Don't confuse picking at corals with them picking at any algae at the base of a stony coral, which was a great service to the coral!

It can be found on coral reefs, often in pairs. I have a green moray eel that is just too big now, does anyone have a HUGE tank....400+ gallons? Depth - 0-90m

Want to share your pictures? They grow about 3" a year in their first 5 years, reaching over 14" by the time they are 5 years old. Although they swim in loose schools, pairs will break away and spawn along the fringes of these feeding schools especially during the new and full moon. Breeding: We are unable to provide any information about how to breed Naso lituratus (Orangespine unicornfish) in aquariums.

! Along with these add a strong yellow line running from the back of the mouth up to the eye and bold colored stripes on the top and sometimes bottom fin, and you have a true beauty. One example are Assessors, since they may feel too threatened by such a large fish and may wither away as it "hides to death."

This Naso Tang juvenile being added to a tank with a juvenile "Dori" or Hippo Tang is one way to allow to very large tangs to grow together so there will be less aggression.

or cleaner shrimp can help them by providing this cleaning service in the home aquarium. Breeding techniques of some of the more common saltwater aquarium fish. See Google Images, Also called Barcheek Unicornfish, Blonde Naso Tang, Clown Tang, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Lipstick Tang, Lipstick Unicornfish, Masked Unicornfish, Naso Surgeonfish, Naso Tang, Orange Unicorn Tang, Orangespine Surgeonfish, Orange-spined Unicornfish, Pacific Orangespine Unicorn, Pacific Orangespine Unicornfish, Poll Unicornfish, Poll-headed Unicornfish, Redlip Surgeonfish, Smoothhead Unicornfish, Smooth-headed Unicornfish, Striped Unicornfish, Striped-face Unicornfish, Stripeface Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorn Fish, True Blonde Naso. Orangespine unicornfish – Naso lituratus., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 May 2020, at 02:14.

Copyright © [Animal-World] 1998-2020. Alternative fish such as Neon Gobies (Gobiosoma sp.)

Then stick to one tang, the awesome Naso or Lipstick Tang! For more information on maintaining a saltwater aquarium see: Saltwater Aquarium Basics: Maintenance. Vegetable Food: All of Diet - Brown Algae is their favorite! As for treatment, some tangs are sensitive to copper. First, the minimum tank size is 180 gallons (681 liters), and due to the fact that they will reach over 14" by the time they are 5.25 years old (about 3" per year), starting them in that size tank would be best. Orangish lips and a pair of spines surrounded by a bright orange area on either side of the caudal peduncle are some of the distinct features that make this fish stand out.

Supplementing their diet with the addition of vitamin C to their food or adding a vitamin supplement directly to their water can help to avoid or aid in reducing these ailments. They have been the subject of myths, novels, movies... Observations and insights of a marine enthusiast. Now that that is all figured out, purchase them all as little babies that are 4,” quarantine them and add them to a tank that is over 300 gallons at the same time. Juveniles are found in shallow rocky reefs. Upload image Make a list of tangs you like, figure out what foods they prefer and choose tangs that have different habits since that will help everyone feel less threatened. Caution needs to be exercised when handling surgeonfish as a cut from its scalpel can cause discoloration and swelling of the skin with a high risk of infection. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. But they do not produce as much skin mucus on their bodies as other fish and can be susceptible to diseases such as Marine Ich and Marine Velvet. Naso lituratus is a species of fish in the family Acanthuridae, the tangs and unicornfishes. The Naso Tang, also known as the Lipstick Tang or Orangespine Unicornfish, are regularly available at retailers. As they are primarily herbivores they generally ignore invertebrates, but lush natural algae growth will be greatly appreciated.

Having one or two fixed blades are what places the Naso genus in the subfamily Nasinae. It can be kept under normal lighting conditions in the aquarium, but can also be kept under very bright light as long as some dimly lit spaces are provided. When it comes to other fish they are generally peaceful and amicable, which also makes them an excellent addition to a community aquarium. While the tang is not biting the clam, the action causes the clam to close often, stressing the clam and eventually this stress will kill the clam. Male adults reach 17.7 inches (45 cm), however females are smaller. This species can be easily recognised by two bright orange forward-hooked spines on the caudal peduncle (the tail base), its orange lips and black face mask. If your Naso Tang is only 2" to 3" then a 75 gallon tank will be fine for about 6 months to a year, however Naso Tangs that small are not hardy and are a challenge to keep alive.

Indian Orangespine Unicornfish. The Naso Tang originates from the west and central Pacific and is very similar to its counterpart the 'Blonde' Naso Tang N. elegans which is found in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, but has a yellow dorsal fin. Provide it with lots of room to roam around in and some live rock with naturally growing algae and/ or blanched lettuce and brine shrimp to entice it to eat. This shouldn’t be a problem with a well fed tang. They are susceptible disorders which may cause color loss and LLD (lateral line disease) which is caused by activated carbon. It will also feed on copepods and amphipods that live in the algae. Juveniles found singly or in small schools mixed with other fish over shallow rocky reefs. An in-depth explanation of what it takes to be a successful marine aquarist.

Ref: The Orangespine Unicornfish is found in the Indo-Pacific region growing up to 45cm in length. Fortunately the Naso Tang is very tough and is are not as likely to develop Marine Ich as many of the other species.

I was a newbie back in 2005 and had no idea how fast tangs grew! Unless you have a huge (hundreds of gallons) system, it is best to house just one Naso tang to a tank. A pair will rise to the surface to release their gametes.

Although literature states that a rouge tang will nip at large-polyp stony corals, most aquarists to feed their tang properly will not run into this problem. A  Naso Tang is very active and constantly moving, it will spend a good deal of its time in the open water. All of the species in the Naso genus are continuous feeders and they need to be provided a proper diet. Pacific Orangespine Unicornfish. They can be found as deep as 295 feet (90 meters), but are most often found in depths of 16 to 98 feet (5 - 30 meters) feeding mostly on leafy brown algae like Sargassum and Dictyota (not to be confused Toyota). However, seeing this many of them schooling together was a nice surprise! Its common names include barcheek unicornfish, naso tang, and orange-spine unicornfish. They can be treated successfully with medical care or copper drugs, but because they have an important microfauna in their digestive system, prolonged or continuous use of a copper treatment is not advisable.

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These very large tangs will do much better in a tank that is over 250 gallons by the time they are 6" long.