silvergirl, Submitted by Debi Ely on May 1, 2019 - 2:55pm. i planted in the back yard and it was growing so pretty. Submitted by Nat on May 13, 2018 - 3:47pm. We have no way of knowing, given the variations of purple different azaleas might display. It's a dwarf variety a European gardener planted in our yard decades ago! In very general terms, azalea flowers usually have 5 stamens, while rhododendrons usually have 10 or more stamens. Provide well-drained, humus-rich soil that is slightly acidic (pH 4.5–6). To keep azaleas looking healthy, it is essential that you choose an appropriate planting location and practice proper azalea care. Tell the vendor of its condition and your disappointment. It’s impossible to know at this time how/if it will make it through the winter to bloom again in spring. Thank you! Are there any azaleas that grow about 4' tall and can survive in a shady wind-protected area? After planting the blooms withered and fell off but the greenery is doing fine. Azaleas typically bloom early in the growing season, lavishing landscapes with copious mounds of white, pink, salmon, and lavender flowers. Per above, make sure you, Submitted by tammy branick on October 30, 2018 - 1:37pm. planted them they were doing well now it looks like the leaves are turning red or purple. Submitted by Eva Patton on April 24, 2019 - 3:20pm. To avoid cutting off next year’s flower buds, do major pruning of azaleas soon after they bloom. Raising Rhododendrons and Azaleas from Seed ... imagining what the blooms will look like and wondering where I will put those plants in years to come. I have azaleas in my back yard that blooms after the ones in spring,they are in full bloom now, and have two different colors of flowers on them. They were green and full of leaves all year long. An alternative source of information is the online azalea discussion forum (see the Ask Us page). I have been reading and it seems that I may have planted my azaleas slightly incorrectly. Thanks. It sounds like your azaleas had something called sooty mold, which tends to grow on the sugary residue (a.k.a. Then put the plant in a cool, dark place. One of many of the azalea bushes in my backyard now blooming. The older one had been doing well until this year when the leaves developed rust spots and holes. Pour the water and pulp off the top of the bowl. Azaleas do not like “wet feet”. The seed pods are plainly visible soon after the flowers drop, and become larger over the summer, eventually turning dark brown, splitting open, and dropping the seed on the ground. Proper Azalea Care. Compare the half-inch blossom on R. serpyllifolium with the 4 to 5 inch blooms on ‘Higasa’. This is particularly important with heavy clay soil. Honestly, our best advice is to contact the source. Good drainage is most easily provided by planting azaleas with the tops of their root balls a few inches above ground level and mounding the soil up to the plants. If it’s a nursery, the folks there may be able to tell you. It also wouldn’t hurt to do a manual sweep of the plants once a week or so, just to check for (and squish) any invaders. It sounds like your azaleas had something called sooty mold, which tends to grow on the sugary residue (a.k.a. What caused it? They may also suggest sources of unusual varieties. i bought 6' azalea bush from the flower shop in Yorktown, Va back 2016 it was pink. There also might be a slight whitetish appearing color on the leaves. Azaleas belong to the genus Rhododendron. The condition spread to the other two bushes. The new one is beginning to look like the older one. I didn't score the roots, although they weren't root bounds. Plants with Interesting Seed Pods. I just received an azalea plant from our daughter and family for Christmas and it appears to be dying. Hybrids are crosses between other species or hybrids, and may be faithfully reproduced only from cuttings, which are clones of the mother plant. Mature rhododendrons are best spaced 6 to 10 feet apart, so a few pots of seedlings can easily plant an acre of land. Two years ago, we bought three 5-gallon Azaleas (non-deciduous) and planted them in the from of our house using Raised Potting Soil containing lots of wood material and covered the surface with Gromulch. The different varieties of azaleas are classified as being species or hybrids. The leaves eventually fell off, leaving bear branches exposed. What mold/fungus infected them? The pink-flowering ‘Sweet September’ is an exceptionally late bloomer. Azaleas actually look the most attractive when they are planted alone; however, mass plantings work well in larger areas, such as wooded sites. Azaleas have been hybridized for hundreds of years, and almost 10,000 different varieties have been named, although far fewer are in the trade. Ok, I am growing both azalea and rhododendron from seed. Azalea leaves have hairs parallel to the leaf surface, usually along the midrib on the underside of the leaf, and tend to be thinner, softer and more pointed than rhododendron leaves. 40+ kinds from $3.65 Azaleas Australian Plants Online JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Is there something I should add to brighten the color of the bloom? I had to move before I could get any cuttings from it and haven't been able to find another one or anything close . Any ideas? Azaleas do not like “wet feet”. i mulched it . The best time to plant azaleas is in late spring or early fall. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Good drainage is most easily provided by planting azaleas with the tops of their root balls a few inches above ground level and mounding the soil up to the plants. I have watered it just a little. You will find them to be quite friendly and generous in sharing information–sometimes even plant material. I planted two azaleas last spring and they seemed to have been doing well. The pests leave behind a sweet secretion as they feed on the azalea leaves, which is the perfect substance for sooty mold to grow on. There are many different bloom types, ranging from “single” flowers with five (rarely six) petals, to “hose-in-hose” flowers with 10 to 12 petals, to “double” flowers with a variable number of petals, to “double hose-in-hose” flowers with thirty or more petals (‘Balsaminiflorum’). Provide well-drained, humus-rich soil that is slightly acidic (pH 4.5–6). Mix 1 Tbsp dish soap (NOT dishwasher detergent) in 1 gallon of water and spray it on infected leaves; this will kill the pests. Bloom sizes vary greatly on different varieties of azaleas. Neem oil is effective on the mold-causing pests—follow the instructions on the packaging to know when to apply it again. BONUS: You’ll also receive our Almanac Companion newsletter! Slightly acid soil (pH 5.5-6) is best and is usually found under oak, pine and holly trees. So we have changed the name so your order can go through, but we haven't changed the product. However, you can remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches at any time. The rhododendron are hybrids.