– The Moderate Muslim Debate, Islam is the religion of all the Prophets. Like itikaaf in Ramadan, that why it best to do the hizbul bahr in Ramadan because you get more reward,He who observer the ten day of itikaaf during the month of Ramadan will obtain the benefit of two hajj and two umrah. day which add to 360. minka wa-absirni bika wa-aqimni bishuhodika wa-arrifnit tareeqa • Roza,Mahzar sharif of prophet , awliya Allah (sufi)• masjid• sea side• home. Like itikaaf in Ramadan, that why it best to do the hizbul bahr in Ramadan because you get more reward,He who observer the ten day of itikaaf during the month of Ramadan will obtain the benefit of two hajj and two umrah. jameeial khalaiqi wasakhirlana hazal bahra kama sakhartal bahra It is called, Umm Al-Kitab (the Mother of the Book), WHY IS THE BISMILLAH MISSING FROM SURAH AT-TAWBAH? Allah hoo walliyuallah zeena amanoo yukh rijhum minnazalu maati illanoor wallahzeena amanoo yukhrijhum  mina zzalumaati illanoor waallahzeena kafaroo aoliyaou humu ttagootu yakhri joonahum  minnoori elaa zzulimaati oulaeka, shaabun naari humfiha khalidoon. the same words. – The Moderate Muslim Debate, Islam is the religion of all the Prophets. Don’t talk with people when reading the hizbul bahr. Don’t talk with people when reading the hizbul bahr. It contain (al ism al azam) the greatest name of allah. Dealing with difficulties: flee to Allah! Maliki youmadeen iyyakanabudu waiyyaka nastaeen. nidda-aana bikhsaisi lutfika aameen aameen aameen, Min Jesus Is Alive And Is Coming Back; Islam Confirms! oowallahu_UL_khaliqu_ul_baariyu_ul_mussawirulahoo_ul_asmaaou_ul_husna yusabbi hoo lahoo mafissama wati walardi wahuwal azeezul haqeem. Shaykh ali abul hasan ash shadhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret, spoke of this hizb as, he was dying in the desert near humaythrain on his last hajj, he gathered all of the muridun, who were with him and told them, continue with the hizbul bahr & teach it to your children. Sins Got You Down And You Don't Know How To Stop?? aksarihim fahum laa youminun inna ja-alna fii aanaqihim aglalan fahiya Shaykh ali abul hasan ash shadhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret, spoke of this hizb as, he was dying in the desert near humaythrain on his last hajj, he gathered all of the muridun, who were with him and told them, continue with the hizbul bahr & teach it to your children.

waallahzeena kafaroo aoliyaou humu ttagootu yakhri joonahum  minnoori The Beauty & Benefits of Islam, Why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Important to All of Mankind, Wudu’ and Invalidators of Wudu'. amma yushrkoon. raheemin ya mujeebu ya mujeebu ya mujeebu adiya r, Wa-aafina It will also help you Control the heart from temptation of the desire (hawa) and fantasies and will remove difficulties and will grant both worldly and religious success (to the reader). It Allah hu laiallah ha illahu wa allhayyul qayoomu latakhuzu sinatnwa la nauma fissmawati wamafil ard munn zallahzi yashfaoou endahoo iallahhoo beiznehi yalaamu mabaeen aayedihim wama khlfa hum walayuhitoona beshai immin ilmihee iallah bemashaa wasieaa kursiyya_hu_samawaty walardaa wala, Yaudu hoo hifzuhumaa. yusabbi hoo lahoo mafissama wati walardi wahuwal azeezul haqeem.

This wazaifa (spiritual devotional practice) showers the rain of light (Nur) and the hidden secrets (asrar) would be manifest to him. Don’t talk with people when reading the hizbul bahr.

AND MESSAGE OF ISLAM, Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers, Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim, Sunan of Anger: What a Muslim should do when angry, Surah Fatiha Ayat 1 Explanation | Translation And Tafseer In Audio, Surat Al-Baqarah was revealed in Al-Madinaha, Tawheed – Its Importance and its Benefits, Ten Things You Should Know About the Prophet Muhammad, The 23 kinds of Water mentioned in the Quran, The Beginning of Creation. Than waftah lana fainaqa, khairul Unique True Religion, Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World, Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare, ISLAMIC GUIDELINES ON PANDEMICS & EPIDEMICS, Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide, Islamic Tips On How To Be Happy And Relieve Stress.

