Regards Bill :o). ANY IDEAS? Consequently, in 1924 Winchester introduced an “updated” version of the Model 94 rifle. To remove trigger lock (49) insert small pin into hole in lock, turn Va turn and at same time push trigger lock out from left to right. Winchester Model 55 Manual - NOT AN ORIGINAL. The Model 55RS, which costs £269, is a scope-only rifle, but comes with a moderator and a riser rail, while the Model 55 has a recommended retail price of £229 and is fitted with fibre-optic open sights. I've owned many, many guns since then, but I think my little 55 is still the most accurate one of the bunch. : 16XX Condition: NRA Good (Modern Gun Condition Standards) Manufactured: 1925 (note: 1,847 Model 55s were made that year)Value: $1,250 to $1,450, E-mail your comments/questions about this site For questions/comments about American Rifleman magazine, please You can contact the NRA via phone at: NRA Member Programs1-800-672-3888, To advertise on American Rifleman, visit for more information. Thanks!
It is too bad because his reference sketches are really good at illustrating the takedown and reassembly sequence of specific Winchester rifles. Eight pages layout with pictures and instructions for loading, disassembly and reassembly of this unique single shot automatic 22 rifle. The bore, too, remains shiny, and the rifling is sharp. What are the dimensions for the WINCHESTER MDL. Sorry, I do not have instructions for the Model 55 levar action. Thus, while the handy Model 94 carbine remained a favorite, the longer-barreled rifle was losing sales. Winchester had a winner with its Model 1894, the first rifle made for smokeless propellant cartridges.
Thank You JWA for the info.
When the trigger is pulled the bolt moves forward, firing the cartridge. Great and safe little rifle.
The earliest guns were made as takedowns, a nod to the popularity during that era of storing guns in closets or trunks or transporting them via bicycle or in suitcases. But by the early 1920s, with the Wild West giving way to “urban wilderness,” the role of the Model 94 was being redefined as more outdoorsmen were traveling by motorcar and railroad in addition to horseback.
Thanks Bill.
by Rick Hacker -
After reloading and disengaging the safety, the gun is again ready to fire. Draw bolt out of receiver to front.
keep shooting. Firing from an open bolt was thought to facilitate the cooling of MG barrels, but hard to see a purpose or advantage on any SS rifle.
All the info I have on the Model 55 .22 is posted here.
If you cannot find the manual you need please use our online order system or contact us directly at any time by phone during office hours. Drift out barrel locating pin (4) and slide barrel (5) out of receiver to front. Sorry Guy! Thank you so much for posting this manual! This early Model 55 Winchester takedown is one of those guns I wish could talk. In 1930, solid-frame Model 55s were made available. In 1932, with approximately 20,500 guns made, the Model 55 was discontinued to make way for the Winchester Model 64. Great info!! Loosen stock stud screw (32) in underside of stock and lift the barrel (5) and the receiver (1) assembly out of the stock. This rifle includes an integral ABT (anti-bear trap) with safety cocking system, and a manual safety catch.
Thanks for posting the instruction manual, I just recently purchased this rifle, what a blast to shoot, i haven't shot in over 8yrs and put 5 out 17 rounds into a 100yd target ( not good at guessing wind deflection) at 25 and 50yds the gun is extremely accurate......not bad for a 53yr old gun......being a lefty the cartridge loading and ejection is great for for both lefty's' or righty's....after a few rounds you can reload pretty damned son loves it....perfect starting rifle and very safe.
NRA member I've been shooting my model 55 since I inherited it in 1982 when I was 12 years old. 55 22 RF overall length making a shipping box. Loosen stock stud screw (32) in underside of stock and lift the barrel (5) and the receiver (1) assembly out of the stock. it is 95% or better. It was made in 22" barrel length only. The company dubbed it the Model 55 (not to be confused with the Winchester Model 55 top-loading, single-shot .22 rimfire of later years), in keeping with a similar policy for the Model 1892, which had become the Model 53.
In 1932, with approximately 20,500 guns made, the Model 55 was discontinued to make way for the Winchester Model 64. Maybe a safety factor thing. Does anyone know where I can get disassembly-assembly instructions for this model? Privacy Policy • Contact Us • Warnings • FAQs • © 2020 National Rifle Association of America, Women On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Ambassadors, NRA Outstanding Achievement Youth Award Presented by Brownells, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Gun Control & Socialism: A Message from Cuba, Mastering the Handgun: A Tried-and-True Method, Trump Administration Grants Military Veterans Free Entrance at National Parks, New for 2020: Savage Arms 320 Thumbhole Security Shotgun, At The Range: Remington M1903 and M1903A3 Rifles, Thompson/Center Compass II: An Affordable, Versatile Bolt-Action Rifle, This Old Gun: U.S. Model 1842 Percussion Pistol, © 2020 National Rifle Association of America. JV, You welcome! Whats most interesting to me is the slam fire concept. This is from a web article by James Triggs: Last Updated on Mon, 08 Jun 2015 | Firearms Assembly. Replace barrel in receiver and replace barrel locating pin. Won't be protected from fire though. Very cheap rifle too. Check action to be sure rifle is unloaded. Disassembly Procedure. worth repairing. Cock rifle and put safety (20) in “safe” position. There were enough spare parts in Winchester’s inventory, however, to keep the Model 55 in production until 1935, even though it was no longer catalogued. It is a classic example of an early 20th century hunting rifle that, while still serviceable, is also increasingly collectible. cba_shooter said p.s. Same as a Thompson Submachinegun. Now I can probably get it figured out. Official Web Site Of The Winchester Arms Collectors Association. The bolt doesn't set the safety, the loading ramp sets the safety when you put a shell in. Safe is full of Winchester lever guns and S&W's.
No more room. Trigger mechanism may be disassembled if necessary by drifting out trigger pin (29), taking care not to allow springs (23 & 26) to escape forcibly.
Items are printed on high resolution 28# paper. Replace cover in top loading port of receiver with front end first and foot of cover in groove of bolt, sliding backward until the front end of cover is flush with the receiver. The act of loading automatically engages the safety. Steve, You are welcome. I think the safety has to be in the "SAFE" position.
Email me and I will send you a copy of the original 8 page owner's manual with Disassembly/Assembly instructions and a parts schematic. Parts are very hard to find for this model.
A good gunsmith should be able to find a replacement. 3523_1821_781-bolt-mechanism-barrel-1.jpg,
The bolt handle and or blow back from a fired round cocks the gun/holds the bolt back ready to fire. and .32 Win. The Winchester Model 55 rifle was discontinued in 1961. I love shooting it.
55 will give many years keep it clean. Cock rifle and put safety (20) in "safe" position.
Thursday, February 23, 2012. were added in 1926.
Vince Big Larry, Safe is full........ No more room. It's what I used to pass my hunter safety test, and it's taken down many a rabbit and squirrel.
It is important that you read and understand your firearm's owner's manual thoroughly before using it.
I could not say it is this easy to get into one of the less expensive safes, but it does not take long in the video.
Exercise care to keep fingers clear of receiver openings during this operation. The Winchester Model 55 rifle was discontinued in 1961. Congratulations on finding a Loading Gate Cover. Drift out cover pin (3), depress cover (2), and remove from receiver. Minimum search word length is 3 characters - maximum search word length is 84 characters.
Managed to pick one up as parts but the bolt isn't going back all the way to set the safety. One quick question.
Replace the cover pin. Hello, would you happen to have instruction book for a model 55 l25-35 (lever action?)