But, if you had to write "for Yoga of Knowledge", how will you insert "for"? So, the idea is "fifty minus one=49". 42      Forty Two                                     ૪૨      બેતાલીસ     betālīs The numbers are in their crude form (prātipadika). English-Home |  Sitemap |  About us |  Purpose |  Support, Cardinals are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. # Sanskrit numbers 1 to 1000 in words ( PDF ) # one to hundred in Sanskrit Numbers in Hindi 1 to 100- हिंदी गिनती ध्यान दें – प्रिय दर्शकों Numbers in Sanskrit 1 to 100 ( Article ) आपको अच्छा लगा तो जरूर शेयर करे । Fourth column: Transliteration of the previous names. 88      Eighty Eight                                       ૮૮     ઈઠ્યાસી         īṭhyāsī "Sapta" and not "saptan" is the special form to be used in compounds. Numbers is composed of 2 web pages: "Numbers: Sanskrit Numbers (Cardinals)" and "Numbers: Sanskrit Numbers (Ordinals)". "Jñāna" word remains the same. When you build a compound, you generally decline the last word, not the rest. 64      Sixty Four                                       ૬૪        ચોસઠ        chosaṭh This is a first approach to the study of the Sanskrit Numbers. ; and Ordinals are: 1, This page uses the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST). There are five columns. The Original Sanskrit all numbers PDF free download with one click below button. Remember that there are two kind of Numbers: Cardinals and Ordinals. You have learnt how to write Cardinals. This is Gabriel Pradīpaka. 45      Forty Five                                      ૪૫     પિસ્તાલીસ    pistālīs 26      Twenty Six                                 ૨૬      છવીસ     chhavīs "Ṣaṣṭi" means "sixty". For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address. "Śata" means "one hundred". The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". 3       Three                                      ૩       ત્રણ           tra 84      Eighty Four                                        ૮૪     ચોર્યાસી         choryāsī "Ṣaṭ(ḍ)" and not "ṣaṣ" is the special form to be used generally in compounds. We will not study Declension for the time being. 90      Ninety                                               ૯૦     નેવું              nevun̄, 91      Ninety One                                         ૯૧     એકાણું           ekāṇun̄ 10     Ten                                         ૧૦     દસ         dasa, 11      Eleven                                    ૧૧      અગિયાર    agiyār You should practice for a long time in order to fully understand the numbers. 40      Forty                                           ૪૦     ચાલીસ       chālīs, 41      Forty One                                     ૪૧      એકતાલીસ   ēkatālīs For example, if you have to translate "Yoga of Knowledge" into Sanskrit, you would write firstly: "Jñāna" is knowledge, and "yoga" is Yoga (union or uniting). On "Numbers: Appendix 1 --Sanskrit Numbers-- (Examples)" you will have a chance to practice even more. Log in. 63      Sixty Three                                      ૬૩        ત્રેસઠ         tresaṭh 37      Thirty Seven                                  ૩૭     સડત્રીસ     saḍatrīs Required fields are marked *. 1 million                                                        ૧૦,૦૦,૦૦૦  દસ લાખ sas lākh 65      Sixty Five                                        ૬૫        પાંસઠ        pān̄saṭh "Eka" is not transformed into "ekā" as previously in "ekādaśan" (eleven). The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". 28      Twenty Eight                              ૨૮      અઠ્ઠાવીસ  aṭhṭhāvīs 20      Twenty                                     ૨૦     વીસ        vīs, 21      Twenty one                                ૨૧      એકવીસ   ēkavīs 79      Seventy Nine                                      ૭૯      ઓગણાએંસી   ogaṇāen̄sī The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". However, if you wish to express the following: "of Yoga, of Sanskrit, of God, of the Guru", you will have to transform (inflect) the final part of Yoga, Saṁskṛta, Deva and Guru words this way: Yogasya, Saṁskṛtasya, Devasya, Guroḥ/unaḥ. There are exceptions, of course. So, the idea is "twenty minus one=19". The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". Declension, in a word, consists in transforming the end of a noun, substantive or adjective in order to show different cases (Nominative, Accusative, ...). Ask your question. 6       Six                                         ૬        છ            chha 76      Seventy Six                                       ૭૬       છોતેર         chhoter "Pañcāśat" means "fifty". 56      Fifty Six                                         ૫૬       છપ્પન        chhappan 68      Sixty Eight                                       ૬૮       અડસઠ      aḍasaṭh 15      Fifteen                                    ૧૫      પંદર        paṃdar Let us keep learning Sanskrit Numbers. It is just an example. "Eka" is not transformed into "ekā" as previously in "ekādaśan" (eleven), "Dvi" (two) is transformed into "dvā" when added to "viṁśati" (twenty), "Tri" (three) is firstly transformed into "trayaḥ", and then into "trayo", "Ṣaṭ(ḍ)" and not "ṣaṣ" is the special form to be used generally in compounds. Learn to count numbers in Sanskrit from 1-100 and download a free PDF of Sanskrit numbers in English. Your email address will not be published. The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". "Navati" means "ninety". Let us start studying the numbers themselves right now. ; and Ordinals are: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. "eka" (one) is transformed into "ekā" when added to "daśan" (ten). The next declension is in "trayaḥ", which changes into "trayo" due to a Sandhi or Combination rule that we will study on another document later. Third column: Names of the Cardinals. You should practice for a long time in order to fully understand the numbers. So, the idea is "eighty minus one=79". You will have only to decline or transform the final part of "yoga" word. It is enough for the time being. So, the idea is "ninety minus one=89". 