Removing car parking spaces will, it is hoped, encourage take-up of other healthier, less polluting and space-efficient forms of transport, including cycling. She told electors she would remove the great majority of the on-street car parking spaces in Paris. Claiming victory on Sunday, Hidalgo thanked Parisians for choosing "a Paris that breathes, a Paris that is more agreeable to live in, a more caring city that leaves no one by the wayside.".

Anne Hidalgo: anti-car Socialist mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, re-elected Paris mayor on Sunday, is a Spanish-born socialist who has waged a divisive but ambitious campaign to … In March 2004, she was elected to the Conseil régional d'Île-de-France on the list of Jean-Paul Huchon. Anne Hidalgo remained first Deputy Mayor under Bertrand Delanoë. However, her grandparents returned to Spain some time later. But the move has proved controversial among many drivers who complain the city is a perpetual building site.

Between 1997 and 2002, Anne Hidalgo worked in three ministerial cabinets within the Jospin Government, first in the cabinet of Martine Aubry at the Ministry of Employment and Solidarity as technical advisor, then with Nicole Péry, Secretary of State for Women's Rights and Vocational Training, from 1998 to 2000, as technical advisor then consultant to the firm, participating, in particular, in the drafting of laws on parity and professional equality between women and men. Retaining the Paris mayor position is a boost for the left in France after its dismal showing in the 2017 presidential election. [11][12] A map of cults in Paris, created by the Mairie de Paris at that time and promoted by Anne Hidalgo, was controversial[13] and Hidalgo filed a complaint against an unknown person for circulating a leaflet on the Internet signed by a "committee to support Anne Hidalgo", which requested denunciation of "non-compliant behaviours. [1] In the late 1950s, he married a seamstress named Maria;[1] they had two daughters, Ana (Anne) and María (Marie). She obtained her first inspector assignment in Chevilly-Larue in 1984 at the age of 24 and lived in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. She also failed to remove the 13th constituency of Paris from the right in June 2007, obtaining in the first round of legislative elections 28.2% of the vote, then 43.3% of the votes in the second round against 56.7% for the former minister Jean-François Lamour (UMP). The only candidate of her party after the withdrawal of Jean-Marie Le Guen, Anne Hidalgo was appointed May 22, 2013 to lead the municipal campaign, with 98.3% of the votes of 2,715 Paris socialists. [17] On 24 June 2017, she joined French President Emmanuel Macron in calling for the adoption of a Global Pact for the Environment along with other public figures such as Laurent Fabius, Nicolas Hulot, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Ban Ki-moon. She then worked for one year as a project manager for the Director of Human Resources at the Ministry of Labour. She said on April 4, 2013 on RMC: "I earn € 5,000 net per month for my mandates". "One day in second grade, my teacher told me: 'little Spanish girls don't make it to the top of the class.' On March 30, 2014, at the end of the second round of municipal elections, the lists she led won a majority in the Paris Council. The Ville Du Quart D’Heure concept is based on Moreno’s idea of “chrono-urbanism,” or having amenities, jobs, and shopping close to home. Hidalgo served in three cabinets under the Jospin Government : In the 2001 municipal elections, she led the list of the Socialist Party (PS) in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, which won 26.5% of votes in the first round then was at the second round behind the list gathered around Édouard Balladur and Mayor René Galy-Dejean.

Based on the “segmented city” ideas suggested by Carlos Moreno, a “smart city” professor at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, the “city of fifteen minutes” includes making key thoroughfares in Paris inaccessible to motor vehicles; turning currently traffic-choked intersections into pedestrian plazas; creating “children streets” next to schools; and removing amenities for motorists.

Hidalgo said in the run-up to the election that she planned to remove 60,000 of the 140,000 surface parking spaces in Paris.

Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo poses inside a car. [8], Hidalgo is included in Time magazine 's 100 Most Influential People of 2020.[9]. In June 2002, as a candidate in parliamentary elections in the 12th constituency of Paris, she won 29.6% of the vote in the first and only round against 54.2% of the vote for incumbent Édouard Balladur, who was re-elected. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Some of what Hidalgo calls the “new organization of streets” will be permanent; other elements—such as the child-friendly school streets—would operate during the start and end of school days. Use of the remaining parking spaces will be “reserved for professionals who need their cars to get around,” said Belliard, a Green politician. [3] They settled in Lyon in 1961, with their two daughters. I'm also an historian – my most recent books include "Roads Were Not Built for Cars" and "Bike Boom", both published by Island Press, Washington, D.C. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Hidalgo has been Mayor of Paris since 2014, the first woman to hold the office. Antoine Hidalgo, le père de la maire de Paris, est décédé. On 3 January 2006, she presented with François Adibi and the Socialist Party's Culture Section a report and new recommendations "for a fair solution", rejecting both the DRM (Digital Rights Management) and the "global licence." Having had to endure taunts from her political opponents about her modest origins and lack of Parisian roots, Hidalgo has been known to quote the words of writer Sacha Guitry: "Being a Parisian is not about being born in Paris, it is about being reborn there.". In 1993, she joined the vocational training delegation at the Ministry of Labour and then obtained a mission at the International Labour Office in Geneva from 1995 to 1996. Green spaces, vegetable plots, and playgrounds and more will take the place of car parking. In 2012 Anne Hidalgo announced her intention to seek the succession of Bertrand Delanoe in the municipal elections of 2014 in Paris. Just 10 months later, 130 people were killed in Paris when gunmen and suicide bombers from the Islamic State jihadist group attacked bars, restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France national stadium. On 26 December, she signed with Christophe Girard, Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for Culture, a view published in the newspaper Le Monde defending her position on behalf of cultural diversity which would be threatened by the "global licence. [20] Hidalgo is aiming to have more than 600 miles of bike lanes in Paris by 2020.

She also has a daughter and a son from her first marriage, both grown up. [21], At the start of her first term, Hidalgo stated in an interview that housing is her number one priority. But there have been victories too: in 2017 Paris was crowned the host of the 2024 Summer Olympics, which Hidalgo should now preside over. She was elected First Vice President of the Métropole du Grand Paris on 22 January 2016, ex officio to her mayoral position.

Anne Hidalgo vient de perdre son père, Antoine, âgé de 89 ans. René Galy-Dejean. She retired from the civil service in July 2011, aged 52.[6].

I have been writing about transport for 30 years. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours.

In January 2015 jihadist gunmen shot dead cartoonists and journalists at the Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

In the second round, his list obtained 47.35% of the votes against 52.65% obtained by Philippe Goujon, whose list merged with that of Gérard d'Aboville. She grew up in Vaise, the ninth district of Lyon, speaking Spanish with her parents and French with her sister. ), Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. In 2005, Hidalgo took a stand in the debate on cults in France, becoming the president of a committee of vigilance against the cults at the Council of Paris.

(When also including commercial underground and multi-storey car parks there are 621,600 parking spaces in Paris.

In the second round, his list took the lead with 57.9% of the votes cast, winning in the 1st and 5th districts, two bastions traditionally anchored on the right. (Photo by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP), Hidalgo wants to carry out what she calls an “ecological transformation of the city,” aiming to clean the city’s air and improve the “daily life of Parisians.”. Elected Borough Councilor in the 15th arrondissement, she also joined the Paris Council, where the left is now the majority. Her grandmother died on the return trip whereas her grandfather was sentenced to death, although this sentence was eventually commuted to a life sentence. In the municipal elections of March 9 and 16, 2008, the assembly list (PS-PCF-PRG-MRC) that she conducts in the 15th arrondissement of Paris came first in the first round with 35.9% of the vote (28 313 votes) against a strongly divided right, 33.9% to Philippe Goujon's UMP list and 10.1% to Gérard d'Aboville's list (various right).