Given how many comic book characters have names that sound as if they were spit of of an RNG, I … Seeing as how their foxfire could just as easily be lightning. 58 – Emerald Japenese cities were made of wood, so in 1945, the U.S. Army Air Force began targeting the cities with a “firebombing” campaign–essentially dropping napalm into the middle of these cities, killing more than the atom bombs did. 20 – Captain, Serious Superhero Descriptive Word – Usually 2nd Word, 1 – Knight

The ability to release/use energy to various attacks. Saturday: Closed Just don't make him blonde!

I mean, this thread and threads like it in and of themselves are a quasi-random name generator, aren't they? Could have an insect electric hero named Kill-Bee. 85 – Blackbird 89 – Strange Today, I wanted to publish a serious superhero name generator table instead. 12 – Baron 32 – Lightning They just pick one that sounds good to them, same as if they just hit "Random" until they found something they liked. Stronger – They say anything which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so maybe your character’s regeneration makes him slightly stronger each time he regenerates. 37 – Stone 86 – Android I made an electricity hero in DCUO called Tess LaCage. 7 – Prime 40 – Magnet She’s a hero with wings that fights with Captain America in WWII. Sub-power of Energy Manipulation. I left “woman” off the list, because not many codenames sound good with “woman” at the end of it. Bajra (Bangla) either melee or ranged, the key here is electric based attacks. - Pushkin "One piece of flair is all I need." Spirit of St. Louis – The name of Charles Lindbergh’s airplane which first made a Transatlantic Flight in 1927. Catalyst. Dive Bomber – Perhaps a little violent-sounding, so maybe this would be a better name for your heroine’s Nazi counterpart.

The “Big 6” have been running the market for a while now, and with the growing popularity of comparison sites, times are changing. either melee or ranged, the key here is electric based attacks. When it comes to on-theme names, I generally made use of and to find something related to the general field, and then use any synonyms if the name I put together was already taken. “Doctor” and “Captain” tend to sound good with most any other word. Monday: 09:00 - 17:30 :p, Well I guess that's lore now, due to some fluke obsolete law every hero with electric powers is hereby forced to be named 'Me Thunder'. 13 – The 60 – Killer Powerpunch I’m stronger than you. Sunday: Closed. Switch Breaker 29 – Amazon 72 M. Above All Others (Post-Retcon) Above All Others. HADRON - (based on the Hadron Collider) if you venture into a high energy concept Blitz (German) 18 – White 90 – Saturn Travel Power: Parkour "The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." He is 10. hey thats pretty cool! 59 – Iron 17 – Mister

That is essentially the process, since CoX didn't have a random name generator, and CoT is unlikely to either (Understandably, given that superhero themes are so diverse). Electroplate 74 – Moon Circuit Breaker That produces a team of superheroes, the Wonder Team: Doctor Ghost, Miss Stone, The Animal, White Mercury, Captain Atomic and Raven Queen. I could see me rolling up a CoH elec/elec PvP stalker named Gankenstein :). I sometimes miss things at first. It’s probably been used somewhere, though.

Electron Chaos My main Redsider in CoH and the first guy I shifted to Rogue was Power Breaker. 46 – Scorpion 44 – Golden 37 – Stone 65 – Scarab Make sure they're current?" I don't really have any suggestions, but I'll detail how I generally create character names, maybe it'll prove useful to someone. Send out your signal, call in your hero AC/DC


18 – White Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Name: Safehouse The only problem is, there was a comic named Painkiller Jane, so that might be too derivative or cause confusion. The Torturer – This gets right down to it. Zzzzzt! - The Ancient One. 75 – Earth

I prefer indirect associations if possible. 3 – The Opposite to Anti-Energy Attacks. Plus if you’re trying to find a name to fit a certain hero you already have you can just choose from the list. Primary: Force Blast Molniya (Russian) 61 – Thunder Painkiller – Any word that fits the words “pain” and “killer” into it is pretty tough. Avatar courtesy of Satellite9, Yallspark

Can I get some help naming a character for my fanfic? He is made of iron.

84 – Brain A blaster might use Bolt, Blast, Strike, etc. Joules 2 – Girl 87 – Insect Secondary: Atrophic Aura Juicer (loved those guys). 66 – Mutant 19 – Miss Hrm, interesting name similarities there, scientist and elec connotations.... make a big hulking elec/elec brute named Ben Franklinstein. 6 – Lady

Along with that, the list included a number of pretty skilled opponents, such as The Iron Baron, Major Rogue, and the Deathwitch.

Coil I love making up new heroes. : electrons.

Donar - he of the hammer and helmet. Painless – An ironic name. 15 – Doctor

53 – Universe These are EXTREMELY helpful!!!! Status: Traveling. 68 – Mystery

Voltessla Proffessor, Dr, Sir, ... something electrical sounding. Obviously, most of these names are for the contemporary version of the hero. Umbani (Zulu) I'd use on-theme words as a starting point: Surge Crankstart 2 – Solar Our customer service team are always one call away and are always ready to answer any questions you may have during the process. I had this idea for an Elf with very little magic, who became fascinated by Ben Franklin and subsequent parents of Electro-sciences. And 'Archangel' is a word in general use, so I doubt Marvel could claim any exclusivity. My character is a 17 year old guy with the power to inflict pain from a distance and also to regenerate so he can heal most of his own wounds.

