Although they have not yet started to exert real influence, it seems clear that Peter will get what he wants. Valentine enjoys having power but does not thirst after it the same way that Peter does. 136) Explain. He realizes that they must have made her write it and that it's goal was clearly to show him he is not like Peter. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. Graff is furious that the computer threw the image of Peter into Ender's game. This revelation of the state of things also hints at Dink’s earlier theory. Ender is now nine years old, and we see a growing distance between him and his friends. Valentine says that he is not like Peter in a letter and kind of makes Ender think differently and now Ender goes back to his mind game and he does not see him again. This comic re-imagines a scene from Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, this is shown in the first two panels depicting the siblings Locke and Demosthenes, as Cueball and the girl. Log in here. The quote: She says, " I thought the idea was to unify the world. Ender is still uncomfortable with his role as a killer, though—he is afraid of what he’s done to Bonzo, and what he’s capable of doing in a war with the Buggers.

She began writing political analysis on the Nets using several assumed names, but after she had perfected her skills she became the paranoid anti-Ru… How does Ender's character change throughout the novel.

What is Matilda's mother's name in Fever 1793? Especially because he can’t control the fact that Ender possesses more talent than him, he derives his sense of power from controlling others. Ender is happy that Valentine will always be with him. It is in his nature to control. - Definition, Stages & Characteristics, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, UExcel Interpersonal Communication: Study Guide & Test Prep, Smarter Balanced Assessments - ELA Grades 6-8: Test Prep & Practice, 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, FTCE English 6-12 (013): Practice & Study Guide, Biological and Biomedical "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." With a new writing gig, Valentine begins writing more inflammatory pieces about the menace that the Russians pose to world peace. Teachers and parents! Why did Peter ask Valentine to write Demosthenes? He asks her what makes Ender different from Peter and also if Peter is really that bad a person. At the same time, however, he’s clearly “saving his weaknesses,” as Valentine suggests—knowing that his sudden burst of sincerity will be too powerful for Valentine to refuse. Even as a child, he tried to imagine the Bugger children playing a game of their own in which humans were the enemy. Valentine knows Peter will never do anything that is not a calculated move designed to help him. ... What did Val write as Demosthenes for Ender. And yet Peter reveals a sudden sensitive side to Valentine—he clearly wants to manipulate Valentine, but it seems that he also sincerely loves Ender and is capable of love. "Valentine, who still loved Ender no matter what happened." Eventually they gain enough respect to be invited to participate in moderated political debates in the higher class nets. Valentine writes the letter and Ender reads it, but he sees through it instantly. The computer must think that it will help Ender to see that picture. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. (313) Valentine… (About five pages ago we watched Ender fight Bonzo to the death, but as long as he was sad about it, apparently that's cool.) 14 Graff asks Valentine to help Ender, and she replies with an allusion to the Bible story of Daniel's interpreting dreams. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our.

Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Peter knew that this was counter to their opinions, but also made sure his identity would have power. He can think like his opponents—to do so is a way of “loving” his opponents.

It’s entirely possible, then, that the humans are building a fleet to destroy an alien race that doesn’t want to fight anymore. Even Valentine fails to understand what Ender wants, as she assumes that Ender’s relationship with Peter is based only on competition. His treatment of them, from his point of view, stemmed more from wanting to control them than hating them. It’s not clear why the IF decides to keep Locke and Demosthenes’ identities hidden—just because they’re not immediate opponents of the IF right now doesn’t mean that they couldn’t one day be dangerous to them. He was alone. Valentine finds that she enjoys writing poems for Peter and realizes that there is a part of her that likes control. What year does Life as We Knew It take place? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Anti-Russian sentiments are everywhere in Card’s futuristic America, just as they were in the 80s. The Warsaw Pact, which joined the nations together under the threat of the bugger wars. She cannot help but recall to her memories of the skinned squirrel and fears Peter's sadistic, violent nature rises to the surface with his suggestion for Demosthenes to argue the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. Revealing that he knows about Demosthenes is a savvy way for Graff to pressure Valentine into obeying him. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. In this sad scene, we’re reminded of how Ender doesn’t really feel at home on Earth anymore—this is why he spends his time in a pool, where he’s weightless, just like in the battleroom. Graff wants her to help Ender and convinces her to write him a letter. This sounds so heavily idealized that it can’t possibly be true, but Ender seems perfectly sincere. Somehow, the virtual reality game that Ender has been playing has accessed new images of Peter—images which couldn’t have come from Battle School itself.

He is outwardly normal, but she knows he is still evil inside. It was only by taking away Ender's most precious posession that Graff could spur earth's savior onward to step outside of the rules again and figure out a way to do the impossible.

Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. It’s intriguing to finally hear everything that humans know about the Buggers, but it’s also fascinating that Ender hasn’t asked, or been given a chance to ask, these kinds of questions before.