It is a reminder to Empress Dowager that she is not as powerful as she wishes to be.

The ending is not really that bad at all. This was more than a romance. All the cast are perfectly fit the role, their acting is amazing.

They failed to establish her accomplishments, except in a scene where she stopped her Yuan people from bringing Koryo women as slaves. Seung-nyang: If it wasn’t for you, I won’t be here. I was looking for a review like this, and you nailed it. The Koryo Crown Prince freed them, but her mother was killed by Yuan soldiers. She learns that Wang Yoo married El Temur’s niece and decides to become a concubine. She was so close to shoot him with her arrows, but he managed to flee from the scene.

But I’m asking you. That was a turning point that made me despise the end of this series. I hope that they could make a Part 2 which is in a Modern life that they could meet again and extend their Love story happily….. A tear dropped on her cheek and she excused herself as more tears fell from her eyes.

When it comes to love there cannot only be good days, but seeing TaHwan’s and Ki’s journey and holding on to the end really shows how much they loved each other. The right mix of action and talk, and ultimately, a lesson for power play today. Then Empress Tanashiri and Turk Leader, Yon Feisu even fell for him. The troop was sent to capture Byung-soo and Jo-cham and as usual, they were thinking of running away. Ta Hwan’s love is different, he loved her much, but it was a kind of love that is possessive. She never did her duty to TH, you got that idea from the TalkingTeaBoard or another blog similar to it. First of all, who are you to criticize my comment? It was for his throne, but still, they were good deeds. If they choose to pull this guy to the front, we should have been given more. I wanted Wang Yoo to stop protecting her, but he just wouldn’t. No on felt threatened by her until they realized a Koryeo trash had ambition to become the Yuan empress and install her son as emperor, that’s when she became a target and began to lose everything. I love last scene. She was alone on the bed and knowing that something was off, she left the Emperor’s quarters and ran into Taltal on her way out. I suddenly missed Seung Nyang, the Jackal. 5]wy died bcz sy told th that she work with wy. I just wish in the end it would have showed her chosing WangYoo. Wang Yoo was the true hero to Seunhyang’s story. Golta argued that what he did was only trying to switch the weaker person with a more powerful figure. When you’re done reading it, please tell me about what you think about my post. He never forced her to be with him just for the sake of being together. The Drama also touched on the sense of unbelonging that the Empress experienced, was she Goryeo or Yuan or neither or both? Thanks for the recommendation. The end dream, Wang Yoo needed to say he loved her because he was about to die, he needed to tell her before he departed, they needed closure, they never had the chance to talk about what happened, why Nyang needed things so abruptly between them. Wang Yoo is the brave one, a true leader, and an intelligent fighter, someone who is admired and loved by his people. It’s when their stories goes. Eunuch Dokman also spoked into this, when he said when you are abandoned by your country, you have to fend for yourself. With the presence of her enemies, he made her a liar and laughingstock.

You know what, as I was reading this, I was so astonished because every single word you said is how I felt while watching the series… There’s not a single letter in this post that I disagree with, Before reading this, every single person I know who has watched it loves the emperor.. "Reply 1994" Finale Spoiler: Na Jung's Husband Is...? But I hope you like it and sorry for the mistakes. Yep it was none other than Yom Byung Soo, and yes you went insane over a letter that wasn’t even by your rival. Golta: I’ve never betrayed anyone.

She offered herself to Ta Hwan out of duty, to bear a son, and to become an Empress. Because of what he did, it wasn’t right for him to spend a lifetime with Ki. It doesn’t make sense. Because of your own idealistic views, you judge peah too harshly. I have since moved on from the show so honestly I’ve stopped discussing it. The Emporer killing Wang Yoo was ridiculous, they were concubines/tribute women so anybody can haveasily a history.

They were still plagued by wars, by her own people and she had to be in Yuan’s side, not her homeland.

Rinchan: *Hugs* These words are heartbreaking: next Monday is not Empress Ki day. Seung-nyang’s men chased after the members of the group and brought the captured men into the palace for interrogation.