‘… so that the Son may bring glory to the Father …’ [Greek: ‘so that the Father is glorified in the Son’]. The ‘whatever’ is, in itself, a blank cheque. 17. whom the world cannot receive, &c.--(See 1 Corinthians 2:14 ). Here all the questions about God that have ever been asked and ever will be asked are answered.

We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The glory of His Person, observe, is always here the subject; for, even with regard to His death, it is said, "Now is the Son of man glorified." In my Father's house are many mansions--and so room for all, and a place for each. He brought to their remembrance that which Jesus had been, and that which He had spoken, while on earth. Were a holy man on his deathbed, beholding his friends in tears at the prospect of losing him, to say, "Ye ought rather to joy than weep for me, and would if ye really loved me, "the speech would be quite natural. 4-7. whither I go ye know .

22. If we do not recognize the Father here, if we do not see God here, then we do not know him. In the Father’s house there are many permanent dwelling places. But what do the words mean if not this? ‘He will do greater things than these …’ [Greek text: he will do greater than these]. [1] I am the way - an exclusive, absolute statement. Thy grace is infinite, but Thy presence and the joy of the Father shall be the rest of our hearts, and our eternal joy. Standing face to face with Jesus Christ, we see the Father. Certainly, the disciples have understood far more than the general crowds; and Peter has spoken for them in his confession ‘you are the Christ, the Son of the living God!’ But the impact and implications of that confession have not yet hit them. It is difficult for translators to know how to translate this verse from the Greek. We see Him in the relationships in which He stood according to the eternal truths of God. The word is related to meno [remain, have one’s habitual dwelling place] and refers to the place where one lives permanently. Heaven, not earth, was in question.

In verse 7 Jesus gives us the essential truth that validates the astounding claim he has just made in verse 6: he rightly says he is the way, he rightly says he is the truth, he rightly says he is the life, he rightly says no one comes to the Father except through him because he is one with the Father: to know him is to know God, to see him is to see God.

All of the above passages help us to understand the awesome claim that Jesus is making here in John 14:7ff. The Lord only expresses that which belongs to His being really and divinely one with the Father-"I am in my Father." They ought to have known that the Father was in Him and He in the Father. Everything outside of Jesus Christ, everything other than Jesus Christ is not the truth. And this was absolute perfection in man. He arises and quits it. The meaning and the force of these simple words of Jesus are clear: there is no other way. He gives us to be interested in His own glory, in His happiness, and, in it, to find our own. Like the others, this claim contains unavoidable discrimination against all other religious leaders, religious belief systems and religious promises. The Holy Ghost once introduced as sent, the Lord says, "I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you." It is to the sense of this apparently desolate condition that the Lord addresses Himself, shewing them that He was an object for faith, even as God was. But, now, it is not what is objective which He presents; not the Father in Him (which they ought to have known) and He in the Father, when here below. But when the Lord has written the sentence of death upon the flesh for us, by revealing its impotency, He can then (chap.

The truth of it is, that which makes the Person and Work of Christ the life of the world ( Hebrews 9:14 , 1 John 3:5 , 2 Corinthians 5:21 ). You believe in God []; believe also in me. The whole of what is here said of THE SPIRIT is decisive of His divine personality. because I live--not "shall live," only when raised from the dead; for it is His unextinguishable, divine life of which He speaks, in view of which His death and resurrection were but as shadows passing over the sun's glorious disk.

It is a peculiarity of these last chapters, that they treat almost exclusively of the most profound relations--as that of the Son to the Father, and of both to the Spirit, that of Christ to the Church, of the Church to the world, and so forth. His miracles the apostles wrought, though wholly in His name and by His power, and the "greater" works--not in degree but in kind--were the conversion of thousands in a day, by His Spirit accompanying them. Poor Peter! Chapter 14 gives to us the Son's personal relationship with the Father, and our place in Him who is in it, known by the Holy Ghost given. Like the others, this claim contains unavoidable discrimination against all other religious leaders, religious belief systems and religious promises. But oh, how different from ordinary adieus! godswordforyou.com acknowledges that God exists, that He loves us with an incredible love, and that He has spoken and continues to speak to us in the Bible, his written Word.