Kissing the thumbs on hearing the name of the prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), Lebih Mudah Mendalami Intisari Al Qur'an dengan Layanan Tafsir Digital. Destiny Qadar, Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society, Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt), Prophet Jesus (^Isa) and His Mother Mary are Muslim, PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS, PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS, Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah, Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam, Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses, Rajab The Month For The Great Battle Of Tabuk, Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran, Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah, Ruling on a person saying “O wisdom of Allah” or “O mercy of Allah”, Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle, Ruling on touching the Qur’an then touching the head, Sacrificing for Islam: the Life of Imam Ali, SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN, Salatul Hajat Namaz ka Tariqa aur Hajat Dua, Say Yo to Ramadan! A man in the sky? khairul hafizeen wahdeena wanajeena minal qoumiz zalimeen wahab lana This wazaifa (spiritual devotional practice) showers the rain of light (Nur) and the hidden secrets (asrar) would be manifest to him.

itikaaf in Ramadan, that why it best to do the hizbul bahr in Ramadan

Destiny Qadar, Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society, Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt), Prophet Jesus (^Isa) and His Mother Mary are Muslim, PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS, PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS, Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah, Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam, Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses, Rajab The Month For The Great Battle Of Tabuk, Ramazan | Dua for Ramazan | Ramazan Wazaif | Ramazan Ki Dua, Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran, Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah, Reminding the Children of Israel of Allah's Covenant with Them, Ruling on a person saying “O wisdom of Allah” or “O mercy of Allah”, Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle, Ruling on touching the Qur’an then touching the head, Sacrificing for Islam: the Life of Imam Ali, Salaat al-Tawbah (the Prayer of Repentance), SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN, Salatul Hajat Namaz ka Tariqa aur Hajat Dua, Say Yo to Ramadan!

HOW SCORES WILL BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION, HOW TO CONVERT TO ISLAM AND BECOME A MUSLIM, HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE QURAN, How to Memorize the Quran More Effectively, How to Perform the Five Obligatory Prayers, HOW TO SEEK BENEFIT IN YOUR RECITATION OF QUR’AN, IF THEY WOULD ONLY PUT THEIR TRUST IN ALLAH, ILM UL GHAYB- THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN, IMAM AL-BUKHARI AND THE SCIENCE OF HADITH, Imam Ali (a) – Success on the Nights of Qadr, Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab, Implications Of Mosques And Markets In Light Of Hadith, Importance and Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi, Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam, Importance of Husband in the Light of Quran and Hadith, Importance of Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Decree) in Ramadan, Importance of Muslim Brotherhood in Quran and Sunnah, Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr, Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves, Improving Concentration and Prerequisites of Offering Prayers, INCREASE YOUR FAITH (IMAAN) AND EARN REWARDS, Indicating Sovereignty on the Day of Judgment. fatihain  wagfirlana fainnaqa khairul gafireen warhamna fainnaqa E. Musatqeem. This wazaifa (spiritual devotional practice) showers the rain of light (Nur) and the hidden secrets (asrar) would be manifest to him. If one desire that his supplication be responded to & his lawful needs be satisfied, he should recite this. Bismiallahi rahmaani  Arheem.

Shaykh ali abul hasan ash shadhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret, spoke of this hizb as, “the instrument of protection and prevention.”.

Eat only barley For intellectual and spiritual development recite the hizb twice a day ( Fajar  & Asar).

