किसी बारात में सबसे ज्यादा मज़ा तभी आता हैं जब डी जे के पास लडकिया आकर खड़ी हो जाती हैं और उसे देख 4-5 लड़के अपने अंदर… माईकल जैक्सन की आत्मा घुसेड़ लेते हैं…!! It’s a blessing.” – DJ Khaled, 27. I ain’t regular like these other people. So check the latest Dj Funny Jokes and share it with your lovely friends. DJ wale babu mera gaana baja do? Studio 54, NY (Diana Ross in the DJ booth), The vinyl record collecting blog - with news about new vinyl record releases, vinyl record sales, new music releases, album cover art and weekly features, Stream Z3Radio - Episode.002 by Z3erix from desktop or your mobile device, This would be one hell of a Salamander look at him cooking up sick beats and bein cute. ", *An old silly one...but a grin inducer nevertheless*. “I don’t have no favorite rock bands. See more ideas about Funny jokes for adults, Funny jokes, Jokes. So you know that it's time to change the channel. “People will try to bring you down, but you gotta go up.” – DJ Khaled, 31. Related Categories. Mar 27, 2019 - Explore Gdjdjf Hdjfjf's board "Funny jokes for adults", followed by 108 people on Pinterest. No I know that I’ve been put on this Earth to make people happy, to inspire people and to uplift people. They don’t want you to exercise. “They will try to close the door on you, just open it.” – DJ Khaled, 9. Sorry Casey you've been replaced. “You want my advice? ", The 10 Most Expensive Guitars in the World, The 10 Most Expensive Laptops in the World, 50 Lionel Messi Quotes About Soccer, Work & Success, 50 Motivational G-Eazy Quotes About His Life, 42 Ingeniously Motivational Miles Davis Quotes, Your email address will not be published. Here’s our collection of funny DJ Khaled quotes to brighten up your day. They don’t want you to get healthy. “I love having an unlimited supply of cocoa butter.” – DJ Khaled, 30. That’s undeniable. “डीजे वाले बाबू, मेरा गाना बजा दो”

Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Wealthy Gorilla is one of the fastest growing self-development websites worldwide; with articles and stories covering everything from quotes, net worths, richest lists, self-development lessons, and more. After many calls and many failed attempts, someone finally has one.

read more After our radio station's accountant died in a parachuting accident, the program director told me to play some Tom Petty in rememberance after the obituary, as the accountant liked his music. Your email address will not be published. “We go hard. So the host take the first call: The radio host took the mic and started yelling: One of these preparations for many years has been tuning in to the local radio station at 6:00 the night before a storm for an important announcement. “Why the fuck is there a cabbage at this party?” thought the DJ, I'm going to make sure you all go hard, even though I can't, Especially since I'm not a great dancer. “When I turn in my list, obviously every record was important to me. “My fans expect me to be greater and keep being great.” – DJ Khaled, 7. Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round. So there's a radio station contest and you need to ring in with a made up word, the two criterion being: you need to be able to use it in a sentence and it needs to not be in the dictionary. We also have Funny Jokes About Djs quotes and sayings related to Funny Jokes About Djs. Required fields are marked *. They don’t want you to have the No. Doesn't matter, we're still gonna need anotha one. And they don’t want you to have that view.” – DJ Khaled, 26. From being a kid on them turntables to becoming where I am is not a loss. Halfway home, she attempted to change radio stations and saw that there appeared to be only one station. Thanks for checking out our list of funny DJ Khaled quotes. A Huge Dump O' Memes To Help You Enjoy Hump Day! Clumsy vegetarians make the best DJs. But the only downfall about it is that I really don’t have anybody to do that for me. This DJ Khaled.” – DJ Khaled, 4. These are the most awesome clean jokes and puns you'll find. …..” लड़की -नासपीटे तेरे घर में माँ बहन नही है क्या? You can’t hate on that, it’s impossible.” – DJ Khaled, “Always have faith. The best one would win one thousand dollars. Their balls are just for decoration. If you want to find out who loves you more, stick your wife and dog in the trunk of your car for an hour. Years ago this radio station was having a contest about the best punch line.