67      Sixty Seven                                      ૬૭       સડસઠ       saḍasaṭh "Pañca" and not "pañcan" is to be used in compounds. Second column: Usual numbers (ours). No comments included on the Table. For example: "Yoga, Saṁskṛta, Deva, Guru" (Yoga or union, Sanskrit, God, Guru) are prātipadika-s because there is no Declension applied to them. 98      Ninety Eight                                        ૯૮     અઠ્ઠાણું          aṭhṭhāṇun̄ Fifth column: Comments. Get here Counting in Sanskrit from 1 to 100 along with Hindi Counting. 53      Fifty Three                                      ૫૩      ત્રેપન          trepan 69      Sixty Nine                                        ૬૯       અગણોસિત્તેર agaṇositter 18      Eighteen                                  ૧૮      અઢાર     aḑhār "Eka" + "aśīti" = "ekāśiti". 95      Ninety Five                                         ૯૫     પંચાણું          pan̄chāṇun̄ And now, go to Numbers: Sanskrit Numbers (Ordinals) and keep studying. Copyright © 1999-2020 Gabriel Pradīpaka - All rights reserved. 89      Eighty Nine                                        ૮૯     નેવ્યાસી         nevyāsī Cardinals are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. 70      Seventy                                           ૭૦       સિત્તેર         sitter, 71      Seventy One                                     ૭૧       એકોતેર       ekoter 8       Eight                                      ૮        આઠ         āṭh 59      Fifty Nine                                        ૫૯       ઓગણસાઠ  ogaṇasāṭh 23      Twenty Three                             ૨૩      તેવીસ     tēvīs Another chance to enrich our Sanskrit knowledge. 93      Ninety Two                                         ૯૩     ત્રાણું             trāṇun̄ In turn, if you want to form a compound, simply join the two words together: In this case, "tri" (three) remains prātipadika or crude form, and declension is only applied to the last word of the compound (dvipāḥ=elephants). 34      Thirty Three                                 ૩૪     ચોત્રીસ      chōtrīs No declensions being applied to them. 92      Ninety Two                                         ૯૨     બાણું             bāṇun̄ "Eka" (one) is not transformed into "ekā" as previously in "ekādaśan" (eleven), "Dvi" (two) is transformed into "dvā" when added to "triṁśat" (thirty), "Tri" (three) is firstly transformed into "trayaḥ", and then into "trayas". 27      Twenty Seven                             ૨૭      સત્તાવીસ  sattāvīs First column: Sanskrit numbers. The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". 87      Eighty Seven                                      ૮૭      સિત્યાસી        sityāsī Nevertheless, do not worry friend. 9       Nine                                       ૯        નવ         nav 52      Fifty Two                                        ૫૨      બાવન         bāvan 13      Thirteen                                  ૧૩      તેર          tēr 39      Thirty Nine                                   ૩૯      ઓગણચાલીસ  ōgaṇachālīs On "Numbers: Appendix 1 --Sanskrit Numbers-- (Examples)" you will have a chance to practice even more. 17      Seventeen                                ૧૭       સત્તર      sattar 14      Fourteen                                 ૧૪      ચૌદ         chaud "dvi" (two) is transformed into "dvā" when added to "daśan" (ten), "trí" (three) is firstly transformed into "trayaḥ", and then into "trayo", "Pañca" and not "pañcan" is to be used in compounds, "Ṣaṣ" becomes "ṣo" and "d" in "daśan" is turned into "ḍ", "Sapta" and not "saptan" is the special form to be used in compounds, "Aṣṭa", the special form of "aṣṭan" (eight), which is used in compounds, is changed into "aṣṭā". 78      Seventy Eight                                     ૭૮      ઇઠ્યોતેર       iṭhyoter 54      Fifty Four                                       ૫૪      ચોપન         chopan Find an answer to your question 1 to 50 counting in sanskrit 1. 25      Twenty Five                                ૨૫      પચ્ચીસ   pachchīs Ask questions, doubts, problems and we will help you. The words "ekona = eka + ūna"; "ūna" and "ekānna = ekān + na" mean "minus one". So, the idea is "seventy minus one=69". 1 to 50 counting in sanskrit. Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part I, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part II, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part III, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part IV, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part V, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part VI, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part VII, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part VIII, Origin of the Indo-European languages: Part IX, Trika: The Six Courses - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, Tattvic Chart - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, Tattva-s & Sanskrit - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, Śivasūtravimarśinī (Shiva Sutra Vimarshini), Śivasūtravimarśinī-hṛdaya (Shiva Sutra Vimarshini Hrdaya), Śrīmadbhāgavatapurāṇa (Srimad Bhagavata Purana), Pātañjalayogasūtra-s (Patanjali Yoga Sutras), Haṭhayogapradīpikā (Hatha Yoga Pradipika), Jyotsnā (Jyotsna) - Haṭhayogapradīpikā (Hatha Yoga Pradipika), Śivamahimnaḥ stotram (Shiva Mahimna Stotram), Scriptures translated and composed by Gabriel Pradīpaka, Download and install the indispensable font(s), Go to Numbers: Sanskrit Numbers (Ordinals), Final "r" is sometimes changed into "s", "ś" or "ḥ" according to definite Sandhi or Combination rules, "Pañca" is the special form to be used in compounds (in short, "n" is dropped), "Ṣaṭ(ḍ)" is the special form to be used in compounds, "Sapta" is the special form to be used in compounds, "Aṣṭa" is the special form to be used in compounds, "Nava" is the special form to be used in compounds, "Daśa" is the special form to be used in compounds.