Registered Charity Number 216652 (England & Wales), SC039193 (Scotland), © British Trust for Ornithology, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, Tel: +44 (0)1842 750050 Fax: +44 (0)1842 750030. Hybridisation with both reed warbler and Blyth's reed warbler has been occasionally recorded. On the Red Sea coast most birds arrive from mid-August to mid-September, with numbers of adults peaking in August and of young birds in September. [3], The genus name Acrocephalus is from Ancient Greek akros, "highest", and kephale, "head". So another species that has been a long time coming in its addition to the SOG list is the Marsh Warbler. Has markedly different song, which is more melodious and full of mimicry. 20, Digital Identifier No. [6] From the 1970s and 1980s onwards, a very small population slowly developed in south-east England. Identification record : Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) is a bird which belongs to the family of Acrocephalidés and the order of Passeriformes. They are thought to follow broadly similar routes to their autumn migration. They tend to be more easily heard than seen. [3], In Britain the species was never widespread, and disappeared from many areas from the 1930s onwards. Examples of Quick Finders to help you ID warblers at a glance: Warbler faces (see below) Side views; Warbler Bird Nature. 11 9 2. In other parts of their range, the majority of birds do not arrive until mid-May. & Kyrkos, A. The data for Eurasian Reed Warbler and Marsh Warbler (Walinder et al 1988) were collected during autumn migration in southern Sweden and these birds are likely to be of Scandinavian origin. [12] The Biodiversity Action Plan for the species further comments that it is not clear what can be done to conserve the species apart from protecting habitat at known breeding sites and protecting birds from egg collectors and from disturbance. However these plain birds have a very distinctive song. It generally gleans insects from vegetation but sometimes catches them on the ground or in mid-air. Bill yellow-orange below,and dark grey above. Reed Warbler. The marsh warbler is a summer visitor which is mainly confined to parts of Worcestershire and south-east England, especially Kent. [11], The reasons for the population decline in Britain are not completely understood, and there appears to be much suitable habitat. The roosting calls of Blackbird, the flight song and alarm calls of Swallow, alarm calls of Blue Tit and the song of Goldfinch are amongst the commonest elements whilst an astonishing array of other species as unlikely as Kingfisher, Curlew … The marsh warbler breeds in the middle latitudes of Europe and western Asia, from the English Channel to about 70 degrees east. Both are 1cy. 16 12 2. BTO occasionally contacts supporters who have expressed an interest in volunteering for surveys, or have volunteered in the past, to promote participation in other surveys. The index also correlates well with independent assessments of bare part colouration (eg leg colour) which are known to be of use in distinguishing the two species. The marsh warbler is mostly insectivorous, also taking some spiders and small numbers of snails. Marsh & Reed Warbler identification On 05/10 I ringed at Tzor'a Valley Ringing Station a Marsh Warbler and a few Reed Warblers. Sedge Warbler. Listen +1 more audio recording. 1991. The marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) is an Old World warbler currently classified in the family Acrocephalidae. 15 18 1. It is very similar in appearance to several other acrocephaline warblers, such as the reed warbler which also occurs in wetlands and has a similar breeding range. You can unsubscribe at any time. Identification features of Marsh Warbler Short, broad bill Olive-toned Emargination on p3 short of secondaries Smaller notch on p2 Legs - pinkish yellow. Marsh Warbler 12 12 1. We will send you a monthly email newsletter including information on our latest research, projects to participate in, fundraising opportunities, events and interesting facts about birds. On average, each male bird incorporates imitations of 75 other species into its song, with rather more African than northern species mimicked. It breeds in temperate Europe and western Asia and winters mainly in south east Africa. BTO volunteer Hugh Tooby shares his journey through Shetland as part of the Upland Rovers scheme. Chiffchaff Bird. Marsh Harrier Marsh Tit Marsh Warbler Meadow Pipit Mediterranean Gull Merlin Mistle Thrush Montagu’s Harrier Moorhen Mute Swan Top. Birds breeding in south-east Europe, for instance on the Black Sea coast, may arrive there by late April. It breeds in temperate Europe and the western Palearctic and winters mainly in south east Africa. Reed Warbler. The Marsh Warbler is very similar in appearance to several other Acrocephalus warblers such as the Reed Warbler which also occurs in wetlands and has a similar breeding range. Author(s): We suggest that this index will be useful for identifying Reed and Marsh Warblers wherever migrating populations of the two species drawn from a wide geographical area occur together. Cape White-Eye Bird. Marsh Warbler, adult, Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, June 2015. It may breed in urban brownfield sites with suitable vegetation, for instance in Berlin, and also occasionally in arable crops. The marsh warbler also tends to avoid the stands of pure reed which are the reed warbler's favoured habitat. P: Parrot Crossbill Peregrine Falcon Pheasant Pied Flycatcher Pied Wagtail Pink-footed Goose Pintail Pochard Ptarmigan Puffin [3], The Marsh Warbler winters mainly in south-east Africa, from Cape Province north to Zambia and Malawi. However, in Britain it is now virtually extinct as a breeding bird. Marsh Warbler, note the clear view of the yellowish bill with dark ridge, pale legs and light eye ring. Sign in to see your badges. BTO doesn't currently contact supporters by text message for promotional reasons. It is notable for incorporating striking imitations of a wide variety of other birds into its song. Page 2-Marsh Warbler? Read our full Privacy Policy and Website Terms and Conditions of use. [9] In some areas, such as Bulgaria, marsh warblers suffer significant levels of parasitism by common cuckoos.[10]. O: Ortolan Bunting Osprey Oystercatcher Top. [3] Females may utter a simple, non-imitative song, and a range of other calls are also known. Identification can be difficult and may be made on the basis of song alone. Join the community here On their breeding grounds they are territorial, with territories often grouped into loose colonies. Identification. Volume: On the western and northern edge of their range, for instance in England, birds do not tend to arrive until the end of May or early June. Xeno-canto (XC) is an online database that provides access to sound recordings of wild birds from around the world. [J] Takahashi M. 2013. Linear Discriminant Function Analysis confirmed that this index could be used to identify approximately 95% of the birds in our sample. Mobile bird identification. Latest Sightings of Marsh Warbler. The male's distinctive song is useful for identification since no other member of the genus mimics other birds to any significant extent. The male's distinctive song is useful for identification, as no other member of the genus mimics other birds to any significant extent. The Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris), is an Old World warbler currently classified in the family Acrocephalidae. Underside does not look yellowish on this photo, probably due to light conditions. Publish date: 01/06/2007. Adults usually leave their breeding grounds soon after their young are independent, with their offspring following about two weeks later. [3], The species is monotypic, and there is no significant geographical variation. Wood Warbler, Blackcap, Marsh Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Eurasian Reed Warbler, Cetti's Warbler, Dartford Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler ... such as being fairly small, vocal and insectivorous. Marsh Warbler: Small, Robin-sized warbler. Marsh Warbler Bird. It is loud, rapid and possesses elements and phrases copied from other species. However, a modified biometric index did separate a sample of 364 birds captured during August and September 1994–1996 and 1998 into two clear‐cut groups along the morphological gradient which is known to distinguish the two species. Adham Ashton-Butt explains how BTO is involved in a cross-organisational project in Polesia, one of the last remaining wildernesses in Europe. The marsh warbler also tends to avoid the stands of pure reed which are the reed warbler's favoured habitat. Doctoral thesis. Browse North American birds by shape—helpful if you don’t know exactly which type of bird you’ve seen.