(noun) revenge, vengeance, retaliation, payback, retribution, cost, price, wage, fee, payment, salary, reciprocity - an important concept concerned with the maintenance of balance and harmony in relationships between individuals and groups and order within Māori society, whether through gift exchange or as a result of hostilities between groups. Utu (noun) The phenomenon of a penis falling off of its regular place. 4. Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield. Suicide could even reassert control by demonstrating that one had control over one's fate, and was a way of gaining utu against a spouse or relative where direct retaliation was not possible. The nature of muru was determined by factors that included the mana of the victim and the offender, the severity of the offence and the intent of the offending party.
a Sumerian deity, in Sumerian mythology, Utu is the son of the moon god Nanna and the goddess Ningal. utu ā-hāora. Utua ai au e rima herengi i te wiki (HP 1991:26).
If social relations were disturbed, balance could be restored through utu. Utu in the form of gift exchange established and maintained social bonds and obligations. 1. Crucial to this process was the concept of utu. compensation, recompense, reparation. This site is produced by the Research and Publishing Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage.
Mana is often referred to as status; a person with mana had a presence. Often defined as ‘revenge’, utu has a broader meaning: the maintenance of balance and harmony within society. Pre-1840 contact
Tapu controlled how people behaved towards each other and the environment. Utu in the form of gift exchange established and maintained social bonds and obligations.
© Copyright 2003-2020 - John C Moorfield, Te Aka Online Māori Dictionary.
Rivals could not be allowed to reap the advantages of access to these new arrivals without a challenge. 3. Māori were quick to recognise the economic benefits of developing a positive working relationship with Europeans. Utu was not necessarily applied to the author of the affront, but affected the whole group. 1. acronym for Laugh Out Loud + sob-- an expression for something that makes you lol and cry at the same time. Just as feasts were likely to increase in grandeur as an exchange relationship developed over time, so could reciprocal acts of vengeance intensify.
If balance was not restored, a taua (hostile expedition) might become necessary. Māori life was also restricted through the placing of tapu on people and things. (Te Kākano Page 3. Streamed television programmes for developing listening comprehension skills. I waiatatia ai e Matangi-hauroa te waiata nei ki a Te Whatanui e whai ana kia oho te iwi o Te Whatanui kia haere ki te rapu utu mō te parekura (M 2004:298).
/ This song was sung by Matangi-hauroa to Te Whatanui with the object of rousing Te Whatanui's people to go and seek revenge for the defeat. 'Māori values and practices', URL: https://nzhistory.govt.nz/culture/frontier-of-chaos/maori-values, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012, Pre-1840 contact, Holidays and events, The arts and entertainment, Disasters, Transport, Health and welfare, Decade studies, Sport, Crime and punishment, Immigration, Lifestyle, Places, The great outdoors, Memorials, Political milestones, Protest and reform, Treaty of Waitangi, Maori leadership, Heads of State, Parliament and the people, The work of government, New Zealand in the world, New Zealand's internal wars, South African War, First World War, Second World War, Post Second World War, Other conflicts, Memorials, mascots and memorabilia, Contexts and activities, Skills, Historical concepts, Education at Pukeahu, Useful links, Interactives, Videos, Sounds, Photos, Contact us, Site Information, Privacy Statement, Quizzes, Calendar, Biographies, Check out the links below to like us, follow us, and get the latest from NZHistory, All text is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. Māori spoke of ‘our Pākehā’. If social relations are disturbed, utu is a means of restoring balance.
Mana influenced the behaviour of people and groups, and was sought through achievements and successes.
Culture and Society A taua muru was a bloodless plundering expedition, while taua ngaki mate or taua roto sought violent revenge for a death. Such indirect utu often featured within kin groups. Even here there were levels of response. utu translation in Samoan-English dictionary. It protected people and natural resources. This dictionary comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Māori language. While mana was inherited, individuals could also acquire, increase or lose it through their actions. They were practical forces at work in everyday matters. With the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android app you can use the dictionary anywhere without the need to be online. A wrong had to be put right, but how this was done could vary greatly. Textbooks, study guides, CDs, teachers' manuals and the bilingual Māori dictionary of the Te Whanake series. to repay, pay, respond, avenge, reply, answer. Textbook (Ed. / Compensation can be arranged if a serious problem has affected the people who have rights to the land. / They were also painted by him and the price he asked was right for his work. Rangatira (chiefs) in particular recognised the need to keep their mana as high as possible. While particular actions required a response, it was not necessary to apply utu immediately. If social relations were disturbed, balance could be restored through utu. Once muru was performed, the matter was considered to be ended. Often defined as ‘revenge’, utu has a broader meaning: the maintenance of balance and harmony within society. 3. The notions of mana, tapu and utu were sources of both order and dispute in Māori society. repaying, paying, responding, avenging, replying. More meanings for utu.
1908, Last spike completes North Island main trunk railway, Home
See more. Māori responses in the early contact period were determined by well-established customs and practices.
This Māori dictionary is now available as an app. / I was paid five shillings per week. a Māori word referring to a ritualised revenge or payback to restore balance… One form of utu was muru, the taking of personal property as compensation for an offence against an individual, community or society.
An expression of bitter anger over something funny. 48;), See also
Find more Maori words at wordhippo.com! Sometimes the defence of mana required an excessive response to the actions of another. Gift exchange, a major component of utu, created reciprocal obligations on the parties involved and established permanent and personal relationships.
(modifier) revenge, vengeance, retaliation, payback, retribution, cost, price, wage, fee, payment, salary, reciprocity - an important concept concerned with the maintenance of balance and harmony in relationships between individuals and groups and order within Māori society, whether through gift exchange or as a result of hostilities between groups. Almost every activity, ceremonial or otherwise, was connected to the maintenance and enhancement of mana and tapu. Online modules of animated movies and activities that complement the Te Whanake textbooks for learning Māori. Meet the NZHistory team. 2. Utu definition, the Sumerian sun god: the counterpart of the Akkadian Shamash.