No matter how many followers someone has, or how many people they have influenced. We now come to that portion of the evangelical history which we may with propriety call its Holy of Holies. This is not a little ‘open sesame’ that we tag onto our prayers and expect thereby automatic positive answers. Apart from him there is no spiritual life. No matter how good or kind or law-abiding. The power of Jesus’ words has passed right over him. [2] This is blessedly true in every respect, except of course essential Godhead and oneness with the Father: in this He remains divinely alone. THE FAREWELL DISCOURSE In chapter 13, Jesus gathered the disciples together in the Upper Room for the Passover meal. Refer back to 14:10b where Jesus said ‘The words I say to you are not just my own.

[1] "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you." Literally the Greek text reads: ‘Stop being troubled!’ They were troubled by the up-coming betrayal [ 13:21 ,22]; they were troubled by the fact that Jesus was going away [ 13:33 ]; they were also troubled by Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s denial [ 13:38 ] – Peter, the up-front, confident disciple, who was bold when the rest of them were timid. How do these verses refer to the impossibility of a sinful human being seeing God?

The claim Jesus makes here is unique and radical. What less, and what else, can these words mean? Here, in Jesus Christ, the Father is known. He knows what his Father’s house is like! He will teach about this at length shortly. Only the person who knows Jesus Christ knows the true, unadulterated truth about God. if not, I would have told you--that is, I would tell you so at once; I would not deceive you. me no more, but ye see--behold. If we fail to understand Jesus here, then we cannot rightly understand the cross and the resurrection. This is Christianity in brief. manifest thyself to us, and not to the world--a most natural and proper question, founded on John 14:19 , though interpreters speak against it as Jewish. He assure them strongly of this saying ‘if it were not so, I would have told you’. 15-17.

. His Person should have been for them the key to that position, and would be so now: the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who should come, would be the power by which they should enjoy it, and indeed more yet. But all He has as man, and as Son in manhood, He introduces into, "My Father and your Father, my God and your God." He had gone through death and the drinking of the cup, put away sin for them, destroyed the power of the enemy in death, made propitiation by fully glorifying God. No matter how religious or spiritual someone is. Reflection : Think deeply about your own perception of Jesus Christ. More demanding than the cross. Jesus assures us that there is more than enough room in his Father’s house, that where his Father and all who belong to him live there are many dwelling places – many spaces. If ye love me, keep my commandments. Their place was with Him. 15:26, 27).

And perhaps, in the context of his immanent departure, this indication of continuing contact with him is important for the disciples to hear. It also introduces the topic which will be the focus of the following two chapters: The coming of the Comforter/Counsellor. He does not, therefore, raise their thoughts to the Father through Himself and in Himself, and He in the Father in heaven. If Satan was the prince of this world, Jesus did not seek to maintain His Messiah glory in it. (quoted in STIER). It is a claim only he can make.

That it is not that ‘life’ is something distinct from himself that he gives to us, but that when we receive him, we also, of necessity, receive ‘life’, for he is the life. What a brightness does this throw over the next clause, "ye shall live also!" John 14:1-31 . Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Some reply with ‘only God the Father’. The disciples were aware of Jesus' conflict with Jewish authorities and the danger that it presented. It is not here a question of the love of God in sovereign grace to a sinner, but of the Father's dealings with His children. On the other hand He would seek their good on high, and another blessing should be granted them; namely, the Holy Ghost Himself, who should never leave them, as Christ was about to do. Therefore it is in the path of obedience that the manifestations of the Father's love and the love of Christ are found. Moreover Jesus had so accomplished this for them, and He bestowed it on them in such a way, that He gave them the peace which He Himself had with the Father, and in which, consequently, He walked in this world. Christ is "THE WAY" to the Father--"no man cometh unto the Father but by Me"; He is "THE TRUTH" of all we find in the Father when we get to Him, "For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" ( Colossians 2:9 ), and He is all "THE LIFE" that shall ever flow to us and bless us from the Godhead thus approached and thus manifested in Him--"this is the true God and eternal life" ( 1 John 5:20 ). God may restore us by His love, and by testifying when we have wandered; but communion is in obedience. Nor would He simply send others for them; but as those He dearly valued, He would come for them Himself, and receive them unto Himself, that where He was, there should they be also. He had declared the name of the Father; and if they were unable to see the Father in Him, or to be convinced of it by His words, they ought to have known it by His works; for the Father who dwelt in Him-He it was who did the works. (He alludes to the temple as a figure.) . As Jesus thus enables us to continue his work of revealing the Father by our proclamation of Christ, the Father is glorified ‘in the Son’.