In January 2001.

[29] Because thousands have contributed to the Linux kernel, this percentage is one of the largest contributions to it. His job there was to help develop commercial software to facilitate communication between operating systems and that company's microprocessors. And Linus can thank Red Hat for his yellow house in Portland. Heute ist Nils Torvalds Mitglied des Europaparlaments, nachdem er als Fernseh- und Rundfunkjo… [10] Dieses Posting machte einige Leute auf Torvalds Arbeit aufmerksam. From: (Linus Benedict Torvalds) A highly skilled programmer such as Torvalds can easily become bored and frustrated with software for which the source code is not available. PLUG volunteers usually hold a monthly clinic to help one and all with their Linux (and other *NIX) computer problems on the third Sunday of every month from 1PM to 5PM. If you are unsure about what you are posting, do not post it. Oops. 2017-01-05 The Biz of Community - VM Brasseur The Portland Linux/Unix Group (PLUG) is a group of enthusiasts dedicated to teaching and learning about Linux, Unix and related freedom-producing technologies. 2013-10-03 FreeNAS Plugins - Michael Dexter Es war Winter, eine Jahreszeit, die laut Torvalds in Finnland nicht für das Verlassen der Wohnung geeignet ist. 2013-06-18 Social Event at the Lucky Lab Microsoft isn’t evil, they just make really crappy operating systems. Linuxschöpfer Linus Torvalds tritt dem OSDL bei. the beginning of work: Rebel Code.

All rights reserved (About Us). LinuxCon 2009 Linux creator Linus Torvalds says the open source kernel has become "bloated and huge," with no midriff-slimming diet plan in sight.. During a roundtable discussion at LinuxCon in Portland, Oregon this afternoon, moderator and Novell distinguished engineer James Bottomley asked Tovalds whether Linux kernel features were being released too fast, before the kernel … . 2013-01-03 Linux in Schools project: Past, Present, and Future 2009-09-03 Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution - K Lars Lohn 2012-08-21 Vyatta 2008-11-19 OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymore 2015-08-18 Using Mozilla's Heka project for log and event stream processing When you say ‘I wrote a program that crashed Windows,’ people just stare at you blankly and say ‘Hey, I got those with the system, for free.’.

This processor greatly appealed to him because it represented a tremendous improvement over earlier Intel chips. Anna Torvalds arbeitet als Grafikerin. Roundtable about Open Source OS installers The massive investment has been paying off very handsomely for IBM (and others), and its Linux-related business now exceeds two billion dollars annually, making IBM by far the world's largest vendor of Linux-related products and services. The performance of the Linux kernel and Linux distributions continued to improve as more and more developers, initially individual and later corporate as well, joined the project and contributed their enthusiasm, effort and programming skills. Currently, the Linux Foundation sponsors Torvalds so he can work full-time on improving Linux. 2017-02-21 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab

2013-02-07 Open Source Medical Informatics Ein Nerd. Im Juni 2003 verließ Linus Torvalds Transmeta und begann seine Arbeit bei Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), einer Non-Profit-Organisation zur Förderung von Linux im Unternehmensbereich. 2009-11-05 Unit Test Your Database! At the age of 10, Linus started writing programs in BASIC on his maternal grandfather’s Commodore Vic 20. 2017-06-01 Open Source Desktop Publishing with Laidout 2010-04-01 Rapid Discussions on Any Topic [31][32], Laut einem Interview im Jahr 2014 nutzte Torvalds zu dieser Zeit die Linux-Distribution Fedora mit dem GNOME-Desktop und dem ext4-Dateisystem. 2008-09-04 Building Open Source Communities In 1987 Torvalds used his savings to buy his first computer, a Sinclair QL. Als im Frühjahr 1996 ersichtlich wurde, dass Linus Torvalds in Bälde sein Studium beendet haben würde, kontaktierte ihn Hans Peter Anvin, der Jahre zuvor die Spendenaktion zur Abbezahlung von Torvalds’ Computer ins Leben gerufen hatte. 2010-10-19 Ubuntu Release Engineering - Allison Randal Linus Torvalds, the reclusive founder of Linux. 2009-04-02 Presentation by Bart Massey Perhaps he should have also mentioned that Portland would be a bit more like his native Helsinki: i.e., a very pleasant and livable city with abundant parks and a growing tram network, and one that has less sunshine and somewhat longer, colder and darker winters than Silicon Valley. Ari Lemmke, der als Assistent an der technischen Universität von Helsinki arbeitete, kontaktierte Torvalds mit dem Angebot, ihm für das Betriebssystem, an dem er offensichtlich arbeite, Platz auf dem FTP-Server der Universität zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit die Öffentlichkeit darauf Zugriff habe. After a visit to Transmeta in late 1996,[24] Torvalds accepted a position at the company in California, where he would work from February 1997 until June 2003. 2019-05-02 UnPLUG! 2014-03-18 Dynamic Tracing with DTrace and SystemTap Our WordPress hosting plan gives you unlimited SSD web space, unlimited bandwidth, 50 personalized email accounts and a free SSL certificate. November 2000 ein 1996 entdeckter Asteroid nach ihm 9793 Torvalds benannt. [2] Zwei Jahre später kam väterlicherseits sein neun Jahre jüngerer Halbbruder Leo Torvalds zur Welt. Because university education in Finland is free and there was little pressure to graduate within four years, Torvalds decided to take a break and devote his full attention to his project. The Torvalds family belongs to the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland, which numbers about 300,000 in a total population of roughly five million. Then this post might be just for you :-).

