To contain it means to struggle with self,
I am a tree. But the woman with the voice of thunder
“It will grow back, ” I whispered, “ it will return to me”
Indeed love is amusing. I like the ending where you are searching for answers.
Love makes you selfless instead of selfish. leaving me with an outstretched peace
Love is like the wild rose-briar, Friendship like the holly-tree—. Unpredictable and ever changing, Captivating and endless. Bathing me in the glory of that beautiful spring day
Loved it 10++. But come home and love is always happy to see you. You never know what surprise it holds next. Love is like a rose, it will stay alive if you take care of it. And that smile that lightens up the way
Love is blankets full of strange delights. "Love is alive!" I'd like to say that my leaves are green
Was a kiss ‘neath an old pear tree
Love is like a roller coaster, it has it's ups and downs. " Sonnet 116," by William Shakespeare. And so I planted another tree
Why you could never let yourself fall in love with me? I'd like to say I'm a tree. Owned by you
All stories are moderated before being published. They took Love down from the tree, And placed Love in a tomb, for you and me. but day by day, with your ax in hand
It was just a kiss; nothing more, nothing less
Bittersweet, this poem ends with Love fleeing and hiding "his face amid a crowd of stars."
Hope Broderson, My Heart By
Unpredictable and ever changing, Captivating and endless.
It all depends on how you perceive. © Poems are the property of their respective owners. Why you couldn't tell me you too were a tree?
It's never just a breeze and never easy. Unable to find what you're looking for,
they joyfully cheered. That’s newly sprung in June; O my Luve is like the melody. My heart was full; this third and final tree completed me
Why you couldn't plant your roots down next to my green leaves?
So sad when a love does not last, but truth and sincerity are indeed needed for that to happen.
I decided to never again plant another pear tree. You may be true to love but what if the other changes his/her heart. Did you spell check your submission? Efi. Parkha Khan, Princess By
Like something unwanted; like me, hurt and anguished
Do NOT submit poems here, instead go to the. I'll look you in the eye
But which will bloom most constantly?