Ce dernier était alors poursuivi par la justice ivoirienne pour injure à l’encontre du chef de l’Etat de l’époque, Henri Konan Bédié. En 1999, Fabrice Sawegnon a créé la société Voodoo communication dont Hamed Bakayoko  serait l’un des actionnaires. Bakayoko, the chairman of the [...], Youssouf Bakayoko, the chairman of Ivory Coast’s Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), has hired Ivorian lawyer Philomene Adaye to represent him [...], In his recent New Year’s greetings message, which was sent by e-mail to some four-hundred members of the Grand Lodge [...], Although both are past the age of retirement, President Alassane [...], Vako Bamba, the second-in-command of Ivory Coast’s Gendarmerie Nationale, is [...], Stephane Konan, the former executive director of the Ivorian subsidiary of Dongsan Engineering, has won his case for wrongful dismissal [...], The president of the Ivorian electoral commission is trying to take possession of land that Vassiriki Konate has built his Ivoire Cajou facility on in Seguela. Tous droits réservés Africa24monde.com sous africomservice.com. The elements of the other bloc refute the idea by pointing out the political risks that a forcing for a third term will hang on national cohesion in Côte d’Ivoire. Indeed, a fringe of executives headed by the executive director of RHDP Adama Bictogo, who in reality only executes the plan concocted by his mentor, Alassane Ouattara, constantly calls on executives and activists to align themselves to invest Ouattara as a candidate, in defiance of article 183 which makes this candidacy unconstitutional. La MONUSCO assure à nouveau la protection de l’hôpital de Panzi à Bukavu ... Décès de George Bizos, avocat de Nelson Mandela. Read also the Disappearance of Amadou Gon Coulibaly : Ivory Coast between shock and uncertainty. He is an influential member of the RDR party and loyal friend of Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara and his wife and is seen today as one of the most influential figures in Ouattara's entourage. A pioneer on the web since 1996, Africa Intelligence is the leading news site on Africa for professionals.

Après leur mariage, le couple a eu quatre enfants. Capable de mobiliser journalistes comme directeurs de rédaction favorables au pouvoir, le ministre de l’intérieur gère savamment l’image du régime Ouattara tout en peaufinant la  sienne. Number two of the GLCI, he initiated his son-in-law into Freemasonry. You can modify or delete your notifications or summaries in your account. Ce dernier était alors poursuivi par la justice ivoirienne pour injure à l’encontre du chef de  l’Etat de l’époque, Henri Konan Bédié. or.

After the sudden death of the Prime minister and the ruling party's candidate in the October presidential elections, Amadou Gon Coulibaly, took place on 8 July last, Alassane Ouattara, has chosen to hand over the keys of the office of the prime minister Hamed Bakayoko, 55, who assured the interim for nearly two months. Avocate de profession, l’épouse d’Hamed Bakayoko, Yolande Tanoh, a rencontré son futur époux en 1994. [...], It was party time at the Hotel Sofitel Ivoire on June 29, when Dominique Ouattara hosted a hosted a gala [...], Alassane Ouattara is still the chairman of Ivory Coast's ruling Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR) party and there is no obvious [...], Ivory Coast is expected to shortly appoint Ahmadou Bakayoko as new managing director of the state-controlled media group RTI (Radio-Television [...], The political rivalry between Ivory Coast’s Interior and Security Minister Hamed Bakayoko, and parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro has degenerated in [...]. Avocate de profession, l’épouse d’Hamed Bakayoko, Yolande Tanoh, a rencontré son futur époux  en 1994. On the basis of promises and freebies the President set about creating a new breed of politicians born of arrangements, compromises and above all unhealthy political practices.

De 2004 à 2005, elle a notamment dirigé L’Alizé Club, night­club  branché du XVe arrondissement de Paris géré par Idriss Karamoko (lire ci-dessous). The seeds of a new socio-political conflict are noticeable for those who take the time to listen to the beating heart of the country. To the point that when the 11 April 2011, Laurent Gbagbo was finally arrested in his residence in Cocody by the republican Forces of Ivory Coast (FRCI) Alassane Ouattara appoints Hamed Bakayoko to ensure the protection of the former president at the Golf hotel. That's not a problem, why not start a journal. Bakayoko was sent in detention in the Maca in Abidjan for four months and sixteen days.

