She decides to head towards the Eva Cage to get Shinji inside Evangelion Unit-01 safely, despite him being passively uncooperative, and having to literally be dragged in tow.

Asuka's second case: Shinji asks her about her wish, She replies that she wants to live by herself and doesn't want to cry, but she is still crying. As she heads towards the Command Center, Hyuga briefs her over the phone, telling her that the UN has revoked Nerv's special status and the organization is under orders to surrender to the Japanese government.

At this time, Instrumentality has begun. The episode begins immediately after the events of Episode 24.

Word gets around school that Shinji is the Eva pilot; his classmate Toji resents him for it. Ritsuko considers his words for a brief moment, before she, as tears swell up in her eyes, bitterly calls him a liar. Misato ends up getting shot by a soldier while protecting Shinji.

By interacting with this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Shinji, who hears her over the radio, has arrived at the EVA cage; the JSSDF has covered Unit-01 in Bakelite, which prevents him from getting inside. Unit-02 falls over backwards, but in spite of the pain, Asuka makes a frantic attempt to get back on her feet — just as the EVA's battery runs dry and leaves her helpless. Rei asks the other Reis about how could all of them be herself. Title I Le problème est qu'elle n'arrête pas de le faire justement et elle ne sait pas pourquoi. With her least breaths, she asks Kaji for forgiveness, wondering if she did the right things. Regarder Neon Genesis Evangelion-episode-25- anime en streaming HD gratuit sans illimité VF et Vostfr. A page for describing Recap: Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 25 "Do you love me?". Gendo says some unheard last words to Ritsuko, and in response she bitterly calls him a liar. Making mental contact her mother's soul, Asuka realizes that she had been inside the EVA, watching over her all along. , taking him to Eva-01. Megumi Ogata, Kotono Mitsuishi, Yuriko Yamaguchi. By using their latent control over the UN, SEELE has convinced the leaders of the Japanese government that NERV is planning initiate Third Impact. hide. It is night at the Geofront. Elle sait que sans les autres, elle n'existerait déjà plus et à peur de cela. She uncovers classified information on Second Impact, but moments later, the server is suddenly locked. With the hacking attempt stopped, Keel declares that it seems like a peaceful takeover has been made impossible and now orders the JSSDF to attack Nerv Headquarters and take the Evas by force.

Shinji himself also gets one.

While in battle, Shinji and Unit 01 are engulfed in the spreading shadow of an Angel. Beginning to cry because Asuka's not responding, Shinji manages to shake her so hard that Asuka's vital monitors and hospital gown become undone, exposing her breasts.