Brighton Rd West Sussex
This is a new service. Reception class 9am-3.15pm It typically takes 1 to 2 months, and can take longer in some circumstances, for Ofsted data to be made available and updated here following an inspection. We have a school bus service that collects and drops off at a specific point in Horsham at 8am and 4.45pm every day.
Our home is Broadfield House, a grade 2 listed mansion that overlooks the lake. Atelier 21 Future School. As we are a small school all children will mix together in breakfast and afterschool club and one activity will be offered per day, which children can join in with if they want to. Small group teaching means students have more time with their teachers to ensure they understand the content. Here are the reasons why we think students at Atelier 21 are likely to get better iGCSE results than at other schools: Pending a successful re-registration to teach pupils aged 14-16, we will offer a range of core and non-core subjects and would expect these to include at least: Maths, English Literacy, English Language, Sciences, Foreign Languages, Media, Business Studies, Art, Music and Drama and other options depended on by student vote. Try again now or later. consultants at Atelier 21 who help train teachers and staff on inset days.
A school which is curated flexibly around your child’s interests, one that expects to mould itself around the strengths and needs of the pupils in our community. RH11 9RZ. Atelier 21 is a 21st century blend of academic real world - project based learning, self directed learning, entrepreneurship and Wild Fridays (outdoor learning on beaches, in forests and in natural spaces of interest). RH11 9RZ, Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist and prolific education author of the past two decades. Our feedback survey is currently closed. Please explain what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. We are attempting to address that gap by offering Atelier 21’s revolutionary approach to school.
Atelier 21 respects young people’s differing personalities by focusing on learning rather than didactic teaching methods. Act4EnergyPoverty ACT4ENERGYPOVERTY : un workshop itinérant sur la précarité énergétique. Broadfield House With timetabled academic workshops and project-based learning in the mornings, children have most of the afternoons available for self-directed studies: time dedicated to carrying out research projects of their own design around the things that most interest them. The meeting is a space for both to ask questions and for you to get a feel for whether the school is right for you, and for us to decide if we believe your family will thrive as part of our progressive school community. BETA – the language that children and adults speak in when. We plan to re-open it soon. LEARNISH – the language that children and adults speak in when developing a GROWTH MINDSET. Crawley and Three Bridges stations are minutes away from the school and both provide 35 minute commuter trains into London several times an hour. The Learning Power Approach that underpins our curriculum enables students to embrace challenge and self-regulate, meaning they aren’t immobilised by fear of failure or ‘getting the wrong answer’ in preparation for an exam. For schools that opened or closed part way through this period, the absence information will be based on a shorter period. opens in a new window.
Any data collected is anonymised. We won’t be looking for your child to prove they can do anything in particular, we are simply making sure they can thrive in our environment.
Please explain, step by step, what you did.
Accept cookies. Otherwise, we are not a Montessori School, although many of our values are synonymous with the Montessori Approach. Young people are going to need different skills to thrive than they might have needed thirty years ago, so schools need to be different. We plan to re-open it soon. Broadfield House Programmation; Faisabilité; Commentaires récents Pupils at Atelier 21 learn how to be resourceful, resilient and reflective people whom assume responsibility for their place in the world. He is also the Patron of Atelier 21. He is also the Patron of Atelier 21. Atelier 21 is a carefully curated Personal Responsibility Model design by myself and my team which takes the best pedagogies of the most progressive schools from around the world and blends them with the UK’s National Curriculum.
Pupils at Atelier 21 learn how to be resourceful, resilient and reflective people whom assume responsibility for their place in the world. Please see our Early Years 0-5 page for our award winning nursery group. Download establishment data. It needs to recognize that, in a democracy, learning by compulsion means indoctrination and that only learning by invitation and choice is education.” Roland Meighan. GOV.UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. In order to upskill the future generation, we must pay attention to what young people are going to need to thrive in the 21st Century; the world is a less certain place now and they will need more than just great exam results. The students vote on what activities are on offer the term before in School Circle meetings. Currently now taking registrations for our 2021 September intake for pupils aged 4-12 years, our school is the UK’s first 4-16 years, progressive school with core values around creativity, entrepreneurship and personal growth to help children and young people thrive and compete in the changing 21st Century.. check us out at Atelier 21 Future School ADVERTISEMENT. Other independent school. Percentage of possible mornings or afternoons recorded as an absence from school for whatever reason, whether authorised or unauthorised, across the full academic year. The vast majority of children will, but we reserve the right to politely refuse a place if we feel strongly that we can’t meet your child’s needs. Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist and prolific education author of the past two decades. Atelier 21 is our response to a mainstream school system that needs taking apart and putting back together in a better, more learner-centred way that sets young people up to be connected to the world in a more significant way and love learning new things for life. For younger primary aged children up to age 7, they can be collected at 3.15pm if needed.