There are seven surah which start with ha meem,  for Than start your reading for that day, every day of the course you have to repeat the same way.Don’t go out the cycle before you finish the reading, for that day. You should wear ihram (follow Islamic laws when in ihram condition). Akhraja The Prophet (pbuh) had a rest in the afternoon. First read 4 times, surah kafirun, surah ikhlas, surah falak, and surah nas. “ if it is read in any place, that place will be preserved from harm, any jinn are dispelled, the fearful  are made secure, the sick are cured, and the anxious one is made peaceful. Water is The First Creature, THE BENEFITS OF BELIEF IN TAQDEER AND TAWAKKUL, The Enduring Patience of Imam al-Kadhim (as), The Faithful ask for and abide by Guidance, The Favours Of The Noblest Rasool To The World, THE FORGIVENESS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SHOWN TO NON-MUSLIMS, The Grandeur of Friends of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim, The Importance of a Connection to our Islamic Centers and Masajid, The Importance of Appreciating the Work of Mothers, THE IMPORTANCE OF FRIDAY AND JUMMA PRAYER, The Islamic new year: a time for growth and improvement, The Kinds of Manners in Islam and Its Verses, The Linguistic and Religious Meaning of `Ibadah, THE MEANING OF " INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON", The Meaning of Al-Fatihah and its Various Names, The meaning of spiritual excellence in Islam, The Meaning of Surah 01 Al-Fatihah Opener, The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet MuHammad from Mecca to Medina, The noble birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity. Want to Be Happy? Aalif-baa-taa-saa-jeem-haa-khaa-daal-zaal-ra-za-seen-sheen-daad-zaad- taa-zaa-aaen-gaeen-faa-kaaf-laam-meem-noon-woow-haa-yaa, rabbi sahhil wayassir wala tuasir alaeena yarab, Ya allahu ya allahu ya allahu ya aliyou ya azeemu ya haleemu ya aleemu anta rabbi wailmuqa hasbi fanimal rabbu rabbi wanimal hasbu hasbi tansuru man tashau wa antal azeezur raheem allahumma inna nasaluqal ismata fil haraqati wasaqanati walqalimati, Oumurish shariato allahmummaj jalni azeezan fi ayunin nasi wazalilan fi aini wansurna, alla jameeial khalaiqi wasakhirlana hazal bahra kama sakhartal bahra lisayeedina musa allihis salamu wasakhartan nara lisayeedina ibrahima allihis salamu wasakhartal, Jiblla walmalaqota walawalima qullaha lisayeedina wannabiyina washfina wamulana muhammadadin allihis salatu wasalamu warahmatullahi  wabaraqatuho wasakhirlana qulla wazeerioun wameerioun waraeiaution wasakhirlana qalla bahrin huwa laka fil arzi wasamai walmulqi, Walmalaquti wabharid dunia wabhail akhirati wsakhirlana qulla shaioun willihi turjauna bihaqi qaf ha ya ain suad fansurna fainaqa khairun naseerin waftah lana fainaqa, khairul fatihain  wagfirlana fainnaqa khairul gafireen warhamna fainnaqa khairul rahimeen warzuqna fainnaqa khairul raziqeen wahfizna fainnaqa khairul hafizeen wahdeena wanajeena minal qoumiz zalimeen wahab lana minl ladunka reehan, tayeebatan kama hiya fi ilmiqa wanshurna alina min khazaeeni rahmatika wahmilna biha hamlal karamati mayas salamati walafiyati fid dinni wad dunnia walakhirati innaqa alla qulli shain qadeer allahmumma yaseerlana umorana maal rahati liqulobina waabdanina wasalamati wal aafiyati fii denina wa duniaana waqun lana sahiban, fii safarina wakhalifatan fii ahlina wamueenoun wa hameeyan fii hazrina watmis aala wojohi aadaaina wamsakhum alla makanatihim fala yastatiounal muzeeou walal majiou ilaina walo nashaou latamasna alla aayounihim  fastabaqos sirata faiinna youbsiroun, Wallo nashaou lamasakhnahum alla makanatihim famas tataou musioun wala yarjiyoun yaa seen yaa seen yaa seen wal quraanil hakeem innaqa laminal mursaleen alla siratim mustaqeem tanzeelal azeezer raheem litunzeera qoomam ma unzeera aabaouhum fahum gafiloon laqad haqal qouloo alla aksarihim fahum