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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, © - use subject to the information collection practices disclosed in our Privacy Policy. Trivia (1) Has a son Gus with actor Guy Henry.

"Unfortunately, I do have to do a little bit of dancing in the show," Guy admits. "And one of the pirates uses a split-infinitive, which is anathema to Hook, and nothing aggravates him more – so you know he's an obsessive, everything has to be very correct, but his is a faded glamour. "And then we became very good friends in the weeks it took them to teach me, they liked me and they let me borrow a great big, 65ft white coach to take my family and friends down to see my parents in Dorset. "He can still fight, but, in the opening scene, he's in a crisis of confidence, can't find Pan, the pirates are useless, the world is against him, even the starlings in the sky are laughing at him with contempt, so he shoots one of them, but it's a pine cone – he can't even shoot well enough to hit a bird. "Maybe Richard III would be in there at some point – but there are so many parts that I can bring my oddness to and other parts, clearly, that I wouldn't be suitable for. In 2000, he and actress Sarah Flind became parents to a son named Gus. "I call it the bubble inside for the character," says Guy. "Some of the most successful parts I've played have been the ones where people have thought, including myself, 'Funny casting, I'm not sure if he's right for that' and sometimes the more difficulty you have with something, the more you put into it and the end result is perhaps more rewarding and fulfilling. I think it's a good thing, as long as you don't spend too long in the Dirty Duck [the famous Stratford pub frequented by the RSC], but it's a good way to rehearse by being up here.".

I played the master of magic, Pius Thicknesse, and that was a bit like being up at Stratford, you had a big wig and it was like being in an old acting company," he explains. "My father was a straight man to comedians.

Guy, who has a 13-year-old son Gus, "with my friend Sarah Flind, who is an actress", lives in Tooting Bec, South West London, "which I love – I was very homesick the first week in Stratford. The first thing he does is come on stage and kills someone with his hook, cuts right through their throat.

"A few weeks ago, I was up the Carpathian mountains in sub-Transylvania, which was standing in for Massachusetts in 1610 because it has amazing wooded mountains and scenery. "I was in Holby City for three years, playing Henrik Hanssen," he says.