[...], 15% OFF your subscription to AfricaIntelligence.com. Serey Dié de retour, Yopougon : Un faux gendarme interpellé par la police, Ena-France session 2021-2022 : L’inscription en ligne prend fin le 15 novembre prochain, Après la présidentielle du 31 octobre 2020: La vie a entièrement repris à Abidjan (Reportage photos), Alépé : Le prix des denrées alimentaires flambe, Biankouma : Des activités écoresponsables génératrices de revenus pour des jeunes formés, Le cortège du ministre Sidi Touré essuie des tirs entre Béoumi et Bouaké. Le Prix Nobel de la paix, Dr Denis Mukwege, placé sous protection de l’ONU. Cette institution a reconnu, depuis l’Hôtel du golf où il  s’était réfugié ­  officiellement pour des raisons de sécurité ­,  la victoire d’Alassane Ouattara à  l’issue de la présidentielle de 2010 déclenchant aussitôt les contre­feux du Conseil constitutionnel  dirigé par Paul Yao N’Dré. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to our same sources of information, before leaving for Bamako, the President of Ghana had a meeting with an American envoy on Tuesday (July 21st). The policy of reconciliation has not succeeded. “If Ouattara is not a candidate, it is all of us who will go to jail or exile. This service is completely free of charge. Un communicant bien en vue.

President Ouattara ended by saying that he counted on them and their support.

You will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link. Son oncle, Youssouf  Bakayoko, lui a permis de s’implanter dans la région de Séguéla (nord) en l’adoubant comme son héritier en  tant que député. However, it would be good to recall that the choice relates to the person of the late Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly n ‘was not consensual, hence the resignations of important party figures and the latent war that followed between the Pro-Gon and the Pro-Bakayoko. Three ways to create your email notifications: Do not hesitate to create your own notifications according to your interests : better criteria narrows down the results. Homme d’affaires et de communication, DG de Voodoo communication. Daniel Kablan Duncan, former Vice-President of the Republic and Marcel Amon-Tanoh, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, are the best known and quickly became disillusioned during the enthronement of Amadou Gon Coulibaly under conditions that they denounced as being undemocratic. Alassane Ouattara is expected to run again in the presidential election for a third term, but he announced to defer its decision on Wednesday, before the political council of his party, the RHDP in Abidjan. [...], While he is huddled with his securocrats for secret meetings most nights, during the daytime President Alassane Ouattara has regular dealings with businesspeople on contracts that have not been delegated to his inner circle - Philippe Serey-Eiffel, Amadou Gon Coulibaly [. (La Lettre du continent N° 618 du 08/09/2011). He remains at his post from march 2003 to April 2011. A pioneer on the web since 1996, Africa Intelligence is the leading news site on Africa for professionals. Intent on gaining a march over his rival, Bakayoko, the country’s security and interior [. October 25 at 6:15 AM. Married to the very discreet Yolande Bakayoko for more than twenty years, freemason and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Côte d'ivoire, Hamed Bakayoko is today a personality of weight within the machine Ouattara. Le gouvernement ivoirien a annoncé la fermeture de ses frontières terrestres et ... © Copyright 2020. Très proche de la fratrie Bakayoko, Alain Tanoh a présenté  aux deux frères plusieurs de ses contacts parmi lesquels Fabrice Sawegnon et Mohamed Cheick  Karamoko (lire ci-­dessous). Fin 2011, Hamed Bakayoko a succédé à  son oncle comme député de Séguéla (nord-ouest), mandat que Youssouf Bakayoko occupait  depuis 1995. En 2011 et  2012, la présidente de ce club n’était autre que Nathalie Laurent, une ressortissante belge qui  officie également comme secrétaire particulière du ministre de l’intérieur, à Abidjan. Fabrice Sawegnon, Né en 1972. A series of resignations from the RDR-RHDP drew attention following constitutional changes that pointed the way the President would follow. His conviction can be seen as the latest chapter in a power struggle that has started to unfold since President Alassane Ouattara was reelected in October 2015. When President Alassane Ouattara came to power in 2011, at the cost of chaotic, non-transparent elections marked by the seal of flagrant outside interference, executions of civilians and soldiers in circumstances not yet clarified, of referral to the International tribunal of some, the international community acquiesced and the ECOWAS authorities let it go. In all cases, it is a crucial essential for the next presidential election. En 2010, il a dirigé la campagne électorale de l’actuel président  ivoirien dans le Moyen­ Comoé (est). The first block estimated that the candidacy of outgoing President Alassane Ouattara, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was at the end of his mandate, remained the one and only alternative for the conservation of power in 3 months.