However, the vividness of these colors is what distinguishes the Green Neon Tetra from other species. Don’t forget, many different species and varieties on our list can be kept with one another.

The fish do fine on dried commercial foods but also enjoy nutrient-rich live snacks every once in a wild. As its name would imply, this fish is predominantly red. They should be kept in groups of at least six fish.

They won’t even school with Neon or Cardinal Tetras.

There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. One spot is located on the base of the tail while the other is in the middle of the body just behind the pectoral fins. Revered for their bright coloration, the Neon Tetra can’t be missed. But, it’s behavior is not very tetra-like. One of the most recognizable tetra species out there is the Neon Tetra. Log in.

The fish also has a unique spot behind its gills. It has horizontal stripes of clean white and staunch black. Like most tetra species, Congos are peaceful and non-aggressive. All rights reserved. The fins of the fish are semi-transparent and red.

But, the sides take on a bronze orange hue.

Known for their curious personalities, Black Skirt Tetras will spend most of the day swimming in unison to explore the tank. Rocks, overturned pots, driftwood, and even PVC pipes work well. If left untreated, your fish might die within a few days. The scales have an iridescent sheen, producing tones of purple and turquoise, too. It has a semi-transparent body. They’re an excellent schooling fish. When it comes to care, Congo Tetras are pretty easy-going.

When the tank is overcrowded, the fish often gets stressed out and resorts to fin-nipping! Dense vegetation, driftwood, and rock caves all work well. As with other varieties of tetra, Lemons are known for their peaceful disposition. It has a similar profile and shape as other tetra species that you might be familiar with.

However, these fish have a vibrant red stripe that stretches from the head to the tail. The fish will eat just about anything, so provide a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins and nutrients. Q. In the wild, Flame Tetras are usually found in coastal rivers of Brazil. White spots in cardinal tetras are not uncommon, and this disease is usually caused by the bacteria Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (commonly called ‘ich’). As always, a group of Glowing Tetras is best. Black edging on the fins as well as a comma-shaped stripe on the body gives the fish an interesting look.

The Bucktooth Tetra is a species that’s vastly different from others in the tetra family. It’s named after its beautiful red and orange color. The Columbian Tetra can exhibit slightly aggressive behavior.

So, to form a comfortable group, a minimum of five of these tetras is advisable. The name of this fish is inspired by its looks. You’ll notice that they have the same torpedo-shaped body. It’s also quite easy to breed in captivity. The fins also have an iridescent shimmer despite being transparent. Thus, they prefer warmer waters around 70 degrees. The distribution of this fish is large.

The fish respond poorly to fluctuations in temperature, pH level, and ammonia levels. The main body is basic gray.

Molly Fish 101: Care, Types, Food, Lifespan & More. The color is most concentrated on the tailfin, the anal fin, and the dorsal fin.

They prefer subdued lighting and gravel substrate.

They can stay healthy is waters that are between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll see some neat detail on the tailfin, too.

In low light, this blue shimmers to give the fish its rainbow-like appearance.

With some careful planning, these fish can easily become a part of a diverse group of fish.

The upper half is covered in silver-gray color. This fish is hugely popular in the aquarium trade and is often found in pet stores the world over. The tail fin is black at the base. For the Cardinal Tetra, it extends from the gills and runs down to the tail.

You can improve color even more with a great diet.

Rainbow Tetras have many colors on their body. However, splashes of more vibrant red are found on the dead and tail. They can live in temperatures between 73 and 82 degrees. They can do well with plants in the environment, but they also thrive in sparse tanks. Two vertical stripes in the middle of the body add an eye-catching accent. Also known as the Von Rio Tetra, the Flame Tetra is a standout species with a distinct look.

In the right lighting, you’ll see all kinds of colors on the rainbow spectrum. But, the blind variants have become very popular among aquarists because they have a pinkish white color that’s reminiscent of albino fish. Hints of gold, violet, and bright orange make up the rest of the body. The eys of the fish are red while the fins are transparent. You can help boost the fish’s coloration with a good diet. The symptoms include white patches on the body and the fins, while you may often find the affected fish rubbing and scratching themselves against hard objects. Cardinal tetra gets its name from the vivid red coloration (‘cardinal red’) below its lateral line. The fish adapt well to a wide range of conditions.

However, they do have a dark black tail with a hint of white at the base.

The Penguin Tetra is a beautiful fish with neutral coloration. Embers do best in warm temperatures between 73 and 84 degrees. The reason the Buenos Aires Tetra has fallen out of favor is its behavior. They adapt well to standard freshwater setups. While tetras are typically peaceful by nature, there are some exceptions.

Natural decor is best for these fish. Hints of pink really bring out this fish’s shine.

Thus, you’ll have to use artificial plants in your tank.

They are generally unfussy and do well in standard tropical water conditions.

That said, they still require stable waters to truly thrive. Some fish even have a bit of yellow on the eye. Over time we’ll create care guides for each of the types of tetras on this list.

The color blends in nicely with the surroundings. The other fins have a subtle highlight of shimmering blue, giving the fish an eye-catching look. This unique habitat benefits the fish when they’re in captivity. Q. This is great because their coloration tends to pop in low-light conditions. Mexican Tetras are very hardy.

In addition to eating insects and small fish, they will consume fish scales. As a schooling fish, they require at least five other companions to feel safe. It’s wide and extends from the pectoral fins to the caudal fin. Those waters often become murky with heavy rains, which dramatically changes the water conditions.

They are very similar to their more famous cousin, the Neon Tetra.

Despite their foreboding looks, Black Skirt Tetras are very easy-going. Most specimens also have a small spot of black on the base of the caudal fin.

They have larger heads and a beautiful iridescent body. At first glance, it’s not hard to see why.