In Mexico’s Oil : A Compilation of Official Documents in the Conflict of Economic Order in the Petroleum Industry, with an Introduction Summarizing Its Causes and Consequences. Flanked by his lawyers, Emilio Lozoya, former head of Mexico’s state-owned oil company Pemex, attends a news conference in Mexico City. In a 60-page declaration to prosecutors leaked to the Mexican media this week, the 45-year-old leveled bombshell corruption charges against more than a dozen former and current politicians, including three ex-presidents, five former senators and a pair of 2018 presidential runners-up. [55] President EPN said Santiago's restitution fate was on the Mexican Senate. Asphalt and pitch had been worked in Mexico since the time of the Aztecs. [50] In October 2017, it was confirmed by the presidency that in fact EPN himself,

Denmark’s prime minister says the government wants to cull all 15 million minks in Danish farms to reduce the risk they’ll pass the coronavirus to humans. de petrolíferos (Incluye GLP)(Mbd) 547, 3% de reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero con respecto a 2010, Canalizamos mil 649.2 millones de pesos a proyectos de inversión social, Desplegamos m51,495 acciones de promoción de la salud a través de la operación de la Unidad Médica Móvil, Para conocer más:Informe de Sustentabilidad 2016. Election 2020: The shifting momentum and slow drip of results on election night and into Wednesday united a divided nation in shared fatigue from emotional whiplash.

[45] It also included forcing union members to resign from the Union from their hospital beds, as happened to three cancer patients in 2009. He has been a community news reporter on the Westside and in South Los Angeles, a … Prosecutors have not verified the undated clip. PEMEX GAS Station, Bakersfield, California. [13], In January 2014, Pemex signed a cooperation agreement with the Russian oil company Lukoil focusing on oil production and field exploration as well as exchange of knowledge in the aforementioned areas, including actions for ecological preservation and environmental protection.

[39][40], In 2009, the U.S. Justice Department reported that some U.S. refineries had bought millions of dollars' worth of oil stolen from Mexican government pipelines.

A native of the Bronx, McDonnell is a graduate of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism and was a Nieman fellow at Harvard. Tanto en las Américas como a nivel mundial, más del 90 por ciento de las rebajas de calificación de petróleo y gas durante el período fueron para emisores de grado especulativo. PEMEX garantiza producción y abasto de combustible durante la contingencia del COVID-19, Servicios médicos de PEMEX aplica protocolo de sanidad contra COVID-19, Petróleos Mexicanos presenta los estados financieros consolidados dictaminados correspondientes al ejercicio terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2019, * Dólares por barril.