laa youminun inna ja-alna fii aanaqihim aglalan fahiya illal, azqani fahum muqmahun wa-jaalna mim baini aydihim saddawo wamin khalfihim saddan  fa-agshainahum fahum laa youbsirioun sha-hatil woujoho wa-aanatil woujoho lilhayil qayoumi waqad khaba man hamala zulmam taa-haa taa seen meem, haa meeam ayien seen qaaf marajal bahraini yaltaqiyani bainahuma barzakul laa yabgiyaan haa-meeam haa-meeam haa-meeam haa -meeam haa-meeam haa-meeam haa-meeam dafatu biamrillah-hii tayalla qulla balaoun waqazaayin youjiou min hazihil jihatis sittati, tamanu bi-iznillahi tayala min jameeyil aafati wal-aahati haa meeam haa meeam hummal aamru wajaan nasru fayalaina laa younsaroun haa meeam tanzillul kitabi milnallahil azeezil aleem gafirin zanbi waqabilit toubi shadidil iiqabi ziit touli laailaahaa illa, howa ilaihil maseer  bismillahi babuna tabaraka heetanuna yaa seen saqfuna qaa haa yaa ayian souad kifayatuna haa- meeam ayian seean qaaf himayatuna aameen fasayaqfi-kahumullahu wahouwals sameeoual aleem, sitrul-arshi masbulun allaina wa-aynuallahi naziratun ilaina wabihoilillahi, laa yaqdeero ahhadoun allina wallaho mim waraaeehim muheet bal huwa quraunm majeed fii louhim mahfuz fallahu khairioun hafiza fallahu khairioun hafiza fallahu khairioun hafiza wahowa arhamur raheemin inna waliyallahol lazi nzalal kitaba wahowa yatawallas saleehin, fainn tawalao faqul hasbiyallaho laailaha illa howa allihi tawaqaltu wahowa rabbul arshil, bismillahish shafi bismillahil kafi bismillahil muaafi bismillahil lazi laa yazuru ma-asmihi shaioun fil ardi wala fis samaii wahowas sameeoul aleem wala houla wala qouata illa billahil alieeal azeem wasaalallaho taala alla khairi khalkihi muhammadioun waalihi wa-ashabihi ajmaeen birehmatika yaa arhamar raheemin  in-nallaha, Wamalaikataho yousalona allal nabiyi ya- aayouhal lazina aamanu sallu allihi wa-sallimu taslima allahumma salli alla sayeedina muhammadiou wa-aalla alli sayeedina muhammadou wa-barick wasalim bissmillah hir rehman nir raheem  ya allahu ya nooru  ya allahu ya nooru ya haqqu ya mubeeno akseeni min nourika wa-allimni min illmika wa-fihimni min inddika wa, Asimni minka wa-absirni bika wa-aqimni bishuhodika wa-arrifnit tareeqa illika  wa-hawwin alliya bifadlika innaka alla qulli shaiin qadeer ya sameeou ya aleemo ya haleemo ya azeemo ya alliyo isma dua-aana wa nidda-aana bikhsaisi lutfika aameen aameen aameen, Min shari ma khalaqa ya azeemas sultani ya qadeemal ihsaani ya daiman niaam ya basitar rizqi ya wasial iitya ya dafiyal balaya ya samiad duaa ya haadiran laisa bigaib ya mojodan indhs shadaidi ya khafiyal lutfi ya lateefas sunee ya mujmilas sitri ya haleemal laa yajaallo ya kareemal laa yabkhalo iqzi hajati, Bi-rehmatika ya arhamar raheemin ya mujeebu ya mujeebu ya mujeebu aajib dawati waqzi hajati wagfir howbati birehmatika yaa arhamar raheemin allahumma salli-alla sayeedina muhammadioun wabarik wasalim (, illahi tawasaltu bikaramikal khafiyi illahi tawasaltu, Bihazal hirzil aazami an tuqzia jamieei hajati wamuradati wa-an tadfaou sharra jameea aadaaii wahusadi alwaha  alwaha  alwaha alajl alajl alajl as-saata as-saata as-saata bihaqqi ihyan ashrahiyan aajib ya arhamar raheemin ya mujeebu ya mujeebu ya mujeebu adiya r, Wa-aafina qabla zalika allahumma laa tuakhizna bisuee aamalina wala tusalit allina manl laa yarhamuna fid dunnia walakhirati waquffa aiidiyaz zalimina anna yaa haffizu ihfizna wayasir uomorana wa-hassil muradana watammim taqsirana washfina washfi marzana wa-aslih zaata bainina wa-ahlika aadaana allahumma qahiri aadaaii washaatit shamlahum wafarriq jamaahum wa-maazik diyarahum, Waqallib tad beerahum wakharib bunyanahum wabaddil ahwalahum waqarrib aajalahum waqassir aamarahum washgilhum bi-abdanihim wakhuzhum akhza azizum muktadir ya qahiru zul-batshish shadidi antal lazi utaqu intiqamuhu ya qahiru ya qaharu taqaharta bil-qahri wal-qahru fii qahriqa yaa qahaar  bismillah hir rehmaan nir raheem.