You can work your way up to college professor in your civilian life, while also living a double life as a Ranger-qualified airborne infantryman. The National Guard is a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces.
Many know about deployments to Afghanistan or Iraq, but National Guard soldiers also deploy to places like Europe, where they are allowed to be tourists from time to time. Who does it answer to? If it turns out that military service isn’t for you, don’t worry! Your annual training could be in another state or even another country. Sure, infantry doesn’t have much civilian use, but mechanic, medic, or telecommunications jobs definitely do. Because it’s not just the way I carry myself in uniform — because being National Guard is part time — it’s how I am as a civilian. 2nd Lt. Amanda Morgan: I think that the benefits and everything that the National Guard had to offer was exactly in line what I wanted to do while I was in college, so it definitely worked out. 2nd Lt. Amanda Morgan: The best thing that I’ve gotten out of my experience with the National Guard and the Military in general is just the discipline and the responsibility that I’ve learned from it. Some if these are a little far fetched. Your email address will not be published. Have you thought about joining the military but aren’t ready for the complete lifestyle change? Explore the 2018 issue of Foundations of Readiness, the Journal of the Army National Guard Installations and Environment (ARNG I&E) directorate. Each state, most territories and the District of Columbia has its own National Guard, as provided for by the Constitution of the United States. The Army National Guard will pay you while training you in a skill you can use in the civilian economy. Add qualities like dedication and responsibility to this training, and you have a compelling mix of traits that future employers might look for. However, you will get to travel for basic training and advanced individual training. Army National Guard …
The National Guard will be your part-time job, and leadership understands that, but if you are ever activated for a real-world emergency or deployment, it will take priority. Whether a service member's job in the Guard mirrors or complements his or her civilian career, time spent serving is a valuable asset. The Army National Guard (ARNG) is one component of The Army (which consists of the Active Army, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve.) A popular National Guard benefit, getting your school paid. I never fully understood that after my training I would go back home but still I had to attend training sessions and go away for 2 weeks out of a year. That’s why the National Guard traces its birthdate back to December 13, 1636, when the Massachusetts Colony organized its militia. All National Guard members must complete 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training, the same boot camp attended by full-time Army Soldiers. In four years that’s over 1,400 days. Who does it answer to? Only in the National Guard can you be a true citizen-soldier. Some people drill in the town where they live, and others have to commute as far as a couple of hours.