Electromotive (EMF on his chest) Firebomb – Another extremely violent term from World War II, perhaps a better name for a flying villain. Or, you can choose a regular superhero with just the one identity. 81 – Miracle I'm going to buy Champions online when it comes out, but I have no idea what the name of my guy should be. Use the Superhero Name Generator to create your own superhero. Right Hand Rule (nice for villian or vigilante maybe?) Random... Random Flux. 43 – Meteor

One of the first things that popped into my mind was Frankenstein, I keep seeing him as an elec brute from the powers given him in the Darkstalkers fighting game. Sparring Spark You might use: My apologies for waiting several days to reply. Thundercat (okay, maybe not) A poster asks for name ideas and a host of other random posters provide a list of options for them. Also, most pantheons have a storm god or goddess; real-world examples should be Public Domain as long as you avoid existing published imaginings like Marvel's version of everyone's favorite hammer-wielding Æsir. Tertiary: Kinetic Melee Serious Superhero Name Generator – Hero Name Personalizer. "Let the past die. Good or bad, toss out every name you can think of. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. is an online database containing names of superheroes, including fantasy, male and female superhero names. 88 – Nuclear

30 – Ant Energy Superheroes help you find and compare the best products and services from 100's of approved suppliers. Still synonymous with aviation and American ingenuity. Justicar Surge 79 – Comet Powersurge 10 – Flag That's weird, because marvel's character is Archangel. 13 – Ghost I’ve posted a couple of silly superhero name generators in the past month, because they were sitting here on my computer in one form of another. Gigawatt (with a 1.21 on his chest) Man prime kid-a man who has built in guns. 39 – Crusher Sadly, General Electric probably won't pass. The ability to control and generate various forms of energy. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers. I'm getting desperate here people.

3 – Tank 21 – Hero 5 – Super 42 – Diamond I have always been challenged with Lightning Guy kinds of names. Our superhero name generator creates names and aliases for double-identity protagonists in your story. The market is slowly being shared as more and more are learning about their options, which is only a good thing. 96 – Animal 82 – Vengeance 55 – Glorious Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." OK, You are making a lightning based hero. I wish you luck completing your story. 25 – Force Turbine 56 – Wonder Back in the Twenties, he was the only one…he was the man. 16 – Witch, 13 – Ghost 96 – Animal

If none of these fit, Google either “torture thesaurus” or “pain thesaurus” and see what comes up. Aberforth Dumbledore Aberforth Dumbledore. 67 – Raven 15 – Psionic He needs two names actually because his superhero friend has a teleport to the 1920’s (long story) so in this time period the media gave him his title and they view him as more of a public menace where as in the 1920’s he gave himself a name and is viewed as a hero. 50 – Titan Zeus, Raijin or any of the thunder gods of mythology Truth is, smaller energy companies can often produce much better value for money, and have much better customer service. Energy Superheroes help you find and compare the best products and services from 100's of approved suppliers. 19 – Miss Fair Light - Pushkin, "One piece of flair is all I need."

You can change that if you like, or add more female words if you prefer to get a closer to 50/50 ratio on men and women. (something electrical sounding) 92 – Alien I have always been challenged with Lightning Guy kinds of names. etc.. Then typically add in a word that related to the character's role/class(AT)/alignment/personality: The Volt Aegis Skywrath Tormented – If you’re guy happens to be tormented about his past, this is for the brooding emo version of Torment. Fulgur (Latin) 93 – Justice - Sister Silicon, The Bureau of Paranormal Investigations and Tracking. 49 – Speed Electra-city Torment – Once again, a variant of the above. So she came from Underhill to Paragon City to conduct experiments on Hellions and the rest is alternate history. Brainstorm Thanks! hello i liked your ideas and im writing a book on superheroes could i use some of your ideas i would like my writers name to remain anonymous. 03 – The This was before they announced the science flight power crafting project: Storm Rider... Other ideas I don't see above: I want to become either white cross or shadow cross. I imagine regeneration is still painful. At first, he goes by the name ERG1 (Energy Release Generator 1) for his containment suit, but after he is accepted into the Legion of Superheroes, he is codenamed Wildfire from that point on. Pik4chUxx98. 10 – Captain He is a hero but has a dark side (I mean his power is pain infliction). Though it'd probably be tough to set it up as to not produce any copywritten names.

Friday: 09:00 - 17:30 Those are a few options. 62 – Spectre Either way, it’s pretty much a one-up to anyone he fights. Some writers and gamers need that. Ben Franklin popped to mind next with his kite and keys. If you don't already have your own copy of the loader, Sign up for City of Titans and download the Character Creator at our store:, Join the conversation on Discord: 10 – Captain