2. Year 2016 brings version 2 of the KhaldeaCalendar. As we approach the New Year, it’s time to put your nose to the grindstone. When Neptune goes retrograde, life is like a costume party: impossible to tell what’s what! Canadian readers, please find Khaldea Publications at Amazon.caU.S. We have to change our attitudes ourselves, but Lunation Planning can help us attune ourselves to a more relaxed, natural and harmonious pulse of living, which in turn may lead to a gradual change of attitude toward ourselves and toward the world.
Time to find what feels good. As a special bonus, version 2 features daily geocentric longitudes, latitudes and declinations from the KhaldeaEphemeris7z. Remember, you don’t have to go halfway across the world to expand your horizons. During this lunation, your goals seems a little more magical and inspired, and even your wildest dreams seem to have a roadmap. Leo season is about the self, ego, and learning to take main stage in our lives.
The summer solstice is a day when feminine and masculine energies are perfectly balanced, which gives us access to the full spectrum of our power. This water sign is deeply empathetic, showing us how to heal ourselves and others (just make sure to protect your own energy; keep your boundaries).
Full Moons & New Moons in 2020, Calendar of Full Moons and New Moons 2020 - 2021 - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you.
Wall Poster Calendars ~ Easy to read calendars in PDF (PDF Reader or Adobe Acrobat Reader Required).
By releasing the past, we can march boldly into the future. Months of the year are now navigated via interactive tabs, and the entire year is wrapped in a single web page. Just be sure to read the fine print and look at the details before you pull the trigger on anything. Diligence and details are themes for this earthy new moon. Version 2 is faster and easier to use.
So when the sky goes dark under this new moon, it teaches us how to use our other senses for both perception and pleasure. As this moon is in Aquarius, it’s a great time to ask how we can give back. This is a good time to make concrete plans to accomplish your next goal.
Full moons have a way of illuminating the truth, so if you’ve been seeking the solution to a problem, tonight should help you see the truth. If there are any projects you’ve been meaning to start or ideas you’ve tried to put into action, this is the time to start! This moon is about embracing your personal power to break out of a rut and be all the heat you need—even when the temperatures have dropped. When it comes to astrology aspects, it’s important to know what dates are coming up. How can you help your community, and the world at large? The new moon is also a good time to set an intention to communicate mindfully and with respect. Manifesting abundance for yourself and others takes effort—how can you carry that out over the next moon cycle? On the shortest day of the year, we honor Capricorn energy, which has the strong grounded courage we need to forge through until the spring thaw. Intentions around work and health are particularly powerful things to manifest right now. Be prepared to give in order to get something back. Amazing things can happen when you open your mind! Trivial or superficial matters hold little appeal for you, as the new moon entices your proclivity to dig deep and find a more profound sense of truth (even if that journey isn’t always comfortable).
It's also easier for online users to change time zone — just use the dropdown list beneath the calendar grid to jump to any of 14 time zones worldwide. During retrograde, it can feel like a fog hovers over everything, making it difficult to determine truth from fiction. It’s about action, power, and taking that leap. Many of us have been looking inward lately, but this new moon in philosophical Sagittarius encourages us to look beyond.
Good communicators know when to pull back. Get ready for things to take an interesting turn! 6. The KhaldeaCalendar makes it easy to benefit from Lunation Planning — a natural, organic time-management system based on the 29.5-day Lunation Cycle, the ever-changing cyclic relationship between the Sun and the Moon. The "About" icon toggles this page.
Help make the tools of astrology freely available worldwide. 118 Page Yearly transit Calendar + Helical rising times. If you’re feeling like your world has become too constricted, the solution might be found through science or technology. Embrace this powerful balance to stoke both your ambition and your creativity.
Things calm down a bit with a new moon in sensitive Pisces. The last full moon of the year gets personal. Mercury Retrograde Dates 2020: February, June, & October, The Best Halloween Costume for Your Zodiac Sign.
The influence of sensual Scorpio makes this retrograde the classic “don’t text your ex” warning. Void of Course Moon Calendar 2020 To achieve greater success in all your endeavors please consider using this beneficial astrological tool in timing things in your life.
Even a few dollars will help, and we make it safe and easy for you to contribute what you can online. This is a powerful time to manifest your desires for the next season as we’re alive with feelings and intentions.
For its final retrograde of the year, Mercury will turn retrograde in Scorpio, challenging your communication with… yourself!
Eclipses can be erratic, but they get the job done. Language modules and unicode enables any language, any script.
