Airsoft can be painful to get hit, but wouldn’t be dangerous. My .22 LR has a FPS of 9000 but I put Vaseline on the bullet and it diesels. Some of the most reliable brands would be Tokyo Marui, ICS (I Chih Shivan), G&G (Guay & Guay). Your email address will not be published. Given everything the same in your airsoft gun (compression, spring, barrel length, etc), FPS is relative to the BB weight you are using but the kinetic energy it produces is always the same. Now here's a little fun tip for you if you own a pellet gun. FPS is the abbreviation for Feet Per Second, it is a measure of velocity to gauge the speed of BBs as it leaves the barrel of your airsoft gun or in real steel lingo "muzzle velocity". Recommended FPS For Airsoft Pistols And Revolvers.
Most airsoft fields have projectile velocity restrictions and before the match, an airsoft gun projectile speed or muzzle velocity is measured. Some countries using Metric System uses MPS which stands for Meters Per Second while other countries like here in the United States we use FPS which stands for Feet Per Second (English System); and as a rule of thumb 1 FPS = .3048 MPS.
How does someone gain ownership over a hunted animal? Beginners might think FPS all that matters but isn’t. Some players try to stay away from heavier BBs like .25, .28, and so on, because their FPS is lower with those types of BB weight. The actual answer to this question is: Something very close to zero. Immediately after firing, a pistol moves at a speed about 1/100th of the bullet (assuming the pistol has a mass 100 times the bullet), but even slower, because it is being held by a person, and their mass and muscles will absorb some of the energy and slow it even more. Single action revolvers come with a maximum FPS of 13000 FPS, a semi-automatic pistol comes with a maximum speed of 1350 FPS while double-action revolvers can go up to 390 FPS… FPS limit on most indoor fields is 350 FPS, while on outdoor fields 400 FPS. If you look at the bottom of the article, there is a chart that accepts FPS both in outdoors and indoors. But FPS doesn’t matter much if hop up and barrel are of poor quality. So while FPS is relative to the BB weight, the kinetic energy it produces is always the same. This is with .12 gram BBs. Depends on the cartridge. This means that if your airsoft gun is shooting 380 FPS with a .20g BB and you switch to a .25g BB your gun will be shooting 340 FPS. Your BB gun would be OK for small birds up close and that is about all. Its magazine can hold 6 rounds. Higher FPS has an effect on accuracy and range but on the other hand, you don’t want to hurt someone if you have a gun with really high FPS or get banned from the airsoft field. In outdoor play, this limit may vary for bolt action rifles. The recommended FPS value for pistol is between 250 and 350 FPS.
Will you be playing outdoor or indoor? We have lots more on the site to show you. The only danger you would occur is not wearing a safety mask. 328fps is 100m/s, and a 0.2g bb travelling at this speed possess the energy of exactly 1 Joule. Besides FPS limit airsoft fields are enforcing MED or Minimum Engagement Distance so that people are not shooting on each other, especially from more powerful guns, at close distances. My BB-gun has 400 FPS (feet per second). Playing airsoft not only requires you to be fast but also becoming tactical and shoot accurately. It is not the same if you hit someone with 400+ FPS guns from 10 meters or from 50 meters.
The main difference between them is the BBs each gun use. So after you learned what FPS is let’s take a look at some powerful airsoft guns. It is calculated using the BB’s weight plus the weapon’s power. © 2020 LIVING AIRSOFT. WG Panther 801 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol shoots at around 450 FPS with 0.20g BBs so it is recommended for target shooting only. It’s the speed at which a BB leaves an airsoft gun’s barrel or simply FPS determines how fast your gun shoots.
HOWTOTACTICAL.COM, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Just because it has lower FPS doesn’t mean it’s weaker or high FPS deliver high energy. These do vary from site to site but this is the general rule of thumb. FPS is the abbreviation for Feet Per Second, it is a measure of velocity to gauge the speed of BBs as it leaves the barrel of your airsoft gun or in real steel lingo "muzzle velocity". These can be bought for as low a sixty dollars. What type of airsoft gun do you want to use? If you own an Airsoft gun with very high FPS, you can use heavier BBs, like 0.25g, to get a lower legal FPS. and how is it calculated to find the mph it travels FPS on spring rifles and AEGs can be adjusted mainly through the use of changing the spring. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. BB weight is an important factor as it influences things like velocity, kinetic energy, and pellet trajectory. Quality, performance, and accuracy are important factors when choosing airsoft. Still have questions? It features ergonomic and adjustable stock, high FPS and accuracy, fluted metal outer barrel, full metal compensator, and ergonomic pistol grip. It's called dieseling and it increases the speed of your pellet substantially. Also, you want an airsoft gun which FPS isn’t too high.
Clean your barrel regularly even if it’s a brand new gun. My suggestion is to aim for something between 300 and 400 FPS, or 300-350 fps if you’re playing indoor, and 350-400 if you’re playing outdoor. In the airsoft community, sniper rifles are referred to as the most powerful rifle since they start from 400 FPS, especially bolt-action sniper rifle since they are able to reach up to 500 FPS, these gun are specifically made to shoot from a great distance (100yrd). Note that FPS is measured with .20 grams. So, without further ado, these are recommended FPS values for different types of airsoft guns. The Novritsch SSG24 is a spring-powered airsoft sniper rifle that can shoot 6mm 02.0g BBs at 650 FPS with M190 springs. Despite people on Reddit or airsoft community agreed that airsoft FPS 400 is ok to use outdoors, it’s not them to decide if it’s legal, the local field determines if you can play or not.
Now I am not a physics or mathematics expert and these are just theoretical numbers.