Join FREE and support Australia's favourite footy community. Post your photoshop mashup and maybe win a Premium Platinum membership! Absolutely spot on BH. Get unlimited access to award-winning journalism from Western Australia's biggest newsroom with your subscription. Firstly we have to get rid of the current oligarch and his chronies, then a new Australian Rules Football League is started ( ARFL ). Overall in cash+assets they sit on about 170M dollars, Plus The giving up of the lease in Subiaco means they got some offices gifted to them, some debt paid off. You must log in or register to reply here. He joined Arsenal just after his 17th birthday in July 1987 and went out on loan to Reading, Watford and Barnet, playing his first Arsenal game proper on 8 April 1992. Had it been accepted the explosion of expenditure by Chelsea would have been kept under control as would that subsequently at Manchester City. A foundation member of the wafl- and the wafc is sitting on more cash than god?!? I’d say the immediate resignation of Steve Hocking for one is a start. These clowns are cultural vandals. Join FREE and support Australia's favourite footy community. This article is available to subscribers who have digital access included in their subscription.

Subscribe to the West Australian. And a big fk you to the WA Government as well. 7plus brings you the shows you love to watch, anytime. I thought they said 400 million in lost revenue not over 400 mil in loses. Having a skeleton crew working at the WAFC over those 3 months could have saved anything up to $2m which would have more than funded the WAFL playing from July based on Peter Capes saying in the clubs webinar a few weeks ago that it would cost each club around $125k to play a shortened season. #wafc 1/25 At the the EFL were going over the fine details of the first takeover in 2018 there was a court case taking place in Ca… I hope it’s true and I hope those pulling the strings in WA use this position of strength to drive change in the game. The reasons for this change of heart have never been fully revealed (other than the fact that they beat Arsenal in a League Cup final). And to strangle the viability of the WAFL by pinching 9 of the $11.2m on offer is beyond belief. Arsenal in the double season: beating Derby on this day (the video), Cesc scores the ultimate goal of the season against Tottenham: the video, Reading 5 Arsenal 7: Watch the video from eight years ago today, Relive Chelsea 3 Arsenal 5 on this day 2011. This article is available to subscribers who have digital access included in their subscription. They'll be lucky to get $15 million hosting them in QLD. The game has disappeared in a virus free state. In. He mentions it on his podcast all of the time. Watch the video, Arsenal score four in Europe on this day in 2009: the video, Arsenal get seven in Europe – watch the video, 2 November: Arsenal beat Liverpool 2-0, watch the highlights. The current administration is a disgrace. I thought the AFL was predicting a reduction in revenue of 400 mil not a loss of that amount? In 2008 he returned to Arsenal as International Partnerships’ Performance Supervisor, managing Arsenal’s international partnerships, including Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer in the United States, BEC Tero of Thailand and Hoàng Anh Gia Lai of Vietnam, and assisting Arsenal’s academies overseas. John Townsend. Spot on. Footy is stuffed in WA from the WAFL down thanks to the AFL and now they want us to hand over all our money so the suits can maintain their lifestyle. How about thinking about the bloke who pulls on a jumper for the Hammersly-Carine reserves every week, or the kid playing for fun at the Manning Nippers. ($5,388,533 last year...more than WAFC gets from both WA clubs combined)). This article is available to subscribers who have digital access included in their subscription. document.getElementById('newsnowlogo').onclick=function(){'','newsnow');}; document.getElementById('newsnowlogo').style.cursor='pointer'; document.getElementById('newsnowlogo_a').style.textDecoration='none'; document.getElementById('newsnowlogo_a').style.borderBottom='0 none'; Please note that the RSS feeds do not seem to work in Chrome. Errol Bourne(Subiaco), Lifelong Bulldog .... the alignment is PISH. I am sure the WAFC will use this to get some stick it up the Vics publicity before doing what they are told. A salary cap is what was proposed by Ivan Gazidis on this day in 2009, but it was turned down the the Premier League clubs. maybe in the name of 'equalisation' and 'integrity' we figure out how much the poorest club can chip in to afl house and that's the max the rest of them need to pony up. A salary cap is what was proposed by Ivan Gazidis on this day in 2009, but it was turned down the the Premier League clubs. It was rejected and alternative versions were put forward – but it proved unable to stop Manchester City’s explosion in expenditure. The WAFC should tell Gil to **** off.