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Please review the TOS and Privacy Policy. it doesn't increase your max hp.

It's a potion that will help in any heroic endeavors. Potion of Heroism | Icewind Dale Wiki | Fandom The description of the Potion of Heroism is not exactly accurate: In addition to warriors, monks can also use it, while the wizard slayer cannot. Requirements Potion of Heroism also provides card draw when paired with Lynessa Sunsorrow.

Dragonspear Castle Exterior: in the possession, This icon indicates content in the original. Potions of Heroism are potions throughout the Baldur's Gate series that magically improve the consumer's chance of landing a hit during combat while simultaneously raising their health, both for a duration of two hours. Potion of Heroism is a 2 Mana Cost Common Paladin Spell card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!

Weight Give a minion Divine Shield. Notes: Bonus: Temporary Hit Points, Healing, Buff, Consumable, Item Tags: 800: Crafted, using Recipe: Elixir of Heroism.

The Black Pits(2012)Content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign The Black Pits‎Baldur's Gate(1998)Content from the original Baldur's Gate main campaignTales of the Sword Coast(1999)Content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign Tales of the Sword CoastBaldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition(2012)Content from the Enhanced Edition campaign Baldur's GateSiege of Dragonspear(2016)Content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign Siege of DragonspearShadows of Amn(2000)Content from the original Baldur's Gate II campaign Shadows of AmnBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn(2013)Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Shadows of AmnThrone of Bhaal(2001)Content from the original Baldur's Gate II campaign Throne of BhaalBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Throne of Bhaal(2013)Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Throne of BhaalThe Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay(2013)Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay Card Text. Sorcerous Sundries: found upstairs in the left one of the drawers under the counter; Dragonspear Castle Exterior: found in a locked, Dragonspear Castle Basement: in the possession, Waukeen's Promenade: sold by the Storekeep near the northwestern, Middle tier: found upstairs in the safe house east of the Temple of Oghma (only accessible during the, One or two might be received as a gift from, Would be used by even more creatures than mentioned above – if they carried a Potion of Heroism – that have the following, In the possession of a certain instance of. This potion is imbued with a powerful enchantment that will simulate a temporary increase in, Ducal Palace, top floor: found in a locked, Second labyrinth level: found on a sparring dummy, the right one out of three, Third labyrinth level: found beneath the trapped.

EFFECT. Not Usable by Hit Points: +10%THAC0: Set to 90% of current base 1 lbs. Also known as "Liquid Courage." Combat Potion of Heroism is a 2 Mana Cost Common Paladin Spell card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!


Requirements Loot Type: Potion +5 Strength for 4 encounters This wooden flagon contains a foamy brew. Potions of Heroism are potent consumables for warriors. Weight Come discuss Potion of Heroism over in our dedicated Potion of Heroism discussion topic. Game The effects of the potion last for one hour after drinking it, I believe, though there seems to be a confusing redundancy to the wording. I think it’s great in arena, and drawing a card becomes much better as the game goes on. This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling. If you were below 50 hp when the hour ended you'd loose no additional hp.

Comments (41) In Decks; Same Artist (27) Links (0) Comments.

To be honest if i gave my party this potion i think I'd add that back in but knock the HP down to 5 like the spell version, seems a bit of a damp squib otherwise. Potions Good for Lynessa

Heroism, Greater. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). Quaffing a non-cursed potion of heroism has several (mostly beneficial) effects: Increases your maximum health by 0-4 points and sets your health to the maximum (like a blessed potion of recovery).

0 Bard, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Shaman, Thief, Wizard Slayer They also help us understand how our site is being used. Now you can draw cards when you play Lynessa Sunsorrow (Besides spending 8 mana on Lay On Hands), I don’t think it copies the “draw a card” part. This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling. Flavor Text. Potions of Heroism are potent consumables for warriors. Potion of Heroism. Item You are surrounded by a strong shimmering aura. The Potion of Heroism is referenced more often in the game files of the whole Baldur's Gate series than it's actually obtainable.

Enchanted Sees no play? Item value For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 Temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. ❌ They are sold by many merchants, can occasionally be found in e.g.

Regarding Dispel Magic, they are calculated as having a power of 4. I thought the flavor text was a reference to Harry Potter’s Feilx Felicis, but that is known as Liquid Luck, apparently “Liqud Courage” is a nickname for alcohol, Nice job, Blizzard, you are SO family friendly. Draw a card. The effect lasts for 2 hours, which makes this potion a powerfully ally in a deadly combat. IWD and IWD:EE This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Minor Potion of Heroism can be obtained from Darkmagic's Bag of Mysterious Leftovers. How much would this item cost if it were sold by a rare potions dealer? Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Potions of Heroism are potions throughout the Baldur's Gate series that magically improve the consumer's chance of landing a hit during combat while simultaneously raising their health, both for a duration of two hours. Is it though, i mean take the argent protector that gives you a 2/2 which is better than drawing a card, sees no play, in arena this card is ok, the issue is with argent protector at least you could drop a body.

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