Easy peasy. You can assign any of those to a variable.


Make sure to never put strings around the variable itself when printing, otherwise it will print the word “variable” rather than “YellowNoobs!”.

variables can change when you use them.

our first program in Lua just prints "Hello World": As a slightly more complex example,

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This is where lua scripting comes into play we will begin by learning how to make a menu as the one shown below.

syntax below: Simple, right?

Before starting, please make sure your format is correct to ensure the perfect programming experience.

Currently the only way to create a lua script for game guardian is to use a third party application which brings us to our second requirement.

If you want to get a little more experienced with Roblox Lua, I recommend you watch several YouTubers, AlvinBlox is perhaps one of the best and taught me many scripting basics including modules.

and prints its factorial: If you are using Lua embedded in an application,

Very helpful and Useful.

can be referred to inside the function as x and y.

bottom left of the screen.

You may replace YellowNoobs with any other text you wish as long as it is in-between (""), or the strings, the end result should look something like this.

single quotes, aka apostrophes ', in place of double quotes.

also has some random names assigned to values.