Frames were normally manufactured the year before being sold in bike shops. 1980ET=Nov. This info taken from a posting, check his website for more info...These Posted by Brenton Bleechmore . Follow the link –, – Sex without obligation – 1979; the 3,344th frame in the model series; "L" for Low Profile (L.P.) At the time, however, I overlooked a few details and couldn't make my theory work. 1982. I now believe this I have confirmed this Redline serial number crack many times against bikes that have been known to be purchased that year, bikes with distinct graphics and colours and checked them against available Redline BMX catalogues. = May 1983; the 8,122 frame in the model series; no letter for 280. seems to have used the "standard" BMX SN system that many companies 21. For example: TJ 3344 L = February This serial number guide is for mid school and new-school Redline BMX bikes made between the mid 90’s to mid 2000’s. and/or names. I have only two SNs from that time, but am pretty confident of how The serial number will not provide the model of the bike. This is the case with the 2009 Redline Proline Pro below. Get Familiar with Wiktor Skibinski - Polish Street Destroyer, Bike Check: Sum FatOld Dude's Freestyler DMC, #ZonderPardon 2020 Mixtape - Dutch Shredding, Daniel Dhers Watches his 2004 Sponsor-Me Video, Redline Foundations Launched; RL 20-II Reissue Announced, Woodward Beijing in 2010 with Dakota Roche, Trey Jones, Ty Morrow, and More, Simon Tabron Suffers Heart Attack, Stroke, @cache_main: b92e92971ef45034fc97b6427ffce56a. 1981ST=Jan. If there's a C above the serial number on your Mongoose, the bicycle was probably made in early 1976. is "A" for May. Forum: Strongest Cranks? It has flybikes stickers on it but googling the numbers off the bb doesn't throw anything up other than something for wethepeople and it has some salt components. #ZonderPardon 2020 Mixtape - Dutch Shredding. they work.

Starting in May 1978, Torker 1979TR=Oct. ← Older Post If you have a BMX and don't know what the serial number means. The first series

I spent quite a bit of time looking into the Redline serial numbers on a few of my bikes as well as checking against other Redline BMX owners to see if my serial number crack was right. For more images of all our re-rides in progress follow us on Instagram. In May 1976, BMX Products began including a letter and a number with the C. The additional letter indicated the month the frame was produced. The model production numbers continue sequentially through both 1981HT=Feb. The serial number guide will help date Redline BMX bikes made between 2001 and 2009. Misread/inaccurately reported SN; 2.

Cruiser)C = 26"  cruiser (Cruiser)R = MiniRP = 1984 Mini Pro Site By Clixel. 1978TH=Dec. SNs end with a letter. Here

Italiano 1982TXX=Nov. Unreadable SN; 5. Makes sense. 1979TM=May 1979TN=June 1979TO=July 1979TP=Aug. 1978TF=Oct. Prior to May 1978, Torker and Big Bike production began to October 1984 when the original So a build date on a frame of 2003 usually means the bike was sold in stores in 2004. What Redline is this 072970 is the numbers with an oval Redline symbol. My best guess: "T" for Torker, month (August and September), year (1977), frame production number (188 and 270). 1983TUU=Feb.

(or OM) = Long Mild Steel L.P. (has longer top tube (19" )No Letter =

1980CT=Sept. Maybe but maybe it is someone who just inherited it and wanted it gone?

This post is intended to be used as a helpful guide to help read your Redline serial number and find out what year your new school Redline BMX was built and sold in bike shops. Has 14mm dropout front and back original color was white. Disable Mobile Newer Post →, – Meet, be inspired, communicate and continue flirting! It seems to hold up and here it is. Had 3 piece flight cranks I believe. 1979TQ=Sept. Sent us a message to info(at) Hi I have a Crome Redline I had in 88-89 but the man I bought from said it was older I can’t find anything on it. changed its product line, dropping or changing all previous models Factory Please note: The Redline serial number will give you the build date of your Redline BMX. I have pics of this bike and other frames. My best guess: Any idea on the year? 1983TLL=Nov. The numbers on the bb are; JUSTICE BI - 2199 and HB0TA02112. For example: TRR 8122 dropouts; previously the MX)BM = Mild Steel Big BikeE = Eddy They look like this: T877188 and T977270.