You might feel like you have powers of communication right now, especially when it comes to sharing ideas and philosophies. If you’ve been thinking about a trip or vacation, this is a great time to make it happen.
Setting up your goals for the rest of the year will prepare you for success.
NOTE: In this version, the Calendar panel is always open and cannot be contracted. For Time Zone and Time Change information, visit TimeandDate.com. You say you don't know how to read these crazy symbols? This is a great time to seek out your inner social justice warrior and sign up for some volunteer work. Capricorn season is about business, working toward your goals, and activating your professional power.
Lunation Planning is the world's oldest time-management tool. A new moon in Scorpio is a great time to do some self-evaluation, allowing your dark side to come into the light for growth. When in retrograde, expect some bumps on your spiritual highway. This is a difficult time to form new routines or patterns, but it is helpful to examine our old habits and experiment with alternatives that could serve us better. Social butterfly Gemini kicks off its season with a flurry of energy and activity.
NEW: Retrograde planets in aspect now shown in red on the calendar. The calendars are created for the Pacific Time Zone. Plans and decisions seem to drag on, and the path to any goal is anything but straightforward.
There’s a focus on connecting financial security to personal support. Some of the new features and enhancements found in version 2 are outlined above, and they are summarized below. You may make a donation using a Credit Card via our safe and secure PayPal payment system by clicking the button above.
google_ad_client = "pub-6551255594736534"; If you need to stay close to home, this full moon also encourages you to find the hidden gems in your own backyard. (This moon is more about enthusiasm than practicality.).
Who would you be if you could start from scratch? A Libra moon is about balance, but it’s also about diplomacy. This area of the screen will tell you if the moon is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th phase, or if it is a New or Full moon.
January 1, 2020 by J McCaul.
Sagittarian energy is all about questions and curiosity, so crack open some books and start expanding your horizon!
Your donation will help the continuing work of CyberWorld Khaldea.
The digital Khaldea Astrological Calendar has been repackaged for version 2 — it now includes art, verse and an ephemeris upgrade. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini season encourages communication and connection.
This could mean celebrating and strengthening bonds, or it could mean difficult conversations about wounds—both recent and ancestral. For print work, press-ready pdf files for entire calendars can produced, as seen in this example.
It’s a great time to strengthen your relationships with friends and loved one, as well as communicate your needs and desires.
The summer solstice: longest day of the year. The challenge this season is to balance priorities, but if you stay focused, there are major strides to be had. Lunation Planning is available a Amazon Worldwide. The sign of the scales, Libra is all about balance. Click on the calendar and read the meaning of the transit. Just click on a icon to expand or contract an "accordion panel." As the baby of the zodiac, Aries energy is fresh, bright, and raring to go. It can be hard to stick with a routine during this time, so embrace the power of spontaneity. The Leo full moon shines a light on our personal magnetism, so don’t be surprised if you attract attention.
Aquarius season is the time to be a mad scientist, tinkering with ideas and inventions that seem avant garde or just plain out there.
Lunation Planning isn't going to save the world. We’re in the depths of fall now, where we can visualize the transformation of life and death in nature. The digital Khaldea Astrological Calendar uses .png raster images. Here, we’ve created a list of all the important 2020 dates and aspects that you need to know about including retrogrades, zodiac sign seasons, solstices and equinoxes, and full and new moons.
Thanks for helping make the KhaldeaCalendar possible.
Use the new control panel described above to easily access it all. Think about ways to bond with your closest friends over the next month, and ways in which you can share knowledge to empower yourself and others.
2020 Astrology Dates & Predictions When it comes to astrology aspects, it’s important to know what dates are coming up. Avoid acting hastily, and make sure you have all the information you need to make the right decision. Go with the flow. Uranus retrograde can feel chaotic (especially for those who thrive by sticking to a plan), but ultimately it teaches us to question what we want. All toolbar icons toggle their panels open and close. Matters at home may be frustrating now, especially if you’re trying to buy a home or rent a new apartment.
Stay present and wait for the future to unfold.
Transitional seasons like this one are important to remember to breathe, take stock, and consider the future. Instead of feeling intimated by its light, try making friends with your dark side and invite it into the light, where things seem a little less frightening. After all the intense energy that comes with emotional Cancer and unpredictable eclipses, this new moon in Cancer is a time to settle into the feels.
User EnhancementsThe calendar grid features improved graphics and an extended astrological data section. As we wind down the year and prepare for the winter months, it’s important to acknowledge the importance of darkness and hibernation for personal growth.