From jet ski’s to lions; if you’re not following him on Snapchat, you’re missing out on a huge dose of daily humor. Next the DJ played the Twist, so natuarally, I did the twist. “I didn’t want to be an artist in the same place I worked. Like, "I'll get to my destination in 3 songs"". “It’s safe to say headphones is a good business.” – DJ Khaled, 35. So check the latest Dj Funny Jokes and share it with your lovely friends. “They don’t want you to jet ski.” – DJ Khaled, 17. See Also: 100+ Funny Dad Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Clean Christian Jokes – Good Christian Jokes – Christian Funny Jokes 1. Apparently, having "I Love Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo play ruined the mood for everybody. DJ:- gaana toh bata pagal aurat ???. When you get DJ Khaled you sound bites. I get arrested. Research your MC* wedding speech or just enjoy the best of Will and Guy’s wedding jokes. Be happy and keep smiling…. Dan's mission is simply, to inspire others to live their dreams and be the person to whom they say; "Because of you, I never gave up. So this guy calls in and when asked for the word, he says, "goan... G-O-A-N. The first section are one liners while the second section are short stories, at the bottom are funny pictures of weddings.

Click here for more information. We also have Funny Jokes About Djs quotes and sayings related to Funny Jokes About Djs. Dj Funny Jokes! “The key to more success is coco butter.” – DJ Khaled, 16. LOL with 'em now. Here’s our collection of funny DJ Khaled quotes to brighten up your day. “Basically, I’m one of the greatest producers ever. Dj Funny Jokes! A lady bought a new $130,000 Mercedes-AMG GT car and proudly drove it off the showroom floor to take home. None : they both work where others have fun.

A caller called... With an average age of 81 years old, will the song "Last Christmas" be inappropriate? 16,906 points • 149 comments - Holy shit - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet! It has 1500 dollars in cash, a credit card, an iPhone 6s, and a driving license with Rebecca's name on it.". The gas station attendant who answered the phone said, “No, but I have two nuts and seven inches!”. From jet ski’s to lions; if you’re not following him on Snapchat, you’re missing out on a huge dose of daily humor. The manager said he would look into it. Because why emcee, eh? We are continuing on our mission to inspire and motivate people around the world. ...and tells the RJ,"I found this purse outside Raven's club. लड़का- डीजे के यहां बाबू हूं। लड़की- Wowww… फिर तो मेरा गाना चला दो। लड़का- बहन, डिस्ट्रिक्ट जज के यहां बाबू हूं।, लड़की : कल मेरी शादी है अब क्यों आए हो मेरी ज़िन्दगी में वापस लड़का : क्योंकि हमको DJ का ऑर्डर मिला है अब काम- धंधा भी छोड़ दें क्या, पप्पू:- पापा मुझे #DJ खरीदकर देदो । पापा:- नही दूँगा तु बहूत लोगों को तंग करेगा पप्पू :- नही करूँगा पापा जब सब सो जायेंगे तब बजाउंगा. I probably shouldn’t have named it Vinyl Solution. One day, DJ Khaled’s son stumbled upon a magical lamp.

“God has blessed me because I think.

My interviews will play ten years from now. Most of the songs tell you what to do. to help give you the best experience we can.

- Funny Gallery. A radio station is doing a contest, if a caller can name a word that isn’t in the dictionary and can use it in a sentence they will win tickets to a concert. People start calling in and naming words but either they’re in the dictionary or the DJs don’t agree with the usage. So I went to the club near my road and the DJ started playing Jump Around so I started jumping around. Copyright © 2014-2020 Wealthy Gorilla Limited, 77 Greatest Nelson Mandela Quotes of All Time. If you called in and you had a word that wasn't in their dictionary, you'd win $1000. Apparently enunciation is EVERYTHING. 50 Genuinely Funny Jokes to make you laugh Last Updated: 8th July 2020. I saw a how-to page on record scratch and DJ techniques. The prize was a trip to Bali. He says: "Bartender, Pour everyone here a drink, pour one for yourself and give me the bill. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. “I can deal with everything.

Like when they play "Do The Twist," you twist. Funny Jokes About Djs. After rubbing it, a mystical genie poured out of the stem and asked for boy what he wanted for his wishes.