The directory also contains some README-file and a couple of binaries to work under linux However, he soon became unhappy with it because of it could not be reprogrammed due to the operating system residing in ROM (read-only memory). Linus Benedict Torvalds (Swedish: [ˈliːn.ɵs ˈtuːr.valds]; born December 28, 1969) is a . His old desk is so cluttered that he had to abandon it. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. ", Coders have a reputation for working all hours, hacking away in the middle of the night.

2010-11-16 Artificial Neural Networks: Principles and Applications 2011-08-04 Open Source in State Agencies He comes from a family of journalists. "[5] He is also the recipient of the 2014 IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award[6] and the 2018 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award. There is no membership fee to join and we welcome people of all levels of experience. 2011-02-03 What is Open? 2011-07-19 IPv6 Networking Part 3 - Ted Mittelstaedt It has finally reached the stage where it's even usable (though may not be depending on what you want), and I am willing to put out the sources for wider distribution. After spending nearly a decade as a student, researcher and instructor at the University of Helsinki, Torvalds decided that it was time for a change -- a big one that included both a change of scenery and a real job.

Oktober 2018 wieder zurück und übernahm wieder die Koordination des Kernels, welche er zuvor an Greg Kroah-Hartman abgegeben hatte. Sources for this pet project of mine can be found at ( in the directory /pub/OS/Linux. 2018-11-01 Carnivorous plants and other technologies He also created the revision control system Git as well as the diving log software Subsurface. 2016-07-19 Internet Mirroring Roundtable 2014-07-15 GO TO OSCON It began: Do you pine for the nice days of minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers? [41][42][43] Following the release of Linux 4.19 on 22 October 2018, Linus went back to maintaining the kernel. 2006-06-19 The Eclipse on Linux Project Proposal Angry? Juli 1991 postete er in der Minix-Newsgroup eine Anfrage nach einer lesbaren Version der POSIX-Spezifikationen. 2015-02-05 Escaping GMail '"[53], In 2010, Torvalds became a United States citizen and registered to vote in the United States. 2011-03-15 Release your hardware hacker potential with gEDA

Perhaps the biggest force for Linux's adoption in the corporate world has been IBM's official blessing and massive support. Linux is still young and poised for its greatest growth, and it still needs him. Erst später entschied er sich für ein Informatik-Studium mit den Nebenfächern Physik und Mathematik. Während er im ersten Studienjahr noch alle notwendigen Leistungsnachweise erbrachte, wurden danach andere Dinge wichtiger, weshalb er erst acht Jahre später im Frühjahr 1996 die letzte für den Abschluss erforderliche Prüfung ablegte. 2009-05-07 Displaying HD Video Content with a PC 2012-11-20 Linux Network Driver Development © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. [4], „Ich war ein Freak. 2014-03-06 pfSense However, although much more powerful than MS-DOS and designed to run on Intel x86 processors, MINIX still had some serious disadvantages. In early 1991, unhappy with MS-DOS and MINIX, Torvalds wanted to buy a UNIX system. In 1993, when he was teaching at the University of Helsinki, he gave the task of composing email as homework to the students. I'm agnostic.

[18][19] He wrote a Pac-Man clone named Cool Man. And its initially weak networking capability was improved substantially. The company was faced with the growing burden of having to support its own collection of proprietary (i.e., owned by an individual or a company) operating systems, including AIX, OS/2 and z/OS, as well as Microsoft Windows and others.