Several methods exist to keep birds away from certain areas. It is illegal to kill, or even shoot at, most species of birds; leaving the option of simply repelling them. Both of these will signal to birds that the area is not safe – another tactic for keeping them at bay. Birds shy away from people, so having a scarecrow in the garden will help detract the birds from the garden. The best way to scare away birds is with a real predator. Keep birds … All of the systems mentioned above can range anywhere from $30 to $200, depending on what you’re looking for. Birds are pretty smart, though, so if you have birds that visit your garden every … To learn more deterrent strategies, such as installing bird spikes or netting, keep … You can program the specific type of bird you’re trying to keep away… Some of these sound systems are so sophisticated. If you own a dog that likes to chase things, let it run around your property so it chases the birds away. In my experience, unsupervised cats can also do the trick but that’s opening up a whole other can of worms. Installing bird spikes is a simple and often preferred home hack for keeping pigeons away. Barrier – This is one of the most convenient remedies for warding away … A supervised dog will delight in chasing any birds off for you. Repellents – Use natural bird repellents such as black pepper on window sill to get rid of pigeons. If the birds keep coming back, you may need to use a bird repellant spray or a noise maker to get rid of them for good. We’ll save cats in the garden for another piece. Ultrasonic sound is effective and convenient as it is quiet to humans but disturbing to birds…