Quite possibly.

Otters have the densest fur of any animal—as many as a million hairs per square inch in places. [27] The legs are short and stubby and end in large webbed feet tipped with sharp claws.

There is a high chance of one of them getting bitten.

The giant otter's highly sensitive whiskers (vibrissae) allow the animal to track changes in water pressure and currents, which aids in detecting prey. Retrieved from, Smith, C. (2017).

Answer: I would guess no, but it might depend on the animal and your particular talent in animal training. Are fennec foxes endangered?

[57] In addition, solitary animals and young may be vulnerable to attacks by the jaguar, cougar, and anaconda, but this is based on historical reports, not direct observation. Incorrect descriptions of the species have led to multiple synonyms (the latter subspecies is often P. b. paranensis in the literature).

Cats Domesticated Themselves, Ancient DNA Shows. [12] (Larger figures may reflect two or three family groups temporarily feeding together. Feel free to share this guide with anyone who loves otters!

Food is expensive.

[15] The ears are small and rounded. [25] Its velvety feel makes the animal highly sought after by fur traders and has contributed to its decline. While they may have a better chance of coexistence with humans if socialized at a young age, it is not easy to predict their actions. [68] The animal's relatively late sexual maturity and complex social life makes hunting especially disastrous.[12][69][70].

Giant otters also uses latrines, which is a type of communal toilet. For enrichment, otters will need walkways, natural shrubbery, nesting boxes and lots of options for safe digging and foraging.

They must carefully groom their fur and furry undercoat to keep them clean and sealed off to water, because they’re not covered in a fatty layer like other seagoing creatures. Eric Farmer from Rockford Illinois on February 18, 2018: On one hand, this sounded somewhat cute but some of the things you listed as negatives really turn me off owning an Otter as a pet. [45], Suriname still has significant forest cover and an extensive system of protected areas, much of which protects the giant otter.

Decades of poaching for its velvety pelt, peaking in the 1950s and 1960s, considerably diminished population numbers. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/otters-protection-surveys-and-licences#how-otters-are-protected, http://www.otterspecialistgroup.org/Library/TaskForces/OCT/OCT_ASO_Husbandry_Guidelines_Summary.pdf, https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/07/17/national/otters-smuggled-sale-japan-demand-pets-grows/#.XeDfjZNKiUl, https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/12302/21936349, https://ptes.org/get-informed/facts-figures/otter/, Stoats as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Types of German Shepherd - All Breed Variations, The Ocelot as a Pet: Everything you Need to Know, Ostriches as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Ferrets as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Gov UK.

All otters are expert hunters that eat fish, crustaceans, and other critters.

Otters require specific conditions to live well: a large area to roam (the larger the better); a clean water source in which to swim, bathe and (ideally) catch live prey; and adequate daily nutrition. Unless you do what Joseph Carter does for his mink to keep them busy, I wouldn't recommend them as pets to most people.

Her favorite ones are Geckos and Bearded dragons.

In Brazil, viable populations are limited to the Amazon and Pantanal.

Do all snakes lay eggs?

[46] The animal reaches sexual maturity at about two years of age and both male and female pups leave the group permanently after two to three years.

Sea otter: Illegal to own under the Marine Animal Protection Act. However, Asian small-clawed otters, despite being the otter species best suited for captivity, are not commonly kept, even in the exotic pet-keeping community. [66] Its smaller prey, different denning habits, and different preferred water types also reduce interaction.[57]. [18], Phylogenetic analysis by Koepfli and Wayne in 1998 found the giant otter has the highest divergence sequences within the otter subfamily, forming a distinct clade that split away 10 to 14 million years ago.

I don't approve but it amazes me the animals aren't showing obvious signs of distress. They travel in groups and maintain family ties, for life.

If the water is not sufficiently well cleaned, it can lead to the quick death of the otter. However, an otter is a mild mannered carnivore that some people have as a partially domesticated pet, and here are a few of its characteristics and qualities. Question: How much does a pet otter cost?

If you would like to know more about behaviors and vocal sounds. I’ve occasionally seen them offered for sale on exoticanimalsforsale.net in the past, but not for a while. There are 13 types of otter in total, but some are more common than others. Question: Are otters legal to keep as pets in Georgia? The survival of the giant otter populations in the Guianas is essential to the survival of this endangered species in South America. However, like all mustelids that aren’t domesticated ferrets, they are also challenging to keep, and will require large enclosures and extensive enrichment. I just wanna make sure. Cats and dogs were bred to be companions and we couldn't even handle that.

Habitat degradation and loss is the greatest current threat. [38] Duplaix suggests a division between "residents", who are established within groups and territories, and nomadic and solitary "transients"; the categories do not seem rigid, and both may be a normal part of the giant otter life cycle.

Limits on the number of tourists at any one time, fishing prohibitions, and a minimum safe distance of 50 metres (164 ft) are proposed to offer further protection. Are otters good pets? I couldn't agree more.

In many states, do you think it's illegal to keep river otters, beavers and many exotic animals as pets?

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[46] Pups open their eyes in their fourth week, begin walking in their fifth, and are able to swim confidently between 12 and 14 weeks old. If not..why? Note that you still require special permits in many of these states, and local city governments also stipulate whether it is legal or illegal to keep exotic animals within city limits, so make sure you find out this information before buying an otter! Most otter species come ashore to give birth in dens, which sometimes have been used by other animals such as beavers. (Jumping spider facts and lifespan), 8 AMAZING jumping spiders types you can get as pets, Are jumping spiders friendly or harmful to us? [51], The longest documented giant otter lifespan in the wild is eight years.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge.

I have seen so many animals killed because of ignorance.

can also be offered to supplement the diet. That way, you’ll get advice direct from the source!