cheat gfi Fibers_Straw 1 0 0 cheat gfi Metal_Silver 1 0 0 All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. cheat gfi Coal_Anthracite 1 0 0 commands do not need to be enabled for this, Structure Cheat Box – cheat gfi cheatbox 1 0 0, Color Cheat Box – cheat gfi colorbox 1 0 0, Anthracite (Coal) cheat gfi anthracite 100 0 0, Graphite (Coal) cheat gfi graphite 100 0 0, Sulfur (Coal) cheat gfi coal_sulfur 100 0 0, Brain Coral (Coal) cheat gfi brain 100 0 0, Fire Coral (Coal) cheat gfi coral_fire 100 0 0, Crystal (Base) cheat gfi crystal_base 100 0 0, Calcite (Crystal) cheat gfi calcite 100 0 0, Herkimer (Crystal) cheat gfi herkimer 100 0 0, Pearl (Crystal) cheat gfi crystal_pearl 100 0 0, Quartz (Crystal) cheat gfi quartz 100 0 0, Tellurite (Crystal) cheat gfi tellurite 100 0 0, Amethyst (Crystal) cheat gfi amethyst 100 0 0, Fibers (Base) cheat gfi fibers_base 100 0 0, Seaweed (Fibers) cheat gfi seaweed 100 0 0, Silk (Fibers) cheat gfi fibers_silk 100 0 0, Flint (Base) cheat gfi flint_base 100 0 0, Chalcedony (Flint) cheat gfi chalcedony 100 0 0, Obsidian (Flint) cheat gfi flint_obsidian 100 0 0, Radiolarite (Flint) cheat gfi radiolarite 100 0 0, Sunstone (Gem) cheat gfi sunstone 100 0 0, Leather (Hide) cheat gfi hide_leather 100 0 0, Fleece (Hide) cheat gfi hide_wool 100 0 0, Keratanoid (Base) cheat gfi keratanoid_base 100 0 0, Bone (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_bone 100 0 0, Carapace (Keratanoid) cheat gfi carapace 100 0 0, Chitin (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_chitin 100 0 0, Residue (Keratanoid) cheat gfi residue 100 0 0, Scale (Keratanoid) cheat gfi scale 100 0 0, Shell (Keratanoid) cheat gfi shell 100 0 0, Metal (Base) cheat gfi metal_base 100 0 0, Cobalt (Metal) cheat gfi metal_cobalt 100 0 0, Copper (Metal) cheat gfi metal_copper 100 0 0, Iridium (Metal) cheat gfi metal_iridium 100 0 0, Iron (Metal) cheat gfi metal_iron 100 0 0, Silver (Metal) cheat gfi metal_silver 100 0 0, Shale Oil (OliveOil) cheat gfi oil_olive 100 0 0, Salt (Base) cheat gfi preservative 100 0 0, FlakeSalt (Salt) cheat gfi flakesalt 100 0 0, KalaNamak (Salt) cheat gfi kalanamak 100 0 0, PinkSalt (Salt) cheat gfi pinksalt 100 0 0, RockSalt (Salt) cheat gfi rocksalt 100 0 0, Stone (Base) cheat gfi stone_base 100 0 0, Coquina (Stone) cheat gfi coquina 100 0 0, Granite (Stone) cheat gfi granite 100 0 0, Limestone (Stone) cheat gfi limestone 100 0 0, Sandstone (Stone) cheat gfi sandstone 100 0 0, Slate (Stone) cheat gfi stone_slate 100 0 0, Thatch (Base) cheat gfi thatch_base 100 0 0, Rush (Thatch) cheat gfi thatch_rush 100 0 0, Ironwood (Wood) cheat gfi ironwood 100 0 0, Blasting Powder cheat gfi blasting 100 0 0, Organic Paste cheat gfi organicpaste 100 0 0, Organic Paste (Coral) cheat gfi powderedcoral 100 0 0, Preserving Salt cheat gfi preservingsalt 100 0 0, Cobalt Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi cobalt 100 0 0, Copper Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi copper 100 0 0, Iridum Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi iridium 100 0 0, Iron Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi iron 100 0 0, Silver Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi ingot_silver 100 0 0, Tin Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi ingot_tin 100 0 0, Amy’s Bubble N’Squeak cheat gfi consumable_bubblensqueak 1 0 0, Colton’s Celery Soup cheat gfi celerysoup 1 0 0, Jat’s Creme Brulee cheat gfi cremebrulee 1 0 0, Drake’s Dark Draught cheat gfi darkdraught 1 0 0, Dragon’s Tongue Delight cheat gfi dragonstongue 1 0 0, Lucy’s Fish ‘n Chips cheat gfi fishnchips 1 0 0, Monarch’s Cake cheat gfi monarchscake 1 0 0, Reaper’s Regard cheat gfi reapersregard 1 0 0, Alex’s Rosemary Chicken cheat gfi rosemarychicken 1 0 0, Navin’s Shrunken Head Stew cheat gfi shrunkenstew 1 0 0, Song of the Sea cheat gfi songofthesea 1 0 0, Robert’s Spiced Rum cheat gfi spicedrum 1 0 0, Iso’s Spicy Roll cheat gfi spicyroll 1 0 0, Steven’s Stuffed & Baked Fish cheat gfi stuffedbakedfish 1 0 0, Tara’s Nosti