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 04/29/2011, Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/29/2012, Elearning and global competency #flatclass #globaled 05/12/2012, SEL and Physical Exercise – 8 weeks of Free Lessons, 5 Simple Ways to Improve Teacher Professional Development, 7 Ideas for Student Genius Hour and Passion Projects, 5 Ways to Teach Gratitude in your Classroom #creativitymatters, 5 Email Tips Everyone Should Know Before Forwarding Mail, How to Use Padlet: A Fantastic Tool for Teaching, How to Add Google Drive to Microsoft Word, 15 Ways to Make Google Classroom Better for Everyone, New Research on Student Engagement Best Practices, How to Engage Students in Zoom and Teach Effectively at a Distance, 4 Essential Factors for Student Engagement with Mariana Aguilar, 3 Ways to Activate Genius Mode & Creativity (Even at a Distance) with David Dubczak, 5 Ways to Be Kind Right Now with Houston Kraft, How to Improve Google Classroom & Remote Learning Experiences with Kasey Bell. Following up from the honor of being selected in Huffington Posts Top 12 Global Education Blogs of 2014-2017 I have been chosen again in this amazing group and for 2018 will be contributing to Huffington Post’s Education blog once a month. Engaging the will of this generation is challenging, but possible. And we need to realize that no school is a physical location – with electronic media – schooling can go with us. I have lots of amazing friends. Either scenario is alarming. These behaviors are signs of the obsessive nature of the beast in their pocket. In South Korea, students start school at the age of 6 and spend 7 hours a day in school. This could happen between classes, at lunch, or – dare I say it? “Student engagement” has been a top conference topic for nearly ten years now for a reason. The show is 5-days a week. A cartoon I love has a young boy being dropped off at school, and he yells to his mom, “You can make my body go to school, but my mind will be at home running through the sprinklers.”. My mission is to help you be a better teacher. 140 160 180 200 220 South Korea Japan Netherlands Shanghai* Ontario Singapore* New Zealand Germany* Hong Kong Finland** USA*** Estonia 175 180 190 190 190 190 193 194 200 194 210 220 The best education systems in the world require students to be in school between 175 and 220 days, or 35 to 45 weeks.