Expedited Eviction - This is an instructional guide for a summary eviction procedure to take place when the sole reason for an eviction is nonpayment of rent by the tenant. Timeline.Evicting a tenant in Idaho can take around 1 week to 2 months, depending on whether the eviction is for nonpayment of rent, illegal drug activity, to remove squatters, or another type of eviction. 1. Members of the public will be allowed to testify.The Idaho Apartment Association (IAA) introduced HB 138, which seeks to amend the Unlawful Detainer Act so that all evictions in Idaho are completed within an expedited time-frame.Read more about Warning: When you represent yourself in a court … *In expedited eviction proceedings, (like if you fail to pay rent, or a controlled substance is involved,) you may have to go to court within 5-12 days of the Summons and Complaint being filed. HB 138 Expedited Eviction will be given a public hearing in the House Judiciary & Rules committee on Thursday, FEBRUARY 21 at 1:30 pm. Three-Day Notice to Quit : If the tenant seriously damages or sublets the rental unit (and subletting is not allowed under the terms of the lease or rental agreement), then the landlord can give the tenant a three-day notice to quit. Idaho Landlord Tenant. If the tenant does not comply with the notice, then the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit against the tenant (see Idaho Code § 6-303(3)). * If you receive a 3 day notice, call Jesse Tree to talk through the situation. If tenants request a continuance, the process can take longer ().Below are the individual steps of the eviction process in Idaho. To learn more about the proposed expedited eviction law in Idaho and whether or not this gives too much power to landlords and if such a law was enacted would it increase homelessness read recent TenantScreeningUSA.com press release: Potential Idaho Law Expediting Evictions Could Become a Test Case for Other Areas of the Country; Opines TenantScreeningUSA.com CAO UD INSTRUCTION 1 EXPEDITED EVICTION PAGE 1 CAO UD INSTRUCTION 1 07/01/2017 UD INSTRUCTION 1 EXPEDITED PROCEEDINGS FOR EVICTION (Unlawful Detainer) Talk to An Attorney, If Possible. When he continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, of the property, or any part thereof, after the expiration of the term for which it is let to him, without the permission of his landlord, or the successor in estate of his landlord, if any there be; but in case of a tenancy at will, it must first be terminated by notice, as prescribed in the civil code.