Treat cheat gfi taranostitreat 1 0 0, Unthinkable Delicacy cheat gfi unthinkabledelicacy 1 0 0, Fertilized Chicken Egg cheat gfi chicken_fertilized 1 0 0, Fertilized Crow Egg cheat gfi crow_fertilized 1 0 0, Mockatoo (Parrot) Egg cheat gfi parrot 1 0 0, Fertilized Mockatoo (Parrot) Egg cheat gfi parrot_fertilized 1 0 0, Fertilized Seagull Egg cheat gfi seagull_fertilized 1 0 0, Cooked Prime Animal Meat cheat gfi cookedprimeanimal 1 0 0, Cooked Prime Fish Meat cheat gfi cookedprimefish 1 0 0, Prime Fish Meat cheat gfi primefish 1 0 0, Prime Animal Meat cheat gfi primeanimal 1 0 0, Edible Greens cheat gfi ediblegreens 1 0 0, Chick Peas Seed cheat gfi chickpeas_seed 1 0 0, Edible Greens Seed cheat gfi ediblegreens_seed 1 0 0, Water Pipe System cheat gfi pipe_water_stone 1 0 0, Stone Water Reservoir cheat gfi waterreservoir_stone 1 0 0, Small Crop Plot cheat gfi cropplot_s 1 0 0, Large Crop Plot cheat gfi cropplot_l 1 0 0, Fertilizer cheat gfi fertilizer_compost 1 0 0, Thatch Floor cheat gfi floor_thatch 1 0 0, Thatch Door cheat gfi door_small_thatch 1 0 0, Thatch Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_thatch 1 0 0, Portable Rope Ladder cheat gfi portable 1 0 0, Wood Door cheat gfi door_small_wood 1 0 0, Wooden Ladder cheat gfi ladder_static_wood 1 0 0, Wood Pillar cheat gfi pillar_s_wood 1 0 0, Wood Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_wood 1 0 0, Wood Staircase cheat gfi staircase_wood 1 0 0, Small Wood Gate cheat gfi gate_s_wood 1 0 0, Small Wood Gateway cheat gfi gateway_s_wood 1 0 0, Large Wood Gate cheat gfi gate_l_wood 1 0 0, Large Wood Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_wood 1 0 0, Wood Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_wood 1 0 0, Wood Gun Mount cheat gfi gunmount_wood 1 0 0, Wood Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_wood 1 0 0, Large Storage Box cheat gfi storage 1 0 0, Wooden Billboard cheat gfi woodsign_l 1 0 0, Wooden Wall Sign cheat gfi woodsign_wall 1 0 0, Stone Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_stone 1 0 0, Stone Staircase cheat gfi staircase_stone 1 0 0, Stone Pillar cheat gfi pillar_s_stone 1 0 0, Stone Door cheat gfi door_small_stone 1 0 0, Small Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_s_stone 1 0 0, Small Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_s_stone 1 0 0, Large Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_stone 1 0 0, Large Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_l_stone 1 0 0, Wood Elevator System cheat gfi elevator_primitive_wood 1 0 0, Stone Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_stone 1 0 0, Stone Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_stone 1 0 0, Puckle cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Puckle 1 0 0, Small Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_small 1 0 0, Medium Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_large 1 0 0, Medium Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_large 1 0 0, Small Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_small 1 0 0, Medium Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_large 1 0 0, Small Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_small 1 0 0, Small Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_small_weight 1 0 0, Small Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_small_accel 1 0 0, Medium Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_medium 1 0 0, Medium Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_weight 1 0 0, Medium Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_accel 1 0 0, Large Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_large 1 0 0, Large Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_large_weight 1 0 0, Large Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_large_accel 1 0 0, Dinghy Ship Hangar cheat gfi shiphangar_dinghy 1 0 0, Steering Wheel cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Ship_DriversSeat 1 0 0, Medium Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannon 1 0 0, Large Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannonball_l 1 0 0, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Raft/Ship_BP_Raft.Ship_BP_Raft'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHull_BP_Raft.ShipHull_BP_Raft'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC.Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC.ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop.Ship_BP_Sloop'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP.ShipHullSloop_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Schooner/Ship_BP_Schooner.Ship_BP_Schooner'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSchooner_BP.ShipHullSchooner_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Galleon/Ship_BP_Galleon.Ship_BP_Galleon'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullGalleon_BP.ShipHullGalleon_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/Aircraft_BP_Steampunk.Aircraft_BP_Steampunk'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/ShipHull_BP_Steampunk.ShipHull_BP_Steampunk'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/Tank_BP.Tank_BP'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/ShipHull_BP_Tank.ShipHull_BP_Tank'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/Aircraft_BP_Zephyr.Aircraft_BP_Zephyr'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe.ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe'” 10 true true true, Ghost Ship (Can only see it at nighttime on daytime its invisible) cheat ssf ghostship, Female NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C, Male NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C, Merchant Ship Ressource Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C, Merchant Ship Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C, Crew Recruiter cheat summon CrewRecruiterNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Ferryman cheat summon FerrymanNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Ressource Trade Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_Freeport_BP_C, Anglerfish cheat summon Anglerfish_Character_BP_Child_C, Cavebear cheat summon Bear_Character_BP_Cave_C, Catfish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Catfish_C, Chicken cheat summon Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C, Sea Bass cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Cod_C, Crocodile cheat summon Crocodile_Character_BP_C, Cyclops cheat summon Cyclops_Character_BP_C, Dolphin cheat summon Dolphin_Character_BP_Child_C, Elephant cheat summon Elephant_Character_BP_C, Fire Elemental cheat summon FireElemental_Character_BP_C, Freshwater Fish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Character_BP_C, Blue Whale (Gentle Whale) cheat summon GentleWhale_Character_BP_C, Giant Ant cheat summon GiantAnt_Character_BP_C, Giant Bee cheat summon GiantBee_Character_BP_C, Giant Snake cheat summon GiantSnake_Character_BP_C, Giraffe cheat summon Giraffe_Character_BP_C, Gorgon (Medusa) cheat summon Gorgon_Character_BP_C, Jellyfish cheat summon Jellyfish_Character_BP_C, Kraken cheat summon Kraken_Character_BP_C (doesnt work), Leatherwing cheat summon Leatherwing_Character_BP_C, Manta Ray cheat summon MantaRay_Character_BP_C, Marlin cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Marlin_C, Sperm Whale (Mean Whale) cheat summon MeanWhale_Character_BP_C, Mermaid cheat summon Mermaid_Character_BP_C, Monkey cheat summon Monkey_Character_BP_C, Ostrich cheat summon Ostrich_Character_BP_C, Parrot cheat summon Parrot_Character_BP_C, Penguin cheat summon Penguin_Character_BP_C, Rabbit cheat summon Rabbit_Character_BP_C, Rattlesnake cheat summon Rattlesnake_Character_BP_C, Razortooth cheat summon Razortooth_Character_BP_C, Rhino cheat summon WildRhino_Character_BP_C, Rock Elemental cheat summon RockElemental_Character_BP_C, Saltwater Fish cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Character_BP_C, Scorpion cheat summon GiantScorpion_Character_BP_C, Seagull cheat summon Seagull_Character_BP_C, Sheep cheat summon AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C, Shieldhorn cheat summon ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C, Spider cheat summon Spider_Character_BP_C, Turtle cheat summon GiantTurtle_Character_BP_C, Vulture cheat summon AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C, Yeti cheat summon Yeti_Character_BP_Child_C, Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30, Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30, Bear cheat gmsummon “Bear_Character_BP_C” 30, Chicken cheat gmsummon “Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C” 30, Cow cheat gmsummon “Cow_Character_BP_C” 30, Crow cheat gmsummon “Crow_Character_BP_C” 30, Dragon cheat gmsummon “Draco_Character_BP_C” 30, Elephant cheat gmsummon “Elephant_Character_BP_C” 30, Giraffe cheat gmsummon “Giraffe_Character_BP_C” 30, Horse cheat gmsummon “Horse_Character_BP_C” 30, Lion cheat gmsummon “Lion_Character_BP_C” 30, Monkey cheat gmsummon “Monkey_Character_BP_C” 30, Ostrich cheat gmsummon “Ostrich_Character_BP_C” 30, Parrot cheat gmsummon “Parrot_Character_BP_C” 30, Penguin cheat gmsummon “Penguin_Character_BP_C” 30, Pig cheat gmsummon “Pig_Character_BP_C” 30, Rabbit cheat gmsummon “Rabbit_Character_BP_C” 30, Razortooth cheat gmsummon “Razortooth_Character_BP_C” 30, Rhino cheat gmsummon “WildRhino_Character_BP_C” 30, Seagull cheat gmsummon “Seagull_Character_BP_C” 30, Sheep cheat gmsummon “AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C” 30, Shieldhorn cheat gmsummon “ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C” 30, Tiger cheat gmsummon “Tiger_Character_BP_C” 30, Vulture cheat gmsummon “AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C” 30, Wolf cheat gmsummon “Wolf_Character_BP_C” 30, Aberrant Helmet Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_Shoppable 1 0 0, Test Bear Saddle Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_BearSkinTest 1 0 0, Kraken Visage Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_KrakenHat 1 0 0, Bandana Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_CrewBandanna 1 0 0, Eye Patch Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_EyePatch 1 0 0, Top Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_TopHat 1 0 0, Officer’s Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerHat 1 0 0, Officer’s Coat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerShirt 1 0 0, Officer’s Gloves Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerGloves 1 0 0, Officer’s Pants Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerPants 1 0 0, Officer’s Boots Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerBoots 1 0 0, Has 100x every Color in the game + 100x Paintbrush and 100x Spray Painter, Magenta Coloring cheat gfi actually 1 0 0, ALizarin Red Coloring cheat gfi alizarin 1 0 0, Aubergine Brown Coloring cheat gfi aubergine 1 0 0, cheat Blackberry Coloring cheat gfi blackberry 1 0 0, Blackcurrant Coloring cheat gfi blackcurrant 1 0 0, Blue Whale Coloring cheat gfi bluewhale 1 0 0, Bright Red Coloring cheat gfi brightred 1 0 0, Cantaloupe Coloring cheat gfi cantaloupe 1 0 0, Cerulean Coloring cheat gfi cerulean 1 0 0, Chateau Green Coloring cheat gfi chateaugreen 1 0 0, Conifer Green Coloring cheat gfi confiergreen 1 0 0, Dark Pink Coloring cheat gfi darkpink 1 0 0, Light Sea Green Coloring cheat gfi lightseagreen 1 0 0, Madang Green Coloring cheat gfi madanggreen 1 0 0, Mineral Gray Coloring cheat gfi mineralgray 1 0 0, Napa Brown Coloring cheat gfi napabrown 1 0 0, Orange Peel Coloring cheat gfi orangepeel 1 0 0, Orient Blue Coloring cheat gfi orientblue 1 0 0, Paco Brown Coloring cheat gfi pacobrown 1 0 0, Parchment Coloring cheat gfi parchment 1 0 0, Pohutakawa Red Coloring cheat gfi pohutukawared 1 0 0, Selective Yellow Coloring cheat gfi selectiveyellow 1 0 0, Shalimar Yellow Coloring cheat gfi shalimar 1 0 0, Snow White Coloring cheat gfi snowwhite 1 0 0, Swamp Purple Coloring cheat gfi swampypurple 1 0 0, Tangerine Coloring cheat gfi tangerine 1 0 0, Watercourse Green Coloring cheat gfi watercoursegreen 1 0 0.