Taken together, 43% of adults say they have experienced at least one or both of these. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. But parents face their own challenges of device-related distraction. But the analysis finds comparatively little evidence that religious affiliation, by itself, is associated with a greater likelihood of personal happiness or civic involvement. 2010. But the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that 21 million1 Americans still lack broadband access. For instance, one study found that religion indirectly boosts self-reported health because highly religious people had more social capital.11 Congregation-based relationships may help parishioners cope with stress and reinforce positive health behaviors.12, Similarly, research that examines the association between religion and mortality points to religious service participation as the key aspect of religion that promotes longevity.

In this pooled analysis, the actively religious are not more likely to report very good health, nor do they have better outcomes with regard to obesity and exercise. See Rothman, K.J. That said, other demographic factors also have close links to well-being. In 11 of the 30 datasets, when comparing the actively religious against a combined population of inactive and unaffiliated Americans, actively religious Americans are more likely to report top levels of health than all other Americans.23, When dividing the population into three groups of religious engagement instead of just two, a more nuanced picture emerges: The actively religious are more likely than the inactive to report top health in 11 of the 30 datasets and more likely than the unaffiliated to do so in just three of the 30 datasets.24 While it may seem insignificant that the active are more likely to report top health than “nones” in just 10% of datasets, it is striking that the unaffiliated never topped the actively religious, despite apparent demographic advantages. Conversely, moderate and conservative Democrats are more than twice as likely as liberal Democrats to trust Fox News (32% vs. 12%). This report includes data on every nation with a Muslim population of more than 10 million except Algeria, China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. But this relationship is eliminated after controlling for demographic factors.

These patterns remain intact after adjusting for demographic characteristics such as age, gender and education. Detailed Report. There is some overlap in news sources, but determining the full extent of that overlap can be difficult to gauge. Notably, the effect of religious affiliation on smoking behavior is strongest among women. About seven-in-ten (71%) say they would not be able to do this.

While this is the case for a majority of white adults, those ages 65 and older and college graduates, it’s not the norm for most other groups. In other words, there is no dataset in which the actively religious are significantly less likely to report top health than the inactively religious, the unaffiliated or both of the latter groups combined.

And even phone owners struggle with connectivity, costs and security issues. An additional reason this study relies heavily on data from Christian-majority countries is that regular attendance at religious services – a key measure in this study – is a more central practice in some world religions (such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism) than in others (such as Hinduism or Buddhism, in which there is less emphasis on communal worship). Among those without emergency funds, white adults, upper-income adults and those with a bachelor’s degree or more education are among the most likely to say they’d be able to cover their expenses by borrowing money, relying on savings or liquidating assets. Roughly three-in-ten adults (28%) say they or someone in their household has been laid off or lost their job because of the coronavirus outbreak. Unlike in the House elections, there is less evidence that incumbency has any effect on split-ticket voting in these higher-profile Senate races. The big difference is that while no other source comes close to rivaling Fox News’ appeal to Republicans, a number of sources other than CNN are also highly trusted and frequently used by Democrats. This dovetails with previous studies in the United States.6, In the U.S., 58% of actively religious adults say they are also active in at least one other (nonreligious) kind of voluntary organization, including charity groups, sports clubs or labor unions. Religious Service Attendance and Major Depression: A Case of Reverse Causality? Pew Research Center analysts also compared the number of countries in which being actively religious is tied to well-being advantages, both before and after introducing demographic controls (see Appendix C for regression results for each country). For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses oppose blood transfusions, and some religious groups, including certain Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities, discourage immunizations, as Koenig and his colleagues point out. For Democrats, the numbers are almost reversed. 2008. Numerous studies have shown that a person’s social involvement affects their mental and physical health. The U.S. results are muddy, with some datasets surfacing statistically significant relationships and others showing no connection between religion and self-rated health. 2006. In most of the remaining 25 countries, there are no statistically significant differences between the actively religious and the unaffiliated. After taking into account the compositional characteristics of each group, however, no countries remain in which the actively religious are less likely to be very healthy, and a third country in which religious participation is associated with better health emerges (Mexico). Smartphone users in emerging economies – especially those who use social media – tend to be more exposed to people with different backgrounds and more connected with friends they don’t see in person. PEW RESEARCH CENTER www.pewresearch.org About This Report State of the News Media 2014 report is the eleventh edition of the annual report by the Pew Research Center examining the landscape of American journalism. Democrats report much higher levels of trust in a number of news sources than Republicans, Election News Pathways November 2019 Survey Dataset, U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided, The impact of political ideology on Americans’ trust in news outlets, 1. And, just as some religions seem to contribute to positive health outcomes because they discourage alcohol and tobacco consumption, other religions may lead to poor physical health outcomes due to certain behavioral proscriptions.

Based on polling in 2019, a majority of Americans (61%) support same-sex … [7], The Pew Research Center is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder. There are also differences across racial and ethnic groups, with black adults particularly likely to say they cannot pay some bills or can only make partial payment on some of them in a typical month: 46% of black adults say this, compared with 28% of Hispanic adults and an even smaller share of white adults (20%). The datasets are the 2011 World Values Survey and the GSS waves from 1973, 1982, 1984, 1989, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2006 and 2010. The Rise and Fall of Fuzzy Fidelity in Europe, The Surprisingly Predictable Decline of Religion in the United States, Appendix B: Detailed tables showing overall figures by country and measure, Appendix C: Regression model results by country, Religion’s Relationship to Happiness, Civic Engagement and Health Around the World, Actively religious people have some healthier behaviors, but not better self-rated health, Infrequent attenders and ‘nones’ differ modestly on some measures. (Details about the two studies can be found in the methodology.). Across racial and ethnic groups, income tiers, and educational backgrounds, the share of adults saying their household has experienced job or wage loss due to the coronavirus outbreak has gone up in recent weeks. For instance, people who have depressive episodes are relatively likely to scale back their religious participation, which could mistakenly suggest a positive association between religion and mental health46. See, for example, Thoits, Peggy A.