0 Members and 5 Guests are viewing this topic. I thought it was great, really easy to follow and gave a really good foundation to build off. Most of us know that Aaron Kyro is a Scientologist. © The thing with Braille is that its all fake: Aaron is a huge hater and super bummed he never made it in skating, he watches his own footy all day every day and does not have fun skating. I guess this means you are a toxic person? Wack is wack, Braille and Revive represent a homogenized version of skating that turns it into something akin to T-ball. I actually made a skating subreddit to try and counteract how utterly wack all the skate content on that site is, but got uninspired to actually try and make it into a thing for the same reason. Aaron Kyro has been skateboarding for most of his life and has been a professionally sponsored skateboarder for many of those years.
We have courses that will teach you insider secrets for skating, filming, growing a social following and more! They all act in that just odd way that Braille does. Every month send us a video of a trick you are having a hard time with and you will get personal skate support on what you need to do to nail that trick! Which means youre not an idiot, at the least. Spreading the shredding, sharing the Shalom. Do you want to be part of an amazing community and have access to insider tools to really progress as a skater? I'm sure most people from LA have a story or two about how insane they are. I thought Id share that information with the r/BrailleSkateboarding community. I hope any kid that got into skating because of them grows up and sees the bullshit for what it is. The basics of YouTube Stats and Improving Channel Quality. SIGN UP FOR THE $15/MO ALL ACCESS MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP. Who gives a fuck about Braille? It's concerning if you're deeply concerned about them or their personal lives/families. He acts like he is having fun on videos but its just an act, he is a very frustrated individual and sad of the reality he has created. He studied computer science at West Valley College. Still, there is something particularly sinister about the way Scientology infiltrates cultural spaces and the ruthlessness they have towards anyone who stands in their way. They all have that odd sense of humor that nobody other than sheltered 13 year olds find funny, and all are overly positive all the fucking time, just like Scientologists are. What a sack of shit. This plan comes with additional service available only to our monthly Braille University Members. His passion is teaching others to skateboard and achieve the fun, satisfaction and freedom he has found in the sport. IDK would anyone on here use it if it was half decent skate stuff and not just skate instagram 2.0? They're kind of like myths to me, I've also net met anyone who had lupus. 2020, One monthly payment for access to all courses, private Facebook group for skate support, live monthly Q&A sessions, email exclusives and more. Fuck them. The most detailed Skateboard Riding Guide ever. BRAILLE SKATE UNIVERSITY So, good job? I began this course having zero knowledge about Adobe Premier, the step by step guide helped me understand what to do like cut with the razor tool, export, slow motion video and how to create a title. We will be adding new content monthly, including tutorials, live Q&A sessions and exclusive content not found on our YouTube channel. I was perma banned by r/BrailleSkateboarding for discussing Scientology. I learned a lot of things from this Editing Course, Gabe Cruz did such a great job at explaining and teaching how to use Adobe Premiere and now thanks to this course I have more knowledge about editing that will help me for my journey on creating beautiful videos. https://instagram.com/fairydustunicorntearmagic?igshid=877pldezxpoq, https://instagram.com/kydacasin?igshid=1opqgjl7dwrx7, https://tonyortega.org/2019/09/03/the-donors-keeping-scientology-afloat-in-2019-today-part-one-the-lesser-whales/, https://instagram.com/chloeeelyse?igshid=1ws1quth69m0p, https://instagram.com/alecogrady?igshid=4ox6m3k502ns, https://instagram.com/troyceratops808?igshid=1c0co7kw0efr2, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-latch-551650168, https://instagram.com/jenlatch?igshid=w80vp2dilqoy, https://instagram.com/thehollyiris?igshid=7lt9rrxwl2ex, Re: I was perma banned by r/BrailleSkateboarding for discussing Scientology, Quote from: honey island on October 12, 2020, 09:05:13 AM, Quote from: dooley on October 12, 2020, 09:11:37 AM, Quote from: ok boomer on October 12, 2020, 09:17:00 AM, Quote from: Lou Strux on October 12, 2020, 09:28:36 AM, Quote from: TheDingus on October 12, 2020, 09:58:39 AM, Quote from: Twanked n Danked on October 12, 2020, 08:52:56 AM, Quote from: fs180 on October 15, 2020, 05:07:32 AM, Quote from: Pavs323 on October 12, 2020, 09:55:35 AM, Quote from: Telly on October 12, 2020, 09:06:52 AM. This is concerning.