Broadfield House which creates a positive attitude towards achievement and reduces fear of failure. We have the time and motivation to ensure that every student understands what is being asked of them and can provide more one to one support with more teaching staff available. Imagine a school where children have lots of time to choose what they want to learn about and get good at. We replace the pressurised, test driven culture to pass exams, with a totally unique, personal responsibility model that aims to encourage children to develop a rigorous attitude towards mastering academics and developing skills and attitudes over time in order to thrive in life (and pass exams when they need to!). Details; Links; Location; Skip map.
Sometimes pupils work alone, sometimes in small or large groups and very often with children much older or younger than them – it’s completely up to them as trusted, autonomous members of our learning community. To find out more information, ask to go on our waiting list for 2021 and beyond, or book a private tour please email Atelier 21 Future School contact details . Key stage 4 data is not available for this school because it does not teach pupils to the end of key stage 4.
If we can reproduce a problem, we can try to fix it. RH13 9Rz. Hear more about my journey into education, business and my aims for Atelier 21 by clicking on the relevant links below. Absenteeism and Children Missing Education Policy, English as an Additional Language Statement, Mission Statement_A Revolutionary Response to School, Off-Site Activities and Educational Visits Policy, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy, Staff Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy, Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy. Our bus service leaves school at 4.30pm, therefore children in afterschool club need to be collected from school.
about the potential of their own abilities –. We are set in the grounds of Broadfield Park in Pease Pottage in West Sussex.
Pending a successful registration to include this age group, our fees would be £4,950 per term and £14,850 per year. Our bus services run as according to needs of our families, to find out more please let us know your requirements by filling out the form on our Contact page and we will get back to you. Pending a sucessful amendment to our Ofsted registration, we intend to provide iGCSE courses and education to pupils aged 14-16 from 2023. Primary data is not available for this school because we do not publish key stage 2 data for independent schools. Teachers are also close by to challenge them and help frame learning when it’s needed. Show map. Shift of attitude to ‘MISTAKE MAKING’ to distinguish fear of failure. After we open in September 2020 we will be able to accommodate parent tours throughout the year to see the school in action. Most probably because they have had some choice over what to learn and how to go about it, which means they are motivated! He is also the Patron of Atelier 21. “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm”
This is a new service.
See the absence statistics guide opens in a new window for more information on how we collect and report absence figures. Whether children are conducting their own research projects, working on running their school business, learning outdoors on WILD Fridays or trying to solve a real world maths problem, we expect them to be highly engaged in their learning. Holy Trinity CofE Secondary School, Crawley, St Wilfrid's Catholic Comprehensive School, Crawley, St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Crawley, Government Statistical Service Local Authority Code, Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care Unit, Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD), Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2020), Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right (2020), Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right (2020), Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright (2020), Contains Environment Agency data licensed under the, Everything else © GetTheData Publishing Limited (2020). He is also the Patron of Atelier 21. We expect to challenge pupils to always be working on the leading edge of what they can’t yet do but are working hard to get good at. These decisions range from which sports to put on the curriculum next term, to which new behaviour rules we need as a community, to which student enterprise ideas will be granted loans from the school bank for example. Il entre en lien avec lEPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) et devient membre du comité de lADER, association pour le développement des énergies renouvelables en 1999. A celebration of the grapple and effort required to achieve, Understanding Learning Mode VS Performance Mode, Deconstruction of the LEARNING PROCESS so children understand the habits of mind which make them good learners. To request to join a parent tour please call us on 01293 265417 or email
All pupils are required to be collected no later that 6pm when school closes.