558, lscott@deltasigmatheta.org, Program Initiatives: Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, EMBODI, General Information and Questions Program Planning and Development--Delta Emergency Response, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health and Distinguished Endowed Professor Chair Initiatives, Soror E. Missy Daniels, Programs Coordinator, ext.

380, lharris@deltasigmatheta.org, Housing and Properties Committee; Tours; Special Order Fulfillment Concerns, Soror Garlenda McNair, Properties and Facilities Director, ext. organization to establish a 501(c)(4) organization. 259, mterrell@deltasigmatheta.org, Soror Meka N. Simmons, Intellectual Property Director, ext. 382, gmcnair@deltasigmatheta.org, Richard McNeil, Facilities Manager, ext.755, rmcneil@deltasigmatheta.org, Soror Jacinta Mba, Senior Web Developer, ext. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913 at Howard University, and …

thousands of women marching for voting rights.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 1707 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 986-2400 Fax: (202) 986-2513

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. and opens their legacy to both members of Delta Sigma Theta and anyone who feels inspired by

In the Password Box, use all lower-case letters to enter the unabridged first name of … Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. WASHINGTON – In honor of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, Delta 397, tanthony@deltasigmatheta.org, Golden and Diamond Life Plaque Inquiries; Verification of Membership; Member/Chapter Information & Status; Chapter Establishment/Re-Establishment/Retirement; Leadership Academy Inquiries, Tammy Valentine, Member/Chapter Information Specialist, ext. Political Power (“D4Women in Action”). National Headquarters Staff to work remotely in response to COVID-19. ... Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc (Eta Nu Chapter, Miles College, SPR '07) Interest. 504, tsimmons@deltasigmatheta.org, Membership Intake Inquiries and Concerns; Ritual & Ceremonies Inquiries; Honorary Member Inquiries; Duplicate Certificate of Initiation Requests; Membership Intake Paperwork Concerns, Soror Linora Carr, Membership Intake Specialist, ext.

Department Directory.

Delta Sigma Theta is the first Black Greek letter

©2014-2019 East Point/College Park Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. P.O.

Please review the information related to National Headquarters operating status. P.O.

567, tvalentine@deltasigmatheta.org, Trouble-shooter for Membership Intake/Disciplinary Actions/Allegations and Appeal concerns; Fine Payments; Documents Review and Management Inquiries, Soror Shontel Rogers Hawkins, Membership Coordinator, ext. D4 Women in Action is not a PAC and cannot presence and build a pipeline to advance the status of Black women in politics.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (Sisters' Keepers) Local Business.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm E.S.T.

Problem displaying Facebook posts.Click to show errorfunction cffShowError() { document.getElementById("cff-error-reason").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("cff-show-error").style.display = "none"; }. President &CEO Beverly E. Smith.

Publication Orders for Items Such As: Chapter Management Handbooks, Doctrines, Video Tapes, Forms, etc.

384, emdaniels@deltasigmatheta.org, Chapter Demographic and Program Reporting Forms, Soror Carolyn McCrea, Programs and Communications Director, ext.

553, troan@deltasigmatheta.org, Meskerem Alemu, Manager, ext. 396, kbrown@deltasigmatheta.org, Member/Chapter/Individual Inquiries regarding Allegations, Disciplinary Action and Appeals; Code of Conduct Interpretation; Investigation Inquiries, Soror Taryn Anthony, Internal Policies & Procedures Specialist, ext.