A girl with this middle name is sexy, kind, and a little dangerous. Lila is lovely!I was thinking a one syllable name like Jane or Grace but some of Papers three syllable names are lovely - Josephine, Rebecca, Florence are all great. For the fastest help on, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. I'm not sure Lila … Here are some names for you to consider; Ava Rose and Lila Violet. Her names Lila Mai. (Jo is my mother's middle name.) Our last name is short, only 4 letters. Please flag if you think our product match is incorrect. Rose sounds nice with Lila.I think Isabel sounds ok.You do not often pronounce the whole full name as one, more written, so I dont think you need to worry about it too much!

DH likes Lila Alexandra, but I have some trouble saying it, because of all of the "L"s. I don't know why, it just doesn't flow easily for me.

It's a name on our list if this baby is a girl. Also a middle name starting with C would give you a "lilac" sound. Lila Marie, Lila Breanne, Lila Jade, Lila Faith, Lila Elaine, Lila Gail, Lila Jane, Lila Kate, Lila Nicole, Lila Michelle, Lila Danielle, Lila Diane. Community O P Share your tips for making learning fun for your children with VTech - £100 voucher to be won, How do you relax when you have 10 minutes to spare?

I'm just curious if there is anything a little less common. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! I was thinking Lila Florence was nice too prudaloo. Middle name for first name Lyla? With so many choices, selecting the right middle name, one that complements her name, can be quite cumbersome. You can sign in to vote the answer. Privacy Notice prob one syllable would be best? Our last name is Maddeux (mad-dox). pronounced Lie-lah? Liberty; This middle name for a girl is perfect for a kind-hearted person. I think you can go better. That's urgh to Rose, not Lila BTW.

What do people think of the middle name Wren (Lilah Wren)? The most obvious one I can think of that's popular at the moment is Grace though I know that's not the most original of middle names at the mo. Ava Rose and Lila Iris. We have decided on Lila for our baby girl. P.S The middle name weve chosen for the other name weve chosen is Winter. Need help find the right name for your newborn? Pregnancy Week By Week

My Delilah is Delilah Rose too . I love Lola! I have (almost) convinced DP on Lila if we have a girl but am struggling with middle names.

Leah; This middle name is short, sweet, and gets all the points for cuteness.

To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. As far as middle names go, I think that since Lila and Cara both end in an A, that it would be best to have middle names that doesn't begin with a vowel, because those names probably won't flow as well. I love the name but just cant seem to find a middle name I love as much to go with it. Suggestions: Lilah Alexandra was the first that came to mind, http://s1152.photobucket.com/albums/p491/hj8611/?action=view. But if you would really like to honor her, then use it! I’m having a baby in 25 days and need help choosing a middle name. If you feel you need medical advice, please consult your family doctor, obstetrician, or pediatrician to ensure you are getting the best possible medical advice for you and your family. Also love Aurora but not sure Lila Aurora flows well. they are names that can grow old with them xx.

i like lila aileen as well maybe havin Lila rose and Ave Marie. U V Lila to me is lil-a but when I see Lilah I think it could be pronounced either lie-la or lil-a. My little girl is called Lyla we love it! Share with Nintendo - £100 voucher to be won, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox.

Kate Moss has a daughter called Lila Grace. I'm not sure Lila Aileen flows. but Skye works well too.

His surname is Short so we had to be careful when choosing names so they didn't cop jokes their whole lives (I love love love Penny for a girl but she would forever get "Ohhh you're a penny short!") We have decided on Lila for our baby girl.

Preferably a one syllable middle name. A Middle Name for Lila! I love the name but just cant seem to find a middle name I love as much to go with it. Lila GraceLila FlorenceThe thing is to avoid names starting with a vowel, really! Need help find the right name for your newborn? BabyCenter aims to share products and services we hope you’ll find interesting and helpful. Even though they're both beautiful. Not a fan of Rose, May or Grace type middle names.

The first name is Lila, last name is Sandoval.

Lila EveLila KateLila FrancescaLila Grace is quite popular due to the kate Moss link I think. Editorial But June is great too. Agree with you, I think a longer middle nameLila ElizabethLila EvangelineLila EmmelineLila ConstanceLila Madeline. Total Votes: 56 I'm kinda vibing on Lila Janine which would honor my mother in law?

