Looking for something to watch? Membre de la police du Capitole, John Cale vient de se voir refuser le job dont il rêvait : assurer la protection du président des États-Unis. White House Down Le père qui annonce à sa fille qu'il va être engagé dans les services secrets. Ex. Inscrivez-vous maintenant! ©AlloCiné, Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : 0 892 892 892 (0,34€/minute), Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous, Dis pas de bétise il aurait pu remplacer Belle Journéee pour mourir, je vais le voir demain avec mon chéri...Un très bon film avec un acteur génial...Channing Tatum..L'acteur qui joue dan "SEXY DANCE". Genre: Action. Of course, a strategy that doesn’t try to mitigate the highly contagious disease, or instruct people to wear masks in public and when they can’t social distance, is completely insane, as Mike Pence, the head of the coronavirus task force, might tell you if he actually believed in science. But that idea was scuttled by Meadows and others, officials said. Marcello88: les services secrets ne sont pas les services d'espionnage.

White House Down. Title: Unlike him, she’s staying put. cinebel. Use the HTML below. White House Down, ou Maison-Blanche en péril au Québec, est un thriller américain coproduit et réalisé par Roland Emmerich sorti en 2013. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country. after hearing Walker's threat to kill Sawyer, ‘The Doorman’ Review: Ruby Rose Puts a New Spin on Familiar Action Movie Tropes [Nightstream], ‘Seduced: Inside the Nxivm Cult’ Trailer Promises Docuseries Like ‘The Vow’ But Different, Stranger Things Star Reportedly Eyed For Transformers Role, What to Watch: Our Most-Anticipated 2013 Releases, IMDb Poll Board Favorite Films Rated Rotten, Favorite Film Directed by Roland Emmerich. Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Action, spectacle et humour quand il faut. Ça ressemble curieusement a Olympus Has Fallen ( Titre en Français : "la chute de la maison blanche", sortie cette année !

Derniers trailers, Bandes annonces des films prochainement au cinéma, Contact | Scenario trop classique , film sans aucun intérêt. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. ahmetkozan. regarder, White House Down: A Dynamic Duo - Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx, en, streaming, VF 55, University, Ave,, Toronto,, ON, M5J, 2H7,, Canada White House Down: A Dynamic Duo - Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx, Streaming, Film, Complet, Gratuit White House Down: A Dynamic Duo - Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx, film, complet, en, FranWhite House Down: A Dynamic Duo - Channing Tatum and … À ne pas rater, nul à un point...... des gags énormes franchement ils nous prennent vraiment pour des billes! White House Down est un film réalisé par Roland Emmerich avec Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx. Retrouvez un énorme répertoire de films, de séries et de mangas en streaming VF et VOSTFR complets, sans limite de temps et 100% gratuit sur zuStream. On sent tout de suite que ça va être un scénario crédible. Then we can provide those emergency using authorizations; hopefully they’ll be coming in very short order.“. Not the intelligent reviewers anyway. Plus, see what some of your favorite '90s stars look like now. White House Down: Crashing the Oval Office. “Yeah, but why not make efforts to contain it?” Tapper asked again. 8 Emissions d'actu ou bonus. Alors que le gouvernement américain sombre dans le chaos, Cale va tenter de sauver sa fille, le président, et le pays tout entier…. Martin Margiela: In His Own Words: Trailer HD VO st FR. 8 out of 10! By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth developed a vast defense program to protect the planet. Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman star in Wolfgang Petersen's thriller about the hijacking of Air ForceOne with the First Family on board. cinebel. This time he wants to cause a major population disruption within the USA which result in devastating consequences reverberating throughout the world. Mike Banning is framed for the attempted assassination of the President and must evade his own agency and the FBI as he tries to uncover the real threat. 788. Drama. They all seem to have this idea that they know better and I have little time for their self righteous, self important, pretentious bullshit thinly disguised as some sort of public service. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.

I actually enjoy movies.

Annee de production: 4 septembre 2013. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Rentals are not eligible.

Bill Williamson is back, alive and well and doing a recon mission around D.C. 1:36. Espérant éviter à sa fille une déception lorsqu’il lui apprendra la nouvelle, il l’emmène visiter la Maison-Blanche. Recrutement | The Trump Campaign Reportedly Blew $1 Billion on Private Jet Rides, Trump Properties, and Don Jr.’s Shitty Book, “Steroid-Induced Psychosis”: Trump Follows Up Sunday Night Joyride With Extra-Crazy Monday (Even for Him). Ne voulant pas décevoir sa petite fille avec la mauvaise nouvelle, il l'emmène visiter la Maison-Blanche. Les films qui se donnent un style réaliste et pourtant... pffff pauvre remake a deux balle le producteur se casse pas le cul. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. This is the first review I've ever written ever. 2h 12min. “We’re not going to control the pandemic. Box Office Movies. 1:53. Qui sommes-nous | Join Vanity Fair to receive full access to VF.com and the complete online archive now. Twenty years after mysterious aliens nearly wiped out humankind, they’re back with a vengeance in the explosive sequel, Independence Day: Resurgence! Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country. The only hope of stopping it rests on the shoulders of the President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart) and his formidable Secret Service head (Gerard Butler), and an English MI-6 agent (Charlotte Riley) who rightly trusts no one. C’est à ce moment qu’un groupe paramilitaire lourdement armé attaque le bâtiment. : Fave '13 film featuring a struggle against overwhelming odds? Tous droits réservés. Like her husband, the first lady was diagnosed with COVID.

By Bess Levi n View production, box office, & company info.

aucun interet, jaimy ya rien de mieux comme film d'action. Maison blanche en péril streaming gratuit : Membre de la police du Capitole, John Cale vient de se voir refuser le job dont il rêvait : assurer la protection du président des Etats-Unis. Directed by Roland Emmerich. C’est à ce moment qu’un groupe paramilitaire lourdement armé attaque le bâtiment. Emmerich fidèle à lui même, il veut nous en mettre plein la vue et la bande annonce nous le prouve mais pourquoi avoir le même titre que le film "la chute de la maison blanche" avec gerard buttler, moi ça me surprend et je trouve ça stupide surtout pour 2 histoires légèrement similaires. Roland-Garros 2020 - Pablo Carreno Busta : "Depuis quelques années, Novak Djokovic fait cela quand il … On Monday, apparently having been told how damaging his remarks to Tapper were, Meadows sought to walk them back, telling reporters, re: if Trump was “waving a white flag” on the virus: “Well, the only person waving a white flag along with his white mask is Joe Biden.