Gen. James Mattis, known to his troops as "Mad Dog Mattis," is retiring after 41 years of military service. [114], Mattis voiced support for a Saudi Arabian-led military campaign against Yemen's Shiite rebels. [14][15] Mattis also dissuaded Trump from attempting to assasinate Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria. [163] Mattis opposed the withdrawal from the JCPOA, calling the deal "the best we could come up with". In August 2012 Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes asked Mattis, who had expressed interest in testing Theranos's technology in combat areas, to help. "[41], Mattis led the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade as its commanding officer upon promotion to brigadier general. [161] Many senior officials served only because of Mattis and fought political battles with the White House regularly. Mattis is a Catholic, and has been described as "devout"[178] and "committed. [77][78][79], After retiring from the military, Mattis worked for FWA Consultants and served as a member of the General Dynamics Board of Directors. He was commander of United States Central Command from 2010 to 2013 with Admiral Bob Harward serving as his deputy commander along with his CentCom ambassador Jill Kelley. [92], Then-president-elect Donald Trump met with Mattis for a little over one hour in Bedminster, New Jersey, on November 20, 2016. Présentation; Organigramme; Lois et Règlements. All Rights Reserved.

Believing that a need for restraint in war is key to defeating an insurgency, he added: "every time you wave at an Iraqi civilian, al-Qaeda rolls over in its grave. [101] On June 3 Mattis said the United States regarded North Korea as "clear and present danger" during a speech at the international security conference in Singapore. [118] On June 13, Mattis said US forces were "not winning" in Afghanistan and the administration would develop a new strategy by "mid-July" while speaking to the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services. Il sert notamment lors de la guerre du Golfe, de la guerre dAfghanistan et de la guerre d'Irak où il commande la 1re division des Marines et la I Marine Expeditionary Force. Instead, he tries to divide us. "[168] Mattis has also spoken out against what he perceives as Russia's expansionist or bellicose policies in Syria, Ukraine and the Baltic states. [100] During a Pentagon news conference on May 26, Mattis reported the US was working with the UN, China, Japan, and South Korea to avoid "a military solution" with North Korea. Mattis strongly supported Secretary of State John Kerry on the Middle East peace process, praising Kerry for being "wisely focused like a laser beam" on a two-state solution. After leaving the White House, Mattis initially declined to offer his opinion of the Trump administration, saying, "If you leave an administration, you owe some silence". General Mattis told recruiters that, “I’ve been to hell twice boys, in Nasariyah and Fallujah, and both times I saw those tough sons of bitches fighting alongside me. [108], On April 5, 2017, Mattis called the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack "a heinous act," and said it would be treated accordingly. As a general, he served concurrently as the Commander of US Joint Forces Command and as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation. [29], Mattis enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1969. Second, that what we achieved is a nuclear pause, not a nuclear halt". [99], For his first official trip abroad, Mattis began a two-day visit with longtime US ally South Korea on February 2, 2017. Subscribe today to get the latest updates, news and information. GENERAL JAMES MATTIS. You can follow Article 107 News on Twitter at @Article107News.

[93] He later wrote on Twitter, "General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, who is being considered for secretary of defense, was very impressive yesterday. [38], He also was noted for a willingness to remove senior leaders under his command at a time when the US military seemed unable or unwilling to relieve underperforming or incompetent officers.