It's REALLY important that it flows well, and we want something unique, because our other daughter's name is Abigail Grace, which is popular now. Ava Rose and Lila Sage. It's my mom's middle name but she hates it actually! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. So, we decide to give you a hand. Have fun choosing! Lila Anne: 51.7857142857% .

Florence isn't three syllables... .

My moms name is Ann Marie and my middle name is Ann. Every baby has Mae right now! I'm not big on months as names although seasons I like.Lila Summer or Lila Autumn also have nice rings but any suggestions for similar middle names that aren't times of the.year!Also Lila or Lilah? Here are some names for you to consider; I'm not sure Lila Aileen flows. Pa. judge grants Trump campaign's observation request, Live: Biden moves closer to reaching 270 votes, Pennsylvania AG on Trump lawsuit: 'We'll win again', Black men drifted from Dems to Trump in record numbers, Trump campaign unleashes wave of suits in key states, Fox News hosts question network's Ariz. call for Biden, Coach cracks down on Tate's 'selfish behavior', Giants trainer may have saved this player's wife's life, ESPN announces 300 layoffs, citing 'disruption' amid virus, California's Prop.

Lila Grace sounds nice but a very common middle name. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. ?any help would be fantastic? We are thinking Lila Grace but I'm not sure.

Do you have any family names you would like to honor? To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. I'm revisiting my name lists and I'm really liking Lila but i dont have a middle name paired for it.I like Lila June which is surprising because i dont like the name June usually. Try our baby name generator. It is kind of a tongue twister, if you say it out loud. Mine, my aunt, and my grandma's middle names are Jean. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Ava Rose and Lila Holly. Get expert guidance from the world's #1 pregnancy and parenting resource, delivered via email, our apps, and website. I agree about the consonant now that I think about it! Baby Names, About Baby Corner But I don't think it works with two vowels together.

Please suggest NICE middle names. My husband is Irish, and it was his mom's name. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Lila Avril (L.A.), .. How popular is Lila?

Lila MayLila ClareLila OliveLila LouiseLila Beth. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry!

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Grace and Mae are lovely, dont get me wrong! Lila to me is lil-a but when I see Lilah I think it could be pronounced either lie-la or lil-a. I'm still peeved that he wouldn't allow Serena in any way for DD. Our last name is three syllables so trying to keep the name short. Lila _____ Maddeux ??? Madeleine would be lovely.

We are certainly going to use the first name Lila if we have a girl...but we're having such a hard time finding the right middle name! Skye - i worry it may be a bit chavvy Snow Raine/Rain Blossom Bluebell Any other suggestions are so welcome. Something simple like Lila Grace. I listed about 400 every day for both kids and he was negative about almost all of them. I'm not big on months as names although seasons I like.

Share your tips for making learning fun for your children with VTech - £100 voucher to be won, How do you relax when you have 10 minutes to spare? How do you think about the answers? or. What's the mother-in-law's middle name? Don't like the sound of Lila Aileen. I've a Lola and the only middle name I could come up with was grace. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Hi Ladies. We've chosen to bring 2 girl names into the delivery room and one of these is Lila. I quite like longer middle names with shortish first names so something like Lila Elizabeth though I'm not sure that would fit in with the other names you've chosen. Lila is my husband's grandmother's name, so having a middle name percieved as "grandma" sounding is just too much. W X Lila Persephone. Find out with our due date I wanted to match a long middle name with Lila since it is so short. My moms name is Ann Marie and my middle name is Ann. Terms of Use That is why I'm surprised I liked June because June and Mae are becoming very overly used as well.   AdChoices, All information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used to treat or diagnose any medical or non-medical condition. DH likes Lila Alexandra, but I have some trouble saying it, because of all of the "L"s. I don't know why, it just doesn't flow easily for me. I dont mind more adventurous or frilly names - which gets my choices criticized a lot by to each their own! Also I like the Lie- la pronunciation.

Lila Grace sounds nice but a very common middle name. Thanks! What do you think of the name Gran Casa for a boy? Lila Rose or May. He likes Amelia and Isabel which are both nice names, but I think they sound a bit odd with Lila - the way the names would run together you would pronounce an 'r' sound between them if you see what I mean?Or are they fine really and I am overthinking this?I really want DP to pick the middle name as I have sort of pushed him into choosing Lila for the first name! What are good names for all girl triplets ? I J We've chosen to bring 2 girl names into the delivery room and one of these is Lila. Clearly our taste is exceptional! Our last name is Maddeux (mad-dox). What are 5 names of the Mexican and Chicanx murals?