I don`t have a fleet. I have seen other science builds and I tried to model myself according to a few ones I saw, however I was confused on several aspects, which is why I am posting. The boff skills you want to have: gravity well III, subspace vortex III and destabilizing resonance beam II to trigger your deteriorating secondary deflector (which will be one of the main sources of damage). After a year and a half it looks like the Engineering tree has been abandon as I have not come across a Full Engineering build. Finally you think about how you can boost the damage you want to inflict by choosing skills, traits and, eventually, ship equipment. I have also never really planned out a build this way, and I usually would just go with the flow.

A brief guide for people to view what personal, reputation and starship traits that are commonly used in the DPS League Builds. If you want to go for a real science character/ship you need to boost EPG (exotic particle generators) and in that case it makes sense to use torpedos, especially the gravimetric one from the Dyson rep and the crafted Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo because their secondary effects scale with EPG. Personal I have created this build using Skill planner, and I am looking to see if this could work. I look forward to seeing what you think. Below is a list of what various editors of this article have found to be the best trait builds for players of various roles. I have been a mostly active player since 2015, but I have never tried out a science character. Then decide which type of weapons are best for that purpose. These are for builds designed specifically for energy weapons. I have also redone my skill tree to complete the science branch. For example, you have no energy weapon abilities skilled and you don't boost your sci abilities. LINK : https://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/d04fd848a154088bd641ffd9fb182e15. I will provide a link latter. If you want to fly a sci vessel and use energy weapons and sci space abilities, neither your skill tree nor your boff layout make much sense. Below is a list of what various editors of this article have found to be the best trait builds for players of various roles. There are lot of Science builds on stobuilds, that u can check out and use as a guideline to what gear and skills u will need. Ok so I followed some of your advice. There's actually a lot that should be improved if you want to go about it in a serious way. But while all Pistols have received a damage boost with the latest ground balance changes, it is still a bit behind Rifles, and they lack the range of Rifles. (04-26-2018, 05:04 PM) tobywitczak Wrote: I have been looking for a Full Engineering Build but after the tree revamp. Certain traits are more useful for one particular role, such as tanking, healing, and damage. Important Information - GDPR. While doing research, I have learned many new things I didn't even know existed until now, however much of the information is overwhelming. No details given! I have been a mostly active player since 2015, but I have never tried out a science character. Things like traits and away team officers have not been done yet, so be free to give sugestions! There are many example builds in the sidebar on the right which should give you an idea about the basic concepts. Here you can find all suggestions – not only the cheap ones. Always start a build with the boff layout/intended role of your ship. Other Weapon choices: - The TR-116B Sniper Rifle or the Zefram Cochrane Shotgun usually are the better weapons against Borg.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/d04fd848a154088bd641ffd9fb182e15. The following build suggestions are all inlcuding low budget builds. Thank you all VERY VERY MUCH for taking time out of your day to look at what I have done, and I wish you all a good day.

Some of gear you will need is from a fleet. You have to make some decisions first. Please supply a description of the needed update: {{nu|details=describe what needs to change}}. https://sto.gamepedia.com/Guide:_Suggested_trait_builds?oldid=255536. But like the other person u have lot that needs to be improved. https://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/018db8ec294d1e5a13fff6ef7c04c118, https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/6aywa2/elis_exoticheavy_scitorp_eternal_heavy_exotic/, https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/aemvea/alt_gearing_help/edqq9qw/?context=0, https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/9x5j6w/radaels_phaser_beam_budget_friendly_vanguard/, Do u have access to higher level fleet??? A brief guide to getting the most out of Hangar Pets, Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit – Nebula Class (T5), Advanced Reserach Vessel – Sutherland Class (T6), Exploration Cruiser Retrofit [discount | T5u | ViL], Tactical Escort Retrofit [discount | T5u | ViL ], Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit [discount | T5u | ViL ], B’rel Bird of Prey Retrofit [discount | T5u | ViL], Kar’Fi Battle Carrier [discount | T5u | ViL], Marauder Flight-Deck Cruiser [discount | T5u | ViL], D’deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser Retrofit [ T5u | ViL], Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit [ T5u | ViL], T’varo Light Warbird Retrofit [T5u | ViL], Fek’Ihri Fa’rang Dreanought Carrier [T6 | RoD]. The following build suggestions are all inlcuding low budget builds.