Whitehall making his true plans for Hale clear. Having learnt that Raina was also one of those who had managed to survive touching the Obelisk, Whitehall sent a few agents to find her.

― Red Skull, Gamora and Thanos [src] "All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you got what you deserved. The universe has judged you. 3.16: Paradise Lost, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When Whitehall had arrived into Puerto Rico, he came to the theater where he ordered a sudden meeting, as Whitehall noted that they were all gathered there due to the contributions made by everyone stood before him. Whitehall looking Calvin Zabo directly in eyes, Whitehall then watched as Zabo questioned how well Ward knew the members from Coulson's team, to which Ward had claimed that they were like family to him. Whitehall instructing Skye to touch the Diviner.

Whitehall and Calvin Zabo discuss the Obelisk, Zabo had then informed Whitehall that the Obelisk's true name, was the Diviner, while he claimed that it was just one of many details that he knew about it. [6], Reinhardt getting questioned by Peggy Carter. Whitehall had set up his meeting with Grant Ward, who was able to learn of his location through Sunil Bakshi, as Whitehall commented on his time in the Rat granting him the understanding of how rare second chances could be, recommending that if you were given one, it should be taken. I've been around too long to lose sight of what's mine. Whitehall had confirmed with Zabo that this was why the device was called the Diviner, as it would chose who lived and died. Reinhardt getting his updates from his officer. Fearing that the United States Army would be capable of finding and capturing him, now that HYDRA's strength had become considerable more weakened in the aftermath of the death of Red Skull, Reinhardt and all his men had then moved towards a more secure location, a HYDRA Research Facility within Austria.

Whitehall calmly introducing himself to Raina. Whitehall then wiped a tear away from Agent 33's face, as he told her that she did not need to continue burning, as he instead told her that she could finally rise and be reborn as their new agent of HYDRA.

Real Name prison for life in 1945. : 2.06: A Fractured House, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Reinhardt then asked about the Obelisk, while his officer assured him that it was being brought out, with Reinhardt also ensuring that their soldiers were being careful with it. Whitehall and Bakshi acknowledged that the Faustus method would take time, and he had plenty of time, before Whitehall plugged his ears and watched on, as Agent 33 had been forced to endure more from his mental torture. : 5.17: The Honeymoon, https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Daniel_Whitehall?oldid=1235225, For the Altered Timeline version of Daniel Whitehall, see, In the comics, Daniel Whitehall is a legendary member of HYDRA known as the. But now, you kill and torture and you call it mercy. With Gideon clearly becoming more impatient with these questions, Reinhardt took a seat, commenting on their ages, as it was time for them to choose a path toward within HYDRA, noting that he believed that with their father gone, they should choose to follow his path.

to get in the way of his plans, Whitehall gathered his soldiers in the main hallway, as he then ordered Agent 33 to lead her team and search their entire theatre for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Whitehall then told Ward that this would allow him to be reborn into something better, as he claimed that everybody deserved a second chance, although few would be willing to do what it took to earn one. Being an intelligent man, Reinhardt realized the "stars" were actually extraterrestrials who came to Earth thousands of years earlier; Reinhardt was led to believe that the aliens intended to conquer Earth, but failed. Upon hearing the news that Wilfred had died, Reinhardt sent for his two sons, Gideon and Nathaniel to meet with him at the Rat. Affiliation As his unit then transferred their various weapons and treasures into their jeeps and trucks, Reinhardt spoke to a HYDRA Officer and recommended that they move faster, noting that the clock was ticking down before they were discovered by their enemies. While Zabo noted that he would have already torn Whitehall apart if his daughter had not been there, to which Whitehall mockingly claimed that he was therefore glad that Skye was there. You know what's best.

[2] Here he discovered a mysterious item, which he knew as the Obelisk in Chaves, Portugal. Following his capture, Reinhardt was taken to the Rat, the top-secret SSR facility. When Whitehall had questioned why Zabo would be doing this, Zabo explained that he and Whitehall shared a common enemy with Phil Coulson and noting that he hoped that together they could kill Coulson and destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., while noting that he was willing to kill anyone to achieve their goal, which Whitehall accepted. [2], Whitehall learns about the blue angels' history. A day before the student's graduation, Whitehall was invited by Professor Steger to give a lecture, who wanted Whitehall to give those students another potential opportunity within HYDRA once they graduated. [6] As well as Johann Schmidt, Reinhardt knew about and searched for the Darkhold, a book that was said to contain infinite knowledge, but he never managed to find it. Zabo had become outraged for not being allowed to exact his revenge and kill Whitehall himself as he vowed to get his vengeance against Coulson over taking it away from him. [2], Reinhardt makes his final plea to Peggy Carter.

He also believed deeply in HYDRA’s Nazi ideology, specifically their misogynistic viewpoint as he discarded Hale to be artificially inseminated to continue their Destroyer of Worlds Project rather than act as a S.H.I.E.L.D. To get his revenge against Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D., Zabo brought together a team called the Slicing Talons and attempted to destroy Coulson; however, this plan failed. Enjoy reading and share 1 famous quotes about Daniel Whitehall with everyone. Male Part One, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [6] However, the Obelisk was stolen from Bakshi by Raina, moments before Bakshi could get his hands on it, and Creel was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. The disgust at how the Inhumans had been treated by HYDRA caused Jiaying to wage a War against Humanity, who was planning on using poisoned Terrigen Crystals to wipe out the humans. Schutzstaffel (formerly) HYDRA*HYDRA Preparatory Academy*Project Destroyer of Worlds Led by Agent 33, they found her in Vancouver, but when they tried to kidnap her, Raina was saved by the group of S.H.I.E.L.D. As Whitehall sat back, Ward questioned how Zabo's recent encounter with Coulson had done down, noting that it could be difficult to handle, to which Zabo claimed that it had not all been a complete loss, as he insisted that it was always good to look an enemy directly in the eyes. As Zabo noted that he intended to be reunited with his family, Whitehall questioned what he meant by this, to which Zabo then explained that he wanted to reunite with his family in the Afterlife, before Zabo walked away from Whitehall.

Whitehall then tested the Splinter Bomb by hiring Marcus Scarlotti to attack the United Nations, blaming this on S.H.I.E.L.D. Eventually, Jiaying had died during those days of torturous operations; however, Reinhardt harvested her organs and kept them in jars for study and further experimentation into her true gifts. Whitehall had then commented on how Red Skull had once used the power of the Tesseract, while he had waited his entire life to re-gain possession of the Obelisk, and to then harness it's power. Whitehall had told Sunil Bakshi to restart, noting that the start would be the beginning, comparing this to song lyrics. Whitehall then continued to explain how a plant such as the Giant Sequoia had needed the heat of the plant to crack open their seeds and be born, claiming that this helped them to rise up from the ashes and live for a thousand years. Whitehall and Calvin Zabo discuss the Diviner. Confident and arrogant in his capacities, he took seemingly all situations presented to him with calm indifference if not sadistic humor.