Some litters aren’t designed for septic systems, let alone the fact that many septic systems can’t break down certain materials like cat waste, no matter what litter you use. How to Properly Dispose of Cat Litter. Get a second litter box.

For those who pay for your garbage disposal by the pound, it might be worth looking into going with a more lightweight product. This not only avoids having to send it to the garbage dump but it can also be beneficial to your garden and save you money on buying fertilizer in the store. Always use rubber gloves when handling the litter tray or cleaning up accidents. It is important to worm all cats (indoors as well as outdoors) regularly. tests and analyzes every major cat litter brand and various cat litter accessories to determine what the best product is that meets your needs. How To Safely Dispose of Cat LitterIn this article I am going to explain some of the very best ways to dispose of cat litter. Fill the box with wood pellets. That said, even though the actual litter can be flushed away, the poop still gets into the main water system. However it only makes this based on the fact that all poop has been removed. It also helps to keep other cats away from the scent. health risks of cat litter on humans by clicking here. Picking the right litter for your cat can be overwhelming (your cat will let you know if they like their litter or not based on how reliably they use it and how much they dig in it). Litter boxes should be scooped at least once a day. One of our readers told us that she takes her garbage to the dump to save some money. Instead, it will simply collect at the bottom of your pile. Some biodegradable litters, though, purport to be flushable on the packaging. Do not use on vegetable gardens. Some sources like these biodegradable options because, since they are biodegradable, they can be composted.

What goes in, must come out. Remove solids from litter trays twice a day and completely empty. Some natural litters can be used for composting as long as the poop has been removed. There are multiple green and eco-friendly ways to dispose of cat litter, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Avoid composting due to the risk of contamination with t. gondii as well as parasitic worms which can survive for extended periods in the environment. 3. If you are not sure how often to clean out a cat litter, then check out my detailed article on how often a cat litter should be changed. Cleaning litter trays is one of the less enjoyable aspects of sharing a home with a cat, but a necessary one. If you’re still interested in taking this route, contact a local composting expert. Do not use on vegetable gardens. These are very good at absorbing moisture and pretty good at controlling smells and odors. Once all the boxes in your house are scooped, tie off the garbage bag in a knot. Steve is a content creator with an unhealthy cat obsession.

That then goes into the normal bin for the general disposal of waste.Many cat owners use two bags. If you must contain the waste in a bag before you add it to your trash bin, opt to use a brown paper bag. Never mix disinfectants, due to the risk of a chemical reaction which can be toxic when inhaled. This is problematic for the environment because the fewer naturally derived ingredients a substance has, the less it will break down. Do Not Flush Cat Litter. Step 2. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. That is in my opinion to ignore the fact that it has been soaked by urine. You can add the cat litter to your compost heap, or put it in your garden as it is biodegradable. That equates to around $0.30 per bag. You can also use sawdust or sand as kitty litter. Infection in immunocompetent people is usually subclinical, however, it can form cysts within various body tissues including the brain and has been linked to a number of psychiatric disorders. Cat waste can contain the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which can cause the disease toxoplasmosis in humans. They include litters made from wood shavings, recycled newspaper, shredded newspapers, and other plant like materials. For starters, cat waste can clog your pipes, contaminate drinking water, and hurt ecosystems. Cats also like clay litters, and they will remain being the number one choice, unless something better comes along. If you are particularly clumsy, it might also be smarter to simply use your cat litter scoop to transfer the litter. Yes that is possible and some cat owners will dig a hole in their garden and deposit old cat litter there. Then there is also the routine of replacing and changing out all of the cat litter.Depending on the litter type, the regular full replacement of litter can either be a 1 week, a 2 week or a monthly task.

However these parasites often found in cat waste cannot be killed during this waste plant treatment. Ignoring any added weight that the cat litter might have after being used, that means that the cost of completely disposing of the wheat cat litter is 12 pounds * $0.25 = $3. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}), Julia Wilson is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care.