Left side are just single bets that the bird will be in first place. Return again and this time he will want a Jumbo Chestnut, which is the biggest squirrel you can find in the claw machines. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.

Return and pick the first option to enter the building. If you're aiming for a certain grouping and you notice two or three of the same tile you need have already been thrown away it's better to readjust your strategy for making tile groups rather than being dead set on getting the one or two left in the deck. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory. Then you have to beat Takuma.

Even if you have had tremendous luck in drops, even if you've been using the Golden Gun since chapter 3, even if you've done all the training, substories, and friendships you will still be tremendously understocked for what you need. DU&I takes those…. When you leave the casino, head back into the bar and speak with the man.

The problem is that getting them is a lot tougher as there's a lot to go around. You get Hercules Beetle and 30,000 Experience Points. You’ll need to win another Pocket Circuit Race but stock up on some new parts.

Battle Masashi. Unlike some of the other Yakuza titles, the Substories in Yakuza 5 are much easier to find. Why buy a newspaper when you can whoop some ass? Speak with the injured man on the stairs. Furthermore, while my guide has a general setup of when substories appear, some are meant to appear after other specific substories are completed and some only appear at a certain time of day. Note that if you do not see a substory in the indicated area, it may only be available during a later chapter, or part of a series of quests from a certain character.

The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza Kiwami 2. Then return to the Pocket Racing Circuit to win another race, speak with Fighter and choose to race against him. A long pole for Bojutsu Mastery can be found lying on the ground in Mukurogai in the area with the shrine and Doctor Shinbei and scattered around Rakugai and Rakunai. You now need to head all the way South to the Don Quijote store. Any time someone calls a カン it will reveal another dora tile for you to try scoring with. For the final room use Wild Dance. It's basically just a long bamboo pole. A good 50% or so of your items can simply be bought from vendors. Beat down the thugs. This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Tiger from the Coliseum.

You need to complete all of Tatsuya's restaurant requests for every character, Complete all Substories then visit New Serena as Kiryu, Part 2, Prologue (Kamurocho 2010), West Shichfuku Street, After A Familiar Dojo. then chase the man down. 3-3-3) - Another rare hand that involves getting three of the same card in your hand.

Walk with them for a while.

The vast majority of them are displayed on the map with an “?” icon. ツモ should be prioritized wherever possible though since it leeches points from everyone instead of the one person you stole the tile from and for much more points if the hand has been closed the whole time.

Part 1: Chapter 2 (Night), East Ose Bridge Boulevard (Nagasugai), Complete the Taxi Race Mission Looking for a Son and this Substory appears. Return, give it to him, then go to the next ? Return after exploring other parts of the city and this time five guys will be walking in the same spot. There are 78 substories in this game, but don't be off-put by the size of that number. Head to the cafe in the center of town, Part 1: Chapter 2, North Chikuzengawa Street (Nagasugai). For a video of generally how the fights go see: The Battle Dungeon becomes available starting from chapter 5 after you visit the Shinsengumi headquarters again and you will be forced to run through a tutorial that teaches you the basics.

Winning 10 matches lets you bet up to 500 points, winning 20 lets you bet up to 800 points, and winning 30 lets you bet up to 1,000 points. You can also get a couple other items from here but you only use like 5 of each of them at most in synthesizing weapons so you'll get them along the way to the Dragon items. I used Paper, Scissors, Paper, Scissors to win.

Near the waters edge you'll hear a dog whimper. You get a Goddess of Children Amulet and 5,000 Experience Points. You can attempt some Battle Dungeon missions since enemies block there more often than outside of it. Speak with Tatsuya on the West bridge, You will need to complete his training. Version: 1.4 | Updated: 06/26/2019 FAQ of the Month Winner: September 2017. Go to leave, then talk again.

Revealing your hand is the last thing you want to do this game. The world of Yakuza 0 contains a myriad of Substories for both Kiryu and Majima. Comment. Dried plums for Dried Plum Mastery can be found at Don Quijote (どん・きほーて) and 香の物屋 near the top of the map or the 万 一蔵屋 store in the marketplace right near the Terada Inn. Follow the taxi (? Betting on every chance for a single bird costs 7,200点 total and takes around 60 seconds but you earn anywhere from 2万0000点 to 4万0000点 if you do win depending on the rate it gives you and you can still bet on the other options if you're fast enough.