An economic study of professional artists in Australia, Longitudinal study of early career artists, Living Culture: First Nations arts participation and wellbeing, The National Arts Participation Survey: Culture Segments Australia, Connecting Australians: Results of the National Arts Participation Survey, June 2017, International Arts Tourism: Connecting cultures, International Arts Activity - Australian Arts Sector, Australia Council submission to the Closing the Gap Refresh, Showcasing Creativity: Programming and presenting First Nations performing arts, Talking Points: A snapshot of Contemporary Visual Arts 2013-14, Reading the reader: A survey of Australian reading habits, ARC Linkage: Curating Third Space: The value of art-science collaboration, ARC Linkage: Making Music work: Sustainable Portfolio Careers for Australian Musician. Baroque Composers - Baroque Composers research papers discuss the many composers that made up Baroque music during Between 1600 and 1750. Cultivating Creativity: A study of the Sydney Opera House’s Creative Leadership in Learning Program in schools is the result of a research partnership between the Australia Council for the Arts and Sydney Opera House. A study of the Sydney Opera House’s Creative Leadership in Learning Program in schools, between the Australia Council for the Arts and.

For a Spanish-language version of the Guide, click here. Z�胆�R���h�4№ >���� �U0tQ�iyB�`�K���W�Hc���:F�H~�&� ^�.z���^O�M�? Blog. Arts Nation is the home for the Australia Council’s research and knowledge management. This resource is designed for UK teachers. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion )�����8� ��,>|��A{"T1���I�� �iS�^ϛ��W�f��mS�j^6����>�X�7�����༙����e�/�������[�^����B��rD)��`p8lZ�p. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion The results of the Survey of First Nations Music Artists provide much needed insights into the strengths, challenges and needs of the sector. Organisations can propose a single project, a suite of projects or annual programs of activity. Great if you have a few weeks access to the school's LRC/ Library/ ICT rooms! Whether you've got a passion for the classics or you're an indie rock addict, staying up to date with everything that’s going on in the music world can require real effort. Double check before you make any high-stakes bets.

Each group will have a group leader. As the cornerstone of our evidence base, the Creating Our Future: Results of the National Arts Participation Survey provides vital new evidence about the essential role that arts and creativity play in Australian communities, showing the arts are a public good infused and embedded in the fabric of our daily lives.

This interactive online resource provides information on arts and culture for each of Australia’s 151 federal electorates. hެWko;�+�B���CB��> �)���~XҥD�I�lu鿿gƛ�I_�����xa�Q(% : ��r0֖: How do Australians feel about public funding for the arts? Great if you have a few weeks access to the school's LRC/ Library/ ICT rooms!

)>��m3��� The research also demonstrates the value of arts and creative activities for anticipating times of challenge and change.

Application Management System: updates and notifications, Cultivating Creativity: A study of the Sydney Opera House’s Creative Leadership in Learning Program in schools, Making Art Work: An Economic Study of Professional Artists in Australia, Do you really expect to get paid? Simple worksheet getting pupils to research their favourite band or artist.

Creating Our Future: Results of the National Arts Participation Survey is the fourth study in the landmark research series that explores Australians’ engagement with and attitudes towards the arts. A worksheet I designed for KS3 pupils to take part in a music research project - they research their favourite artist/ band, produce a powerpoint presentation and script, then present to the class. %PDF-1.6 %���� For the first time the Council has produced a companion report which provides a summary and response to the artist survey.

The students will also evaluate their work, and use a variety of multi media tools to conduct and complete this project. Click here for the direct link to the Jazz overview *from here click on "Composers" then "Jazz Artists" to see if your artist is listed. The vast majority of Australian musicians undertake a portfolio career which encompasses a variety of concurrent and often impermanent roles. 8th Grade Music Artist Research Project (PowerPoint version) Instructions: Instead of filling out the research page, you may create a PowerPoint presentation that contains the same information. The results of the Survey of First Nations Music Artists provide much needed insights into the strengths, challenges and needs of the sector.