Face : Most of the people I see here have oval shaped faces. I believe in the Filipino Spirit, the pride of being Pinoy, the fierceness of our race and the beauty of our women. ... in the Philippines.. it really help just like to us student to know and appreciate our own way of living and the unique characteristics of the Filipino people as well as … Men perform heavy physical tasks, while women work as clerks and teachers and in health care. Chinese and Japanese have single eyelids. There are a lot of traits that can hint to American Indian ancestry. The top characteristics of filipino women that every man should know Posted on November 18, 2016 April 1, 2017 Author Michael Leave a comment It is no doubt that Filipino women are among the more popular choice for men all around the world. Philippines - Philippines - Cultural life: Philippine society is a unique blend of diversity and homogeneity. Some have double eyelids, others have single eyelids. Denigration of the Filipino body (regarding white physical characteristics as more attractive, advantageous, and desirable than typical Filipino physical traits such as … the people there look like Indians -- aquiline nose, brown skin, round, deep set eyes, but they speak Tagalog like native Tagalogs, Indians intermarried with Filipinos. It depends on the person as well, expect chubby people … The outward appearance of a person i.e his height , color , size. I had almondish- shaped eyes, and extremely dark hair and extremely dark eyes. Filipino culture and values shine. Here are 11 things you should know about Filipino culture that sets them apart from any other nation on the planet. Physical Traits . Although geographically part of Southeast Asia, the country is culturally strongly Euro-American. The people of The Philippines can stand tall and be proud of their culture and values. Koreans usually have round/square face, light skin, small nose, small eyes, tall stature, and bulky body. It is an exciting time of rapid growth and relative prosperity for the people of The Philippines. A young Filipino graduate can live relative well on a $300 Monthly salary – as we explore in this article. In later years we have been colonized by three more Countries, Namely Spain, which colonized us for more than 400 years, Japan and the Americans. Filipinos are very resilient In times of calamities and catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge. This is generally done so as a sign of affection, friendship or if they are shy and would like someone to accompany them. When I was little, a lot of people that I looked oriental. I eat adobo, bagoong, nilaga, sinigang, bulalo, and all Filipino food you can think of except Durian (to the guys who like Durian, I did try but this is the part where I believe in "acquired tastes"). Physical Characteristics of a FIlipino Eyes: Most have almond shaped eyes, not really slanted. I was shocked to find out all of the traits that run in my family to indicate Native American ancestry. features etc , or phenotype is called physical appearance What is the physical appearance of a masai warrior? But on the other side, we also have several positive traits that make us one of the most admirable people on Earth. There may be negative traits that are common to many Filipinos, such as crab mentality (envy and insecurity), mañana habit (procrastination) and tardiness, that are hindering our country’s progress and human development index. Physical Contact: Among relatives or friends of the same gender, it is common for Filipinos to walk hand in hand or arm in arm.