After his 17 years at Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin left a rich man, receiving about $46 million in stock and $12.6 million as severance. If the U.S. had a sensible system of paying for higher education, he wouldn’t have to spend $40 million helping a few hundred needy students, and he’d be able to devote that sum to some other endeavor.

This year, he skipped Art Basel in Switzerland for the first time in about two decades. Mr. Mnuchin staged a 2004 exhibition of his work that Linda Yablonsky, a journalist and art critic who is writing a biography of Mr. Koons, said helped along his comeback. Her wealth — prominently displayed in the Instagram post of her wearing an outfit worth up to $4,600 with hashtags “#hermesscarf” and “#valentinorockstudheels” — stems back to her family in Scotland, where she grew up in a castle. Currently listed at $29.5 million, the home makes up a small portion of the treasury secretary’s fortune, which totals an estimated $400 million. Listen to your dad, Steve!

“Mnuchin doesn’t care about ordinary people,” Gudiel told the rain-soaked crowd six years later. Eventually, he placed the winning bid: $80 million, which with fees amounted to $91.1 million. On receiving the post, Mnuchin said, “It’s a great privilege to be working with Mr. Trump to create a world-class finance organization to support the campaign in the General Election.” Mnuchin donated a substantial amount to the Republican Party and the Trump campaign.

“It was very competitive and I was successful at building relationships with serious institutional people, that I could work for them and myself at the same time. Then and now, however, public universities such as the University of California were being starved of resources. Hedge fund promoter Stephen A. Schwarzman announced a $100-million donation to the New York Public Library in 2008, in return for which he got the system’s landmark main building on 42nd Street rechristened in his name. “Without the . Community groups also charged that the bank was failing in its obligations to communities of color — both by locating its branches overwhelmingly in white neighborhoods, and by putting forward a woefully inadequate plan to increase lending in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Though Trump sued Dune Capital then, he has now selected Mnuchin to be his Secretary of the Treasury. But it’s equally possible that over the course of a preternaturally fortunate career, built through no discernible virtue of his own, Steven Terner Mnuchin has grown an extraordinarily thin skin. There was nothing flashy about Robert Mnuchin, who was on a black Casio Ravine flip phone as the numbers sailed ever higher.

The move came hours after Mnuchin’s Treasury Department released a report recommending the action. The famously pugnacious music manager and live entertainment tycoon will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Saturday. Like you, we here at Raw Story believe in the power of progressive journalism. Over the last two decades, he has made more than 50 contributions to politicians. Trump has made Mnuchin the national finance chairman for his campaign. … then let us make a small request.

‘He’s our Satan’: Mega music manager Irving Azoff, still feared, still fighting. Though the Republicans are expected to back Trump’s choice, the Democrats might fight it. A career banker without an advanced degree or any previous government experience, Otting has made no bones about where his sympathies lie. While still at Yale, Mnuchin joined the Salomon Brothers investment bank as a trainee in the early 1980s. Make a one-time contribution to Raw Story Investigates, or click here to become a subscriber. Introduced as a man who is “a financier in his DNA” — a reference to his Goldman Sachs pedigree — Mnuchin looked taken aback when his arrival on stage drew hisses from the audience. Who is Joseph Otting? Salary and Net worth. NEW!

In the nearby Hamptons, there’s a $13 million spread, technically owned by an entity named Beach View LLC.