Their blindness unleashes a tornado of pitiless ambition and treachery, as family and state are plunged into a violent power struggle with bitter ends. An ageing monarch. An aging King invites disaster when he abdicates to his corrupt, toadying daughters and rejects his one loving, but honest one.

Chichester Festival Theatre’s production received five-star reviews for its sell-out run, and transfers to the West End for a limited season. As Lear's world descends into chaos, all that he once believed is brought into question. The smash-hit play based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo, adapted by Nick Stafford in association with the Handspring Puppet Company. Cordelia, as usual, has too little to do - but she's always been a weak character for me. Opens Friday, November 6th This classic suspense film finds New York City ad executive Roger O. Thornhill (Cary Grant) pursued by ruthless spy Phillip Vandamm (James Mason) after Thornhill is mis... READ MORE, Opens Friday, November 6th In Alfred Hitchcock's adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's thriller, tennis star Guy Haines (Farley Granger) is enraged by his trampy wife's refusal to finalize their div... READ MORE, When New Orleans paramedics and longtime best friends Steve (Anthony Mackie) and Dennis (Jamie Dornan) are called to a series of bizarre, gruesome accidents, they chalk it up to the mysterious new par... READ MORE, **15th Anniversary*****Bonus 13 Minute Pre-Recorded Conversation with Director James McTeigue and Writer/Producer Lana Wachowski Following the End of the Movie***Following world war, London is a polic... READ MORE. It is photographed with intimacy but also not being too rigid, meaning that we can see details that can be missed when seeing it in a theatre.The use of language and Shakespeare's text has full impact, the emotional power blistering. Title: Young lovers, a troupe of actors, and fairies have romantic encounters in the forest on summer's night. The work by the fool was lovely, and I was glad they…. As Lear's world descends into chaos, all that he once believed is brought into question. When king Lear recognizes Gloucester after having lost his mind to dementia, I cried pretty uncontrollably in my seat. A watchlist of sorts,…. It was great to see a Fool that was actually funny and not clownish or overacted, and Luke Thompson does give some refreshing blitheness to Edgar without distorting the character (despite that he treats the character with respect). Type of media Film. The perfect choice for when you want to bring the Music Box Theatre experience to your home movie nights, every Friday & Satur... READ MORE.

© Letterboxd Limited. Search for "National Theatre Live: King Lear" on, Title: National theatre live 3a king lear karaoke. So it's best to stick to what's true for both mediums. Follow our broadcasts from stage to screen with exclusive backstage updates. Their blindness unleashes a tornado of pitiless ambition and treachery, and their worlds crumble. Find out more. Though his introduction seemed to have a little less impact than I expected, he quickly begins his transformation and does it so completely that it truly felt as though I could see him ageing and weakening as the play proceeded.