Well at least you removed the mucles that didn’t look like him at all. 3rd Floor | Kiganjo House | Rose Avenue off Denis Pritt Road | PO Box 50719 – 00200 | Nairobi, +254 (20) 246 5567 / (20) 269 9936 At the level select screen, the player should scroll down to the sound test at the bottom-right hand corner of the screen, then play the following sounds in order: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4.

While on Versus mode on Sonic Mega Collection Plus, in Casino Night Zone, the player must perform a spindash on the left wall. Play the following sounds in this order: After that, press the C button and then Start. To perform this glitch, the player must enter the Level select and Debug Mode codes and go to Sky Chase Zone. *Exclusive to the prototype versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. At the title screen, the player should scroll down past the bottom; another possible choice, options, will appear. Can you edit your post so that it is easier to read? Anybody can ask a question By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Naka accepted.

Love the design and inspiration from Dragon Ball Z, keep up the good work!! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Tails's abilities are maintained for the entire level, even after touching the Goal Plate/Capsule.

Required fields are marked *. After a few seconds of watching this happen, they should make sure Tails is on the other end of the monitor before rolling into it. If the player attempts to transform into Super Sonic after touching the end-of-level signpost, they will be walking in mid-air, and must reset the game in order to end the glitch. First, do the Level Select cheat. To perform this glitch, the player must enable Debug Mode. DISCLAIMER: Team S2HD and “Sonic 2 HD” are in no way affiliated with SEGA® or Sonic Team®. The player will start spinning even though the character looks as though they were walking. It only takes a minute to sign up. If a ring sound is heard, the player then needs to hold down A, go to any level, press start, and wait for the title card to disappear. Im worried that this work was abandoned! that was it!

The only way to fix this is to jump. Sonic will then become Yellow Sonic. Play the following sounds in this order:After that, press the C button and then Start. DISCLAIMER: Team S2HD and “Sonic 2 HD” are in no way affiliated with SEGA® or Sonic Team®. If the player Spin Dashes while on the Tornado, they may fall off and die. Press up, up, up, down, down, down, up at the title screen. “Sonic 2 HD” is a non-profit endeavor created by fans. ACK ACK ACK ACK ( this means Boi Be Super Sanuc ). Also the idea of a ripped hedgehog is slightly strange. I’ll be rolling around at the speed of sound SUPER SONIC style!!!! What are the advantages of commercial solvers like Gurobi or Xpress over open source solvers like COIN-OR or CVXPY? Was there a code for “Hyper Sonic” in Sonic 2? When the screen goes white and blue, they should hold down and hear themselves spindashing. After entering Debug Mode in a stage, they should travel to a few pixels away from the goal and place two monitors, one on the right and one on the left (with enough space to stand in between). Now, when you see Sonic and Tails (Mils) appear on the screen, press and hold A and press Start while holding A to be taken to the Level Select menu. The second method is more efficient and does not require Debug Mode. Source: http://info.sonicretro.org/Hyper_Sonic.

This glitch ends once the goal post is reached and the level is over. Then you don't press reset.

Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including How to get flashing super sonic in sonic 1 (ANDROID) - YouTube Detailed answers to any questions you might have. Once you have enough 1ups, press B again to revert to Sonic.

Just jump into the semi-hidden bed of spikes on the right and land in the cannon.

Note: Moving at twice normal velocity can often get you stuck in a wall. Pomsky Rescue Pa, Looks sick! “Sonic 2 HD” is a non-profit endeavor created by fans. If the glitch was done properly, they will be fighting multiple final bosses. All registered trademarks and copyrights belong to SEGA® and Sonic Team®.

In 19th century France, were police able to send people to jail without a trial, as presented in "Les Misérables"? To perform this glitch, the player should use the Level Select code and activate Debug Mode. In Oil Ocean Zone Act 2, if the player goes to the second platform that shoots the player through the air cannons and holds left, they will hit the spikes and land in an air cannon before falling straight down. Once the passcode has been entered, the player will be returned to the title screen.

As the player passes Robotnik's original position, they will notice he's still there. Sonic News Network is a FANDOM Games Community. Once you collect a minumu of 50 coins in any level, Jump (Press A) to activate the Super Sonic code. To use this feature, you need to be logged in to GameFAQs. The copyrights of “Sonic the Hedgehog” and all associated characters, names, terms, art, and music thereof belong to SEGA®. Exit this menu and start the game as normal. my answer is to because buy the game, is awesome. Beretta 1301 Problems, Did you guys work on anything else after the newest update? First, the player must perform the first method of the Super Tails glitch.

No financial gain whatsoever is made from project efforts. Yellow Sonic: To perform this glitch, the player must enter the codes for Super Sonic and Debug Mode, and play as Sonic alone. once the level select page has appeared scroll down to sound check and play these songs in order: 01,09,09,01,00,06,02,03 (Sonic 1) or 01,09,09,02,01,01,02,04 (Sonic 2) the ring noise should then play again,once you hear the ring sound scroll up and choose a level and it will take you straight to that level. Once they see a ramp, they should roll down it without pressing anything. WOW looks very nice,I love the remastered Super Sonic.Also,Im glad to see that you guys are still working on the game…yes this comment is pretty fresh,I don’t usually look at the progress but here I am now! This character [Hyper Sonic] was only available in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and has not been in any game since.

+254 725 389 381 / 733 248 055 Now, when you see Sonic and Tails (Miles) appear on screen, hold down the A button and press Start while holding A to finish off the code. Using the second method results in this by default. Hyper Sonic In Sonic 2 Hack Download >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) c2ef32f23e Super Sonic Generations mod. In Debug Mode, they should place a Transport monitor in front of it while leaving enough space in between them so that the player will have room to stand. Weird trick, but you can play this game in slow motion.

There are two methods of activating this glitch, the first requiring the use of Debug Mode. Outkast Hey Ya Girl In Yellow, Once all the way up the elevator, they must then move to the right. In most levels, if this is done properly, the ground will lose physical integrity, causing the player to become prone to slipping into it occasionally as